Appendix 102-926-698 КашаповаЛюбовьГеоргиевна

№ 1

Traveling by plane

  1. Air travel is quicker than other means of transport.
  2. The trip to the airport took almost as long as the flight.
  3. People enjoy traveling by air because of the meal and the entertainment on board.
  4. There are usually long queues at the check in.
  5. Flying often involves delays and cancellation (отменa).
  6. The time goes by more quickly when traveling by plane.
  7. Turbulence can also spoil the flight.
  8. Your luggage can be lost.
  9. There are occasionally terrorist threats which would spoil the journey.
  10. It’s the most expensive way of traveling.

Traveling by train

  1. The seats were made into beds on night journeys.
  2. Your fellow-passengers can be annoying.
  3. Railway stations are usual in the centre of the city.
  4. Sometimes it is stuffy in the compartment.
  5. The tickets are less expensive.
  6. There is buffet car selling drinks and snacks.
  7. Toilets are usually dirty.
  8. You can look out the window and enjoy picturesque landscapes around you.
  9. It isn’t convenient to have meals on the upper berth.
  10. The porter can help you with your luggage.

Traveling by car

  1. You can stop wherever you want.
  2. You don’t have to buy any tickets.
  3. Petrolisvery expensive.
  4. You shouldn’t follow any timetable (you don’t depend on any schedule).
  5. Sometimes it’s difficult to find a service (or a filling) station in an unknown place.
  6. Roads (highways) are not in good condition.

Traveling by ship

  1. You are afraid of tossing.
  2. There is a lot of entertainment on board a large cruise liner.
  3. The ship stops in different ports and you can go on the shore for excursions.
  4. You can suffer from seasickness.
  5. Your voyage depends on the weather.

№ 2

Trip 1 / Trip 2
Place -- Egypt / Place -- India
Season -- winter, 2 weeks / Season – spring, 10 days
You should take … because … / You should take … because …


I’m going to visit the USA for 3 weeks in winter.

I should take some light things of clothes because I’ll mostly stay with the family of my pen-friend in the south of Texas.

Trip 1 / Trip 1
Place -- Norway / Place – Great Britain
Season — winter, 1 week
(Christmas holiday included) / Season – summer, 4 weeks
You should take … because … / You should take … because …

№ 3

CARD №1 Act out the following situation.

You are traveling alone. Check in at the hotel and ask a hotel receptionist about conveniences in this hotel.

Use words and phrases:

A vacant room, a single room, a double room, 210 pounds for 3 nights, the service is included, to use hotel facilities free, a room with a view, a room overlooking the lake, pay, sign the register, key.

CARD №2 Act out the following situation.

You are at the airport. You are flying to Rome. Your suitcase is very heavy. Besides, you can’t find your boarding gate. What will you do?

Use words and phrases: Suitcase, heavy, to carry, boarding gate, the flight to Rome, customs.

CARD №3 Act out the following situation.

Your friend is afraid of traveling by air. Persuade (убедите) him to change his opinion. Tell him about advantages of traveling by plane.

Use words and phrases:

To miss the train, to take the plane, comfortable, convenient, none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train.

№ 4 What is travelling for?

What is travelling for me?
It is the shining sun, the sea;
The golden sand which look like beads;
The blue-eyed sky and tender breeze.
What do I see when close my eyes?
A milk-white ship with two red strips;
The limpid clouds at the dawn
And sun, that rises all alone…
And when the twilight falls from height.
The night appears from heaven’s gate.
I see the moon in magic light.
And stars, that sparkles at the night.
That’s what I’m looking for in dreams.
And they are my inspiring beams!
I want to see it, to behold
And travel all over the world!


Choose the alternative that best describes your likes or dislikes, or the way you feel.

1.a) I sometimes like to go things that are a little frightening.
b) Sensible people avoid dangerous activities.
c) I love being terrified!

2.a) I enter cold water gradually, giving myself time to get used to it.
b) It’s fun to dive of jump right into the ocean or a cold pool.
c) I won’t go in the water unless it’s very warm.

3.a) When I go on holiday, I want a decent room and a bed at least.
b) I like going camping and doing without the conveniences of everyday life.
c) I expect a bit of luxury on holiday.

4.a) I think it would be really exciting to do a parachute jump.
b) Jumping out of a plane, with or without a parachute, is crazy.
c) I’d consider doing a parachute jump if I had proper training.

5.a) People who ride motorbikes must have some kind of unconscious desire to hurt themselves.
b) Riding a motorbike at high speed is one of the most exciting things you can do.
c) Motorbikes are just another means of transport.


Add up your total and see if the person described below sounds like you:

1 / a) 1 / b) 0 / c) 2
2 / a) 1 / b) 2 / c) 0
3 / a) 1 / b) 2 / c) 0
4 / a) 2 / b) 0 / c) 1
5 / a) 0 / b) 2 / c) 1

1-3 Very low on thrill-seeking. You like your comfort above all else. You’ll do everything possible to avoid dangerous or unpredictable situations. Why not try taking a risk now and then? You might surprise yourself!

4-7 You seem to have found a very good balance between healthy excitement and unnecessary risk. You give yourself challenges which make you an interesting person to know.

8-10 The ultimate thrill-seeker. You’re a bit of a wild one! Watch out thought that you don’t start taking stupid or dangerous risks just for the buzz. Remember it can be addictive!