Media Spokesperson Application Form
Your current role:What area do you represent?
Please tell us when your term of office started and when it ends:
Last Name: / First Name:
Date of birth: / Age:
Home Telephone No. / Daytime Contact No.
E-mail address:
Is your local authority a Youth Voice member of the British Youth Council? /
You can find a list of our members here:Have you completed a Youth Voice Registration Form? /
Has your parent/ guardian given you permission to be involved in media work? /Yes
Local Authority SupportDo you the permission of your Local Authority worker? /
Last Name: / First Name:Home Telephone No. / Daytime Contact No.
E-mail address:
On behalf of ______(Local Authority), I agree for ______(name of young person) to become a media spokesperson for the British Youth Council. This gives permission for the young person to talk to the media on national issues, without further consent being gained from the Local Authority. The British Youth Council will make reasonable attempts to inform the Local Authority if the young person is due to speak to the media, but this may not always be possible. The British Youth Council will be responsible for briefing the young person and supporting them through the process. As a result of any media appearances, the young person’s image, likeness or voice may be used by the British Youth Council (or an approved partner) for communications/ marketing purpose through any media.
Signed: ______Name: ______Date: ______
About you
Are you in employment, education or training? /Yes
If yes, please detail the days/ hours you are unavailable as a result of the above.What issues are you most interested in?
British Youth Council priority campaigns
Statutory sex education and citizenship
Votes at 16
Sexual harassment in schools
Safe and affordable public transport
Exiting the European Union
UK Youth Parliament priority campaigns
Votes at 16
Curriculum for life
Other issues: ______
Although the British Youth Council will provide a brief before any interview (some in a document others on the phone) please only list issues that you are confident you could talk about to the media.
What type of media are you happy to take part in?
Broadcast (TV & Radio)
Please detail in no more than 200 words any experiences you’ve had that you think would demonstrate your ability to execute the role.Anything else you haven’t been able to tell us?