Free EarlyEducation and Childcare for
2*, 3 and 4 year olds
Information forParents and Carers2013/14
Dear Parent or Guardian,
All three and four year olds in Stockport are entitled to a free part time early years place and from September 2013 this will be extended to include two year olds who would meet free school meal funding eligibility criteria.
There is a wide choice of the kind of provision your child can attend. Each early years provider that offers free places, whether in the maintained or in the private, voluntary or independent sectors, is part of the Early Years Foundation Stage for children’s learning that continues to the end of the reception year in infant and primary schools.
The importance of high quality early years provision is widely recognised and, in Stockport, we are proud of the hard work and commitment shown by early year’s staff, in all sectors, who ensure children make such good progress in this important first stage of their education.
Making your choice of early year’s provider is an important step and we would encourage you to visit your preferred settings and talk to staff before making your decision. A good partnership with the setting will help your child get the most out of their early year’s provision and develop to their potential. You can also contact the Family Information Service, Family info Link, on 0808 800 0606 who will be happy to help you find an early year’s provider.
I hope your child enjoys their time in early year’s education.
Yours faithfully,
Corporate Director for Services for People
Two Year Old Entitlement / 4Three and Four Year Old Entitlement / 4
What is the Free Early Education Entitlement? / 5
When is my child eligible for a free place? / 5
Where can my child access a free place / 6
Applying for the 3 and 4 year old entitlement / 8
Frequently Asked Questions / 14
List of Settings by Children’s Centre Reach Area / 18
Setting Index / 26
Other Useful Information / 30
Two Year Old Entitlement:
From September 2013 two year old childrenwho would meet free school meal eligibilitycriteria and those looked after by the local authoritywill be entitled to 570 hours free early education. For more information on how this entitlement can be taken please read the information on pg. 5.
All families accessing funded two year oldearly education MUST be in receipt of one or more of the following:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
- Child Tax Credit at a rate higher than the family element
- Extra Working Tax Credit relating to a disability, or
- Pension Credit
- Asylum Seeking Families on low or no income or supported by Asylum Support are also eligible
This is the same criteria as free school meals.
If you think your child is eligible for aTwo Year Old funded place you can discuss this with your health visitor or family worker. Alternatively you can contact Family Info Link on freephone 0808 800 0606
Three and Four Year Old Entitlement:
All three and four year old children are entitled to 570 hours free early education. For more information on how this entitlement can be taken please read the information on pg. 5.
The free entitlement is at the heart of the Government’s vision for all children to have access to high quality early years provision that helps them reach their full potential. It offers universal free provision from the term following a child’s third birthday up until they reach compulsory school age, for every child, irrespective of background or family circumstances. Alongside good parenting, regular access to high quality part-time provision for this age group is a powerful driver of positive outcomes for children.
What is the free early education entitlement?
- Eligible children can claim up to 570 hours of free early education per year.
- This can be taken through both council run nurseries (maintained) and the private, voluntary and independent sector (PVI)
- No more than 15 hours can be taken in one week.
- No more than 10 hours can be taken in one day.
- You can stretch the entitlement throughout the year but there are a maximum number of hours that can be claimed in each funding period (term).
- You can only change settings that you claim your free entitlement after the end of a term, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
- You can split your entitlement over 2 settings (schools/private, voluntary and independent) but both must be in agreement.
- It may not always be possible to access the full 15 hours at the times that you want and at the setting of your choice. In this situation, Family info Link will be able to suggest alternatives.
Wrap around care
You may be able to pay for extra hours on top of the ones that are free or for ‘wraparound’ care at your school or private, voluntary or independent setting – please ask the setting or Family info Link for more information.
When is my child eligible for a free place?
The dates when your child will first become eligible for a free place are shown in the table below.
Date of birth / Free place from1st September to 31st December 2009
(2010 if eligible for 2 year old funding) / Start of Spring Term 2013
(Monday 7th January 2013)
1st January to 31st March 2010
(2011 if eligible for 2 year old funding) / Start of Summer Term 2013
(Mon 8th April 2013)
1st April to 31st August 2010
(2011 if eligible for 2 year old funding) / Start of Autumn Term 2013
(Monday 2nd September 2013)
Important to note:admission to reception class in a primary school when your child is older is a separate process and you will still need to apply for a reception class place.Admission to a nursery class does not give any priority of place in a reception class in a primary school.
For information about starting school please see Stockport’s Primary admissions booklet at
Where Can My Child Access a Free Place?
- ALL settings deliver the same Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum through play based activities.
- Settings are also inspected in accordance with OFSTED regulations.*
- No settings should charge for the free entitlement.
Local Authority Nurseries:
Nursery Schools
Local Authority Nursery Schools are separate schools with their own Head Teacher offering early years provision for 3 and 4 year olds. They are staffed by qualified Teachers and level 3 staff, who work together to develop provision which meets children’s needs. They give equal status to learning in the indoor and outdoor environment and offer the 15hrs free entitlement flexibly to meet parent’s needs during term time.
Nursery Classes in Primary Schools
Nursery classes are part of an infant or primary school and offer nursery provision. This can be in a separate class area or as part of an early years unit where nursery and reception aged children share accommodation and resources for all or part of the day. They are staffed by qualified Teachers and level 3 staff, who work together as a team to develop provision which meets children’s needs. They give equal status to learning in the indoor and outdoor environment.
Private Voluntary and Independent Settings:
Pre-Schools and Playgroups
Most pre-schools operate during term time only and children are able to start from the age of 2.Pre-schools offer morning or afternoon sessions, with many offering more flexible sessions that may include lunchtime care.
All Pre-schools are inspected under the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework which requires an individual child’s needs to be met by qualified staff, with appropriate staff ratios supported by input from an Early Years Professional or qualified Teacher.
Day Nurseries
Day nurseries are usually open all year, except public holidays. They offer places for up to 10 hours each day which are usually either part time or full time. Many nurseries are registered for babies under the age of 2 years as well as 2, 3 and 4 year olds with appropriate staff to child ratios. Nurseries are inspected under the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework which requires an individual child’s needs to be met by qualified staff, supported by input from an Early Years Professional or qualified Teacher.
Independent Schools
Many independent schools have kindergarten or nursery places for 3 and 4 year olds, some also provide childcare for younger children.
Childminders are professional day carers who work in their own homes to provide care and education for other people’s children in a family setting. Accredited childminders are members of the Stockport Quality Assured Childminder Network and undertake extra training.For a list of accredited,outstanding and good childminders please contact Family info Link on 0808 800 0606.
Applying for the 3 and 4 year old entitlement
Applying for Places at Private, Voluntary or Independent settings
- A list of settings is also included in the Directory of Providers on p.18-29
- Family info Link will be able to provide details of your local Private, Voluntary and Independent settings in your area who deliver the free entitlement.
- Contact your preferred setting to find out if they have a space for your child.
- The setting will explain their admissions process.
- There should be no registration fee charged for your free hours, if the setting is able to offer them to you.
- There should be no conditions of access you have to agree to in order to take-up the free hours. For example, you must not be forced to pay for additional hours in order to have your free entitlement.
- There should be no fees charged for free hours. Providers should not charge “top up” fees (the difference between what a provider would normally charge and the funding they receive from the local authority) in relation to any free hours.
Applying for Local Authority Nursery Schools and Classes
Two Year Old Entitlement:
The majority of council maintained nursery classes and schools are only eligible to take two year old in the term they turn three(term before they are eligible for three and four year old entitlement.).If you are eligible for 2 year old funding and would like your child to take this placement through a maintained setting contact Family Info Link on Freephone 0808 800 0606 and they will be able to explain the process to you.You do not need to complete a nursery application form to apply for a two year old place at a council maintained nursery.
Three and Four Year Old Entitlement:
To apply for a place in a Local Authority nursery in September 2013 children MUST be born between 1st September 2009 and 31stAugust 2010. Some of these children will be eligible for the free entitlement before September 2013(see p.5) and may be able to attend a Local Authority Nursery earlierif there are vacancies.
Dates for your Diary
31st March 2013 / Closing Date of Applications for Sept 2013 intake.17th May 2013 / Parent are informed of the outcome of their application
31st May 2013 / Last date for you to accept the offer of a place and last date to submit letter of representation about not being offered a nursery place
2ndSept 2013 / Start of Autumn term 2013
- Decide on your two preferred nurseries from those listed on p.18-29
- Read “priority criteria” for allocating places in Local Authorityon p.11
- Apply on-line at from 8th August 2012. You will receive a receipt by email.
- Obtain necessary supporting information if you are applying for a priority place.
- If there is anything you do not understandor you require assistance completing the online application please contact:
Admissions Support and Advice Team on 0161 217 6028
Also see p14-16for Frequently Asked Questions
Application form and preferences:
You can express a preference for up to twoLocal Authority nurseries. Choosing more than one will increase your chance of being allocated a place for your child. Choosing 2 preferred nurseries will not reduce the chance of your child getting into your first preferred school.
Admission to a nursery class does notgive any priority when applying later for a place in the reception class of the same or any other primary school. Admission to a primary school is a separate process and you will still need to apply for a reception class place. Unlike in nursery applications, use of a carer’s address cannot be used to apply for a reception place.
Address to be used
As an alternative to the home address, we can take into account the carer’s address where your child will be looked after for the remainder of the day. You must provide the information requested on the form before the deadline.
Priority Criteria
There are 8 categories of criteria from A–H. Each application can fall into 1 category only. Each school has a limit on the number of places that can be offered and those places will be allocated to children in category A, followed by category B and so on until the limit is reached. If there are more applications than places available in any category then places are allocated to those living closest to the nursery school/ class, using a straight-line measurement.
1ST PRIORITY CATEGORIESCategory A / 1.Looked After Children (including children who have previously been looked after) and children who are subject of a Child Protection Plan
2. Children who have learning difficulties or a disability
3. Children subject of a team around the child (TAC) meeting
Category B / Family Issues: Asylum seekers / refugees, Families with significant health issues, Teenage parents
Category C / Speech and language difficulties
Category D / English as an additional language
Category E / Environmental issues: living in poor housing accommodation, high rise flats, pubs
Category F / Twin or triplet applications or where there are four or more children under 7 in the home
Category G / Children of Stockport residents measured by straight-line distance starting with the address closest to the school
Category H / Children of parents resident outside Stockport ordered by priority as outlined at categories A – F above and then by straight-line distance as outlined at G above, see also page 16.
Schools with nursery classes marked with a on pages 18-25 are Roman Catholic schools and where places are over-subscribed, priority is given, within each of the above criteria, to children who are baptised Catholics. When applying for places at these schools, you should ensure that you state on the application form whether your child is a baptised Catholic. You must provide a copy of the baptismal certificate with your application.
NB: The above criterion does not apply for the Nursery Class at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School (Reddish). For details on this criteria please contact the school directly.
All applications for a priority place must be accompanied by supporting evidence from a relevant professional, such as a Health Visitor. This evidence must clearly outline how these circumstances impact on your child’s learning and development. This information must be attached or sent in separately.
Offers of places in Local Authority nursery schools and classes
After the closing date for applications the Admissions Support & Advice Team apply the Admissions Policy criteria for each of the preferences you have expressed on your application form to decide which children can be allocated places at each school.
You will receive an e-mail of the outcome of your application on 17thMay 2013. Letters will also be sent via second class post on the same day.
If a parent doesn’t get a place at one of their preferred schools:
The child’s name will remain on a waiting list for that school until the end of the academic year. If a place becomes available the parent will be contacted and given the opportunity to accept the place. If parents have not been offered any of their preferred schools they may wish to consider a place at a setting in the private, voluntary or independent sectors in your area (see pages 18-29).
How to appeal against being refused a place at a preferred school:
There is no statutory process of appeal.However, parents can make representation, in writing, to a panel of officers who were not involved in the original decision-making. Their role is to check that the Council’s admissions policy has been complied with and also to consider whether the information provided is sufficient for a re-assessment of the application to take place. As a first step in this process, parents may wish to contact the Admissions Support and Advice Team to discuss the reasons why your first preference school was not allocated.
All applications for a priority place must be accompanied by supporting evidence from a relevant professional, such as a Health Visitor. This evidence must clearly outline how these circumstances impact on your child’s learning and development. This information must be included with your representation to be considered.
Admission to Local Authority Nurseries before Sept 2013 Intake
Some schools will have places available after the September 2012 intake. These schools may have a further intake in January and possibly Easter.
Places are only available in nurseries that have sufficient vacancies when all children from the older age group (September 2012 intake) have been admitted. Children will only be considered from the beginningof the term following their third birthday (see pg. 5).Decisions about which nurseries will offer places to younger children in January and April 2013 will be made in October 2012 and February 2013respectively.