This is a professional development grant that is intended to help the members of writers groups develop their craft.

Application Deadline

Applications must be postmarked by Friday June 29, 2018. Please note that applications and follow up reports must be submitted by that date. Email applications/reports will be accepted.

Application Amounts

Each writers group may apply for up to$750 for this upcoming fiscal year (August 01, 2018-July 31, 2019).

If the group is approved for funding, cheques will be issued in September 2018.

Criteria for Funding Eligibility

A local writing group is eligible for funding if it meets the following criteria:

  • a minimum of five active members
  • two-thirds of the group are members of the SWG
  • it meets a minimum of five times per year to discuss writing by members
  • members meet in order to develop their craft
  • provided a follow-up report (with all the requested documentation) for the previous grant

Responsibilities of Groups Who Receive Grants

Groups who receive grants have the following responsibilities:

  • include mention of SWG sponsorship on all appropriate publicity issued by the group
  • provide follow-up reports with the next year’s grant application
  • provide copies of receipts or cheques as part of the follow-up report

Acceptable Uses of the Grant

Allowable expenses may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • fees to an author to offer a workshop
  • member travel expenses to allow them to attend meetings and craft development sessions
  • member participation fees in conferences, workshops, and other craft development sessions
  • critique manuscripts
  • attend conferences
  • attend workshops
  • hold retreats
  • attend author readings
  • give readings locally/arrange Open Mics—ex. cost of venue
  • writing exercises


The grants may not be used:

  • for self-publication
  • to buy books for the group
  • for the costs of a website
  • to promote the group or individual members
  • for social events, food, alcohol, or party favours

NB: writing groups receiving a grant through this program are not eligible for funding through the Readings and School Visits Program within the same grant period

Any unspent grant money must be returned to SWG by the following June 30th, unless the unspent amount is less than $50.00.


Name of Group: ______

Contact Person ______

Address ______

City/Town ______Postal Code ______

Phone (home) ______

Phone (work) ______

Fax ______

E-Mail Address ______

Total Funds Requested ______

Signature of Applicant ______

(Name that will be on the cheque)

Please attach the following information:

  • group membership list with the following information for each member:
  • name
  • address
  • phone number
  • E-mail address
  • whether the member of the group is also a member of the SWG
  • if so, the SWG membership expiry date
  • whether the member is a part of the group’s executive (e.g. treasurer)
  • project budget request (see attached)
  • a description of how the requested funds will be used
  • follow-up report from the last grant received if it is not already on file in the Guild office (see attached report form)

Deadline: Applications must be received by Friday June 29, 2018.

For more information call Tracy Hamon (306-791-7743), email () or visit:

Project Budget Request


SWG Grant $......

Other Revenue (specify):




Total Revenue $......









Total Expenses $......

Note: groups with an unexpected amount of money remaining from their grant may put it toward another workshop or other form of craft development provided the Program Manager has been notified in writing of the proposed change and has given written approval).

Follow-Up Report for Writers Group Funding

Each writers group receiving funding must provide a follow-up report at the end of the grant period in order to qualify for future funding.

The follow-up report should consist of the following:

  • any changes in group contact information (this should be sent whenever there are changes)
  • a narrative outlining the activities the funding provided for the writers group within the time of the grant period
  • a financial report listing total revenues and total expenses for the project or activities provided by the funding
  • copies of receipts for all expenses
  • optional: successes and/or projects undertaken by individual members of the group

For Statistical purposes, please provide the following numbers of people:

  • How many members are Youth (0–29 yrs), Adults (30-54 yrs) or Seniors (55+ yrs)
  • How many other people may have been reached by your activity?