The Ambiguous Symbolism of Wannsee for the Nazis and for Israel
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
The luxurious mansion known as Wannse Villa, was the site of the briefing, sixty five years ago, which had the purpose to coordinate German ministries to implement the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question.” Wannsse Villaserved many very different uses. First it belonged to then richest man in Berlin, Dr. Alekxander Helphand, also known as “Parvus,” a leftist Jewish tycoon, who made money as an arms dealer during WWI and handled German subsidies for the Bolshevik Revolution. “Parvus” was one of the lovers of Polish born German communist leader, Rosa Luxemburg (Rozalia Luksenburg, a Jewess who was staunchly opposed to the independence of Poland).
Helphand was the author of the basic plan for Berlin’s strategy, for elimination of the Eastern Front, by crucial German support of the revolution in Russia. Helphand proposed to recruit Vladimir Lenin, a refugee in Switzerland, and obtained virtually unlimited German money, to convert a clique of conspirators, into Russian revolutionary power.
Helphand’s plan was first dated on March 9, 1915 and later the date was changed to March 9, 1917, as it is registered in the Journal of the German Foreign Ministry as document A86-WK-11c, secret volume 5.
It is estimated that the German treasury spent equivalent of ten tons of gold, to finance the demoralization and collapse of the eastern front, and make Russia a vassal state of a great German colonial empire. In fact Lenin, whose mother was Jewish, and who surrounded himself, with Jewish revolutionaries, delivered the terms of Russian surrender in the treaty of Brest Litovsk, signed on March 3, 1918. Lenin was considered a traitor by Russian socialists and for this reason he had to use mainly Jewish cadres.
Earlier on July 18. 1917 Lenin was accused by the Russian Ministry of Justice under Prime Minster A. F. Kerensky (1881-1970) and was declared guilty of high treason. Evidence was produced in court, that Bolsheviks received huge amounts of money from the German Government. Helphand was exposed as a German agent, in a treasonable cooperation between Bolsheviks and the German Government. The total expenditure of the German treasury, as mentioned above, isestimated at equivalent to ten tons of gold. Lenin, while crossing German territory, had with him on board of his train six million dollars, thanks to German banker Max Warburg.
Leon Trotsky with an American passport and large amount of money in his hand, departed New York on board of the ship SS. Kristianiafiord, on March 27, 1917 together with 275 Jewish revolutionaries. They were detained in Halifax, Nova Scottia, by the Canadians, who logically thought, that Trotsky may help to stage a revolution in Russia, which would allow a diversion of large number of German soldiers to the Western Front and cause more Canadian soldiers to be killed there.
However, after five days of detention, Trotsky and company were released upon intervention of Sir William Wiseman, partner of Kuhn and Loeb financial firm, and they continued their voyage to St. Petersburg, where they met Lenin in April 1917 in the Russian capital, then in a state of complete anarchy.
The Bolsheviks were not a strong political force when Tsar Nicolas II abdicated on the 15th of March, 1917. Despite this fact, a year later, Lenin was in position, to issue personally, the criminal order to execute the entire family of the tsar in Yekatyrenburgu by a Jewish death squad.
According to a well documented book by Gary Allen entitled “None Dare Call it Conspiracy” Lenin and Trotsky were able to use the money, they brought with them from the U.S. and from Germany, to bribe corrupt Russian officials and hire criminal gangs to grab control of the Russian state, in the middle of an unprecedented anarchy. Lenin and Trotsky proclaimed that “all powers were in the hands of the soviets.” In reality over 95% of the population was against the Bolshevik coup, and had to be coerced by brutal and deadly terror.
It took years for the Soviet power to be consolidated in all of Russia. When about a quarter of a million prisoners, serving time since revolution of 1905, were set free, they contributed to the creation of anarchy in Russia and fall of the Kerenski government, a government which was in process of trying Lenin and Trotsky for high treason. One should remember that Lenin and Trotsky did not arrive in Russia because the masses wanted them there. They did arrive to autocratic Russia because of politics of Berlin and of Washington.
It should be noticed that the brother of Max Warburg, who resided in Germany, Paul Warburg, was the main architect of the Federal Reserve System in U.S., an institution which played key role in financing American war effort during World War One, while Paul Warburg was its director. Federal Reserve serves as the central bank in control of the monetary policy of U.S. and it has been from the beginning controlled by Jews, and operated legally, free of any veto by the president of the United States.
Allen writes that the Federal Reserve System is a tool used by Jewish conspiracy, thanks to which, international bankers are able to increase, without any limits, state debts and derive from these debts colossal profits, using compounded interest and there by have control over governments unable to pay their debts. During the Wilson administration U.S. debt increased by 800% and it is increasing fast during Bush’s “war on terror,” especially because now the government of the United States, free of the gold standard, has monopoly to legally print dollar notes in any amount necessary to prevent bankruptcy and maintain dollars the reserve currency in central banks and in trade on the world market of such commodities as crude oil, for example. The dollar printing monopoly makes dollars the safest currency in the world despite the huge deficits in foreign trade, for which deficit U.S. pays mainly with treasury bonds with guaranteed face value.
Two month before the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the conspiring bankers created the instrument for payment of the astronomical state debts, in form of the federal income tax proportional to personal income, just as Karl Marks had demanded earlier, in his Communist Manifesto.
The bankers had reserved for themselves tax exemptions to minimize their tax burden and freely invest in revolutionary movements and war strategies, which serve the purpose of centralization of power in the name of homeland security etc. which today favors Jewish neoconservatives and gives them a chance to control the government by means of military-industrial-Zionist complex and to collect their profits and compound interests.
Allen believes that during World War One, Bernard Baruch had full control over the US economy, as the head of the “War Industries Board.” This board had been planned twenty years earlier by banker-conspirators. Baruch then obtained for himself over $200 million, in today’s dollars worth billions.
Paul Warburg had to resign from the Federal Reserve System, when it became known in America that his brother Max Warburg, was in charge of German state finances. The third of Warburg brothers, Felix, was a son-in-law of Jacob Schiff, who was the main partner of the New York firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. in which firm the three Warburg brothers were also partners. Max Warburg was also in charge of Rothschild bank in Frankfurt, Germany.
Jacob Schiff successfully financed Leon Trotsky, with some $20 million and according to the book by a Russian general Arsene de Goulevich, “Tsardom and the Revolution,” received from Lenin’s government $100 million in gold during 1918-1922, paid directly to the firm Kuhn, Loeb & Co. in New York.
Bolshevik Revolution was financed also by Max Warburg and Olaf Aschberg using money from “Nye Banken” in Stockholm, Sweden. Schiff spent millions for the overthrow of the tsarist government first then of the Kerensky government and at the same time he spent ten million dollars for help for Jewish population in Russia.
Gary Allen believes that the same bankers dominated the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and prepared the next world war by financing Hitler’s regime, as a “reaction” to Bolshevism and as a trigger mechanism for the Second World War. It is known that at Versailles, in 1918, the French marshal Ferdinand Foche pointed to the free city of Gdańsk and correctly predicted that Gdańsk would be the pretext to start the WWII.
The career of Aleksander Helphand, the famous owner of the Wannsee palacial residence in Berlin, is described in the book by Z. A. B. Zeman and W. B. Scharlau: “The Merchant of Revolution – The Life of Alexander Israel Helphand (Parvus),” London, Oxford University Press, 1965.
Israel Elephand was born in Berezino, 90 miles east of Wilno, in Minsk province, where poor, mostly illiterate Jews accounted for about half of the population. His first language was Yiddish, which he learned to read and write with Hebrew characters. As a child he spoke very little Polish or Russian. He lived in self-contained Jewish community, for which trade and sex outside marriage, were the only links with the gentiles.
Elephand-Helphand learned Russian and discarded rigid ritual, after his parents moved south to Odessa in 1870. By 1882 he started developing revolutionary believes and read Russian translation of Marks’s “Das Kapital.” He traveled first time outside Russia at the age of nineteen in 1886. Helphand accepted Marks’s revolutionary doctrine and studied history and political economy at the University of Basel, Switzerland in 1888-1891.
His major subject was “Contemporary Economic and Political Problems of Capitalism and Socialism.” He has graduated as doctor of philosophy on July 8, 1891. At that time he considered Germany as the key to Western Europe. For years he lived in poverty and started using pen-name “Parvus” (“barefoot” in the Bavarian dialect).
Helphand was deported from Berlin and in 1893 and a year later worked in Leipzig for “Volkeszeitung.” He soon became editor of the “Arbeiterzeitung.” By 1900 Hephand’s works had such titles as: “Proletariat to use social revolution to destroy capitalism,” “Revolution as the main aim,” and “Only power mattered – everything was permissible.”
In 1903 Helphand tutored Leon Trotsky on strategy of mass strikes and Marks’s original “revolution in permanence,” which later became Trotsky’s “permanent war for communism.” A century later, with the decline of communism, Jewish followers of Trotsky in New York, converted to radical Zionism and created the ideology of neo-conservatism, this time based on a “permanent war for democracy,” for building of a global empire and for benefit of the future hegemony of the state of Israel “from Niles in Egypt to Eufrates in Iraq.”
In 1906, using false papers as Karl Wawerk he traveled in Russia, was caught by the tsarist police and was sent to Siberia without trial, by an administrative decision. Helphand-Wawerk manged to escape. Upon return to Germany Helphand wrote on “Unity of world market and need for free trade as good for revolution.”
In November 1906 he returned to Germany and received mail as “Peter Klein” and became lover of Rosa Luxemburg, Polish-Jewish communist active in Germany. Born to a Jewish family in Zamość in Congress Poland as Rosalia Luksenburg, on March 5, 1870, she had a growth defect and was physically handicapped all her life, which ended tragically, when on January 15, 1919, she was knocked out with a riffle butt and afterwards shot in the head by a member of German nationalist militia known as Freikorps. Her body was thrown into a nearby river. During the years of her political activities she called for a “dictatorship of the proletariat” and always strongly opposed the independence of Poland.
Luxemburg was on January 1, 1919 one of the creators of the Communist Party of Germany (KDP), which took part in German national assembly. KDP participated in the founding of the WeimarRepublic, politically dominated by Jews, who established military and industrial cooperation with the Soviet Union. After the death of the president Hindenburg, the German Army changed the course of history, and nominated Adolph Hitler as the Chancellor of Germany in 1933.
Twenty three years earlier in 1910 Dr. Alexander Helphand arrived in Turkey and became a successful arms merchant, trader and a political consultant to the Turkish government. After June 28, 1914 the killings in Sarayevo became known in Turkey, he also learned about the ultimatum issued by Berlin to Russia “to demobilize in twelve hours or be in the state of war with Germany,” Helphand preached that “German victory is best for the Turks.” He became propagandist of German victory and wrote the plan registered on March 9, 1915, for subversion of Russia, as mentioned above.
Helphand became leading advisor of the German government and obtained formal withdrawal of the deportation order of 1893, as well as, a permit to travel freely in Germany. As stated above, Helphand obtained unlimited German money to convert a clique of conspirators into Russian revolutionary power. He very strongly opposed independence of Poland, as did all Jewish international organizations including conservatives, Zionists and leftists. Alexander Helphand died of heart attack on December 12, 1924 as the richest man in Berlin in his palatial residence located in Wannsee. In the same building in January, 1942 was held the ill-famous event called “Wannsee Conference,” which in reality was a briefing forNazi bureaucracy how to proceed with the new program for“the final solution of the Jewish question,”now conceived to replace the recent Nazi program of evacuation of European Jews to the island of Madagascar.
The fortune of Aleksander Helphand, the owner of the Wannsee palace, was made by taking advantage of the fact, that the German government financed the Bolshevik revolution in order to liquidate the eastern front, so that masses of German soldiers could be sent from the east to fight on the western front. The situation of Berlin government deteriorated after the Zionists helped to bring the United States into the war against Germany.
The logic of the risky German strategy is understandable because of the dire situation of Germany, which found itself in a two front war. However, it is harder to understand why the richest and the strongest bankers in the world, mainly Jews, or people closely related to them, financed the Bolshevik revolution, which was promising the confiscation of their wealth.
Among these bankers were such names as Rothschild, Rockefeller, Schiff, Warburg, Morgan, Harriman and Milner. Now it is clear that they were not afraid of the Bolshevik revolution, because they controlled it. This clique helped the Soviets financially, and what is more important by the transfer of western technology. Anthony Sutton described this process in the three volumes of the book on the “Western Technology and the Economic Development of the Soviets,” StanfordUniversity, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace.
Jewish intervention for helping to bring the U.S. into the war was rewarded by the British government with the proclamation of “Jewish Homeland” in Palestine in a memorandum addressed to Sir Walter Rothschild, the chief Zionist in England. Known as Balfour Declaration it was signed by Arthur Balfour, British Foreign Minister and dated on November 2, 1917.
The Balfour Declaration was given to the Zionists for their help to bring the U.S. into a war that was strongly resisted by powerful political anti-war forces, which included the first wife of President Wilson. However his second wife was pro-Zionist and she was for the U.S. participation in the war, as it is was described by J. Comelius in “The Hidden History of the Balfour Declaration.” Actually the British were under Jewish pressure earlier, and already in 1903, they proposed “Jewish Homeland in Uganda.” Later, as the Uganda offer did not work, Balfour said to Zionist leader Chaim Wiesman in 1915: “When the shooting is over, you will get Jerusalem.”
When in August 1914, Germany attached Russia, according to the plans of general Schliffen, France was to be defeated quickly, and Russia was to be conquered over a few year period in order to became a colony of the German Empire. However the trench war from Switzerland all the way to the sea shores became stabilized, in a no win situation, already by the end of 1914. The British offensive of 60,000 soldiers in the middle of 1916 was unsuccessful and loses on both sides were about one million killed.
Despite the strength of the pacifist movement in the U.S. the relations with Germany worsened after the Germans attacked on May 7, 1915 the ship “Lusitania” and caused the drowning of some 1200 passengers. Then they attacked the ship “Arabic” on August 19, 1915 and followed with the attack on the ship “Sussex.” Meanwhile, secret new understanding between the British and the Zionists, started in October of 1916, and resulted in major changes in the governments in London and in Berlin.
In 1912 the Germans helped to build a Jewish technical institute in Haifa and in August 1914 the Zionists proposed creation by Germany of a Jewish state on Polish territory, with the capital in Lublin, as a German protectorate, on the future eastern postwar borders of Germany and Austria. The Zionist leader in Berlin, Frantz Oppenheimer assured the government in Berlin that he was German to “the last drop of blood.” (Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, “Jews in Poland: A Documentary History: The Rise of The Jews as a Nation from Congressus Judaicus in Poland to the Knesset in Israel,” New York 1993, Hippocrene Books Inc. page 297,)