Minutes of a meeting of St Martin Parish Council held in the Parish Hall on Monday 5th September 2017 at 8pm
Councillor Philip Jenkin (Chairman)
“ Brindley Hosken (Vice-chairman)
“ Andrew Bray
“ Mike West
“ Tim Bryant
“ Mrs Jeanette Angove
“ Julian Rand(Cornwall Council)
3 public
APOLOGIESApologies for absence were received from Cllr Johnny Alston. Apologies for being late were received from the Chairman. Vice-chair Brindley Hosken took the chair for the whole meeting.
INTERESTSThere were no declarations.
PUBLIC QUESTIONSFirstly, the public thanked the Chairman for visiting the people who were proposing a music festival at Tregidden and preventing it from happening.
A response to their request to get Tregidden Bridge widened and a width restriction for the road through the village had been received:
As you correctly state, Tregidden Bridge is Grade II Listed. The existing width over Tregidden Bridge is 3.15m, which is much wider than the maximum vehicular width of 2.55m. As a result of its width and the listing, it is unlikely that Listed Building Consent would be granted for widening. Funding is also an issue, as our ever decreasing budget is used primarily on reactive schemes. Therefore as the priority to widen this structure would not be seen as essential, I am unsure how or when this could be funded. Tregonwell Bridge was widened from 2.8m to 3.4m wide as part of the bridge strengthening scheme in 2001.
The second point being that of the private property being struck/damaged. There is an Allegrini verge marker that has historically been placed next to the property to help with this issue, which we will replace with a flexible marker next time replacement is required to reduce the potential for damage beyond repair.
With regards to initiating a width restriction on this road to mitigate this damage, this is not a possibility; all the routes are of the same hierarchy and classification in the surrounding location and therefore there are no suitable alternative routes. This would also cause huge ongoing issues for agricultural businesses (amongst others) in the local area who have traditionally operated in the area.
A vehicle was seen brushing both sides of the bridge parapet a couple of weeks earlier, the bridge had a curve on it that made it more difficult to negotiate. It was felt the road was narrower at the private property than the bridge. A copy of the email would be forwarded to Cornwall Cllr Julian Rand for him to look into. Members could not see how this could easily be resolved. It was noted.
MINUTESMinutes of the last meeting, having previously been circulated, were confirmed and signed.
MATTERS ARISINGSt Martin School A working party had tidied up the area and made it look a lot better. School was just about to start again, there was a meeting the following evening and it was holding a Fayre in 4 days time.
Football goals this was in progress and it was arranged for them to be installed the following weekend.
Basketball post the Clerk had found prices online for a slam jam basketball ring & net. There was also a marine ply backboard available, which the Clerk would email details of to members. It was RESOLVED to purchase the slam jam ring and consider the backboard when details were received.
Response from Cormac re widening Tregidden Bridge this had been covered in Public Questions.
PLANNINGPA1707442 application for removal of condition 4 in respect of Decision Notice W2/87/00499/F, remove occupancy age restriction, 2 Fords Hill, St Martin, Coastline Housing neighbours reported that when there were 2 occupants in the house the cesspit used to back up into their shower, so it could not take even more people living there. There was not enough parking for a family and the neighbours on either side required regular care visits so parking was at a premium. It was agreed that the occupancy status should remain for elderly people who needed and wanted it.
16.08.2017 PA17/04753 APPROVED
Applicant: Mr Malcolm Kaye
Location: Workshop The Green St Martin’s Green St Martin TR12 6BT
Proposal: To demolish an existing workshop and build two 3 bedroom detached houses. Materials from the demolished workshop will be used in the construction of the new houses where possible.
The Clerk stated that there was nothing in the conditions about lowering the boundary wall but there was a condition stating that the cast iron finger post should be refurbished and kept maintained. It was noted.
FINANCESeptember pension contribution £33.79it was RESOLVED that the account of £33.79 be paid.
R Knight – trimming £553.75 it was RESOLVED that the account of £553.75 be paid.
Macleod & Tonkin internal audit 2016/17 £120.00 it was RESOLVED that the account of £120.00 be paid.
Cormac playing field cutting Jul – Sep £163.90 it was RESOLVED that the account of £163.90 be paid.
To resolve to adopt 1st quarter accounts it was RESOLVED to adopt the 1st quarter 2017/18 accounts, which had previously been circulated.
C’WLL COUNCILCornwall Cllr Julian spoke about his desire for all the parishes in his ward to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan because that was the only way they were going to get any say on planning. At the moment he said Cornwall Council took no notice of parish councils at all. His idea was to go for a template plan that was common to all the parishes and then for each to amend it to their own requirements. There was funding available to help with costs. Members were interested to look into the matter further.
CORRESPONDENCEClerk’s & Council’s Direct magazine this was noted.
Parish Hall emergency lighting annual check due it was agreed to give the go ahead for this work. The electrician would also be asked to remove the two heaters at the front of the hall as they were no longer used.
OTHER BUSINESSA member enquired on the situation with regard to a caravan being on the old shepherd hut site at Tregidden. The Clerk advised that it had been registered as an enforcement case but that department advised that it could take 13 weeks to complete investigations, during which time we would probably not hear anything. It was requested that it be put back on the agenda next month.
A member of the public had noticed that the agenda was not online this month and also requested that the July minutes be put on the agenda within a month of the meeting, despite there being a summer recess.
The graveyard scale of fees seemed confusing; ‘those purchasing at double fees, will only be charged single fees for the 1st interment”. It was felt this should be removed.
The stone workshop that received planning permission to be replaced with 2 houses above, contained the village bier and members were asked whether anyone could find a new home for it. They would view it at the weekend when they put up the football goals.
The trimmers would be asked to give the closed churchyard a 4th cut as it was getting quite long again.
ACCOUNTSThe following were passed for payment and cheques prepared:
Cornwall Pension Fund 33.79
R Knight553.75
Macleod & Tonkin120.00
NEXT MEETINGThe next meeting would be held on Monday 2nd October at 8 pm.
There being no further business, the Vice-chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm.