/ Addendum/Changes to Requirements-Summary Tracking Sheet
Supervised Visitation Services
Procurement PEN #HHS0000011
Original Post: April 5, 2013
Last Change: Amendment #6 Effective: February 27, 2017

The table below summaries major changes to the PEN Document. Interested Parties can use this table to locate the most recent changes to ESBD posted procurement documents. Applicants should always use the latest documents when responding to a DFPS solicitation. Items are listed in reverse order with the latest change at the top of this document. All changes and updates have been incorporated into the document and attachments called Package 1 on ESBD.

PEN Document Changes to Requirements /
/ PEN Reference
Purpose of Change / Old Information / Revised Information /

Addendum # 7

1.  / Remove Form 4732 /
83 Attachments and Forms:
Remove Form 4732 Request for Determination of Ability to Contract is no longer needed as of February 27, 2017 / Effective 2/27/2017
Form 4732 was removed.
PEN Document Changes to Requirements /
/ PEN Reference
Purpose of Change / Old Information / Revised Information /
Addendum # 6
2.  / Package 1 (Provider
Enrollment for:
Supervised Visitation
Services )
To comply with newly
promulgated HHSC
Contract terms and
conditions as required
under the plan for HHS
Enterprise Consolidation
By SB 20 of the 84th
Regular Session of the
Texas Legislature. / Subsection 1.1.2 Uniform Contract Terms and Conditions
The 2282UTC included as Attachment C to this open enrollment, contains the Uniform Contract Terms and Conditions that will govern any contract resulting from this open enrollment. / Effective January 15, 2016
Delete current Subsection 1.1.2 Uniform Contract Terms and Conditions language its entirety and substitute the following for same:
1.1.2 Uniform Contract Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions outlined throughout this solicitation govern the PEN and any resulting contract. Any Contract awarded under this PEN includes the following:
 Most current version of HHSC Vendor Uniform Contract Terms and Conditions, which Contractor can access at: http://www.hhsc.state.tx.us/about_hhsc/Contracting/rfp_attch/Vendor-UTC.pdf .
 Most current version of Form 5622 - DFPS Special Attachment, which Contractor can access
 Most current Version of HHSC Vendor General Affirmations, which contractor can access at:
Vendor-General-Affir mations.pdf
/ Subsection 1.1.2 Uniform Contract
Terms and Conditions
The 2282UTC included as
Attachment C to this open
enrollment, contains the Uniform
Contract Terms and Conditions that
will govern any contract resulting
from this open enrollment.
/ Effective January 15, 2016
Delete current Subsection 1.1.2 Uniform Contract
Terms and Conditions language its entirety and substitute the following for same:
1.1.2 Uniform Contract Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions outlined throughout this solicitation govern the
PEN and any resulting contract. Any Contract awarded under this PEN
includes the following:
 Most current version of HHSC Vendor Uniform Contract Terms and Conditions, which Contractor
can access at:
http://www.hhsc.state.tx.us/about_hhsc/Contracting/rfp_attch/Vendor-UTC.pdf .
 Most current version of Form 5622 - DFPS Special Attachment, which Contractor can access
 Most current Version of HHSC Vendor General Affirmations, which contractor can access at:

Subcontractors must also comply with applicable HHSC and DFPS terms and
Addendum # 5
3.  / Package 1 (Provider Enrollment for: Supervised Visitation Services
Change Protest language and TAC rule reference. /
Subsection 5.15, Protest Procedures contained the following language:
The protest procedure for an Applicant who is not awarded a contract to protest an award or tentative award made by DPFS is allowed for competitive procurements. This procurement is non-competitive and cannot be protested as provided in 1 TAC §391.301. / Effective 7/22/15
Said language was amended to read as follows:
An unsuccessful Applicant may protest an award decision as specified in Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Rules §391.403 and §391.405.
Addendum # 4
4.  / Package 1 (Provider Enrollment for: Supervised Visitation Services
Added Data Use Agreement (DUA) and Information Security and Privacy Initial Inquiry (SPI) information /
Subsections and were added to include Data Use Agreement (DUA) and Information Security and Privacy Initial Inquiry (SPI) information to protect and safeguard agency confidential data.
/ Effective 6/11/15
The following language was added since contractors will have access to confidential information:  Data Use Agreement (DUA)
By entering into a Contract, or purchase order, with a Texas Health & Human Services agency, the Contractor agrees to be bound by the terms of the HHS
Data Use Agreement (HHS-GC.DUA). The HHS DUA is incorporated by
reference into the contract via the following link: http://www.hhsc.state.tx.us/about_hhsc/BusOpp/data-use-agreement.pdf.
Information that explains the terms of the DUA and what laws require us to
protect and safeguard agency confidential data can be found at:
http://www.hhsc.state.tx.us/about_hhsc/BusOpp/provider-alert-data-use.shtml  Information Security and Privacy Initial Inquiry (SPI)
The Applicant must submit the Information Security and Privacy Initial Inquiry
(SPI) form with their Application to this open enrollment.
5.  / Package 1 (Provider Enrollment for: Supervised Visitation Services
A link to the SPI form and form instructions were added /
Subsection 8.5., Attachment B: Required Forms, contained eight (8) required forms for application submittal.
/ Effective 6/11/15
Subsection 8.5., Attachment B: Required Forms, was amended to add a link
to the SPI form and form instructions totaling nine (9) required forms for application submittal.
6.  / Package 1 (Provider Enrollment for: Supervised Visitation Services
To reflect HHSC debriefing process /
Subsection 5.14. contained the following language:


An unsuccessful Applicant may request a debriefing which is an informal review of a non-award during which DFPS provides information concerning the strengths and weaknesses of a response application. Although an unsuccessful applicant may request an oral debriefing, the written debriefing serves as the official response. / Effective 6/11/15
Said language was amended to read as follows:


Any Applicant who is not awarded a contract may request a debriefing by
submitting a written request to the Point of Contact as provided in subsection 1.4
of this open enrollment. DFPS' debriefing provides information to the Applicant(s)
on the strengths and weaknesses of their Application.
7.  / Package 1 (Provider Enrollment for: Supervised Visitation Services
To reflect HHSC protest procedures and Texas Administrative Code (TAC) /
Subsection 5.15. contained the following language:

Protest Procedures

An unsuccessful Applicant may protest an award decision as specified in 40 TAC §732.229. A procurement protest is limited to when an Applicant is dissatisfied or aggrieved in connection with the award of a DFPS contract. / Effective 6/11/15
Said language was amended to read as follows:
The protest procedure for an Applicant who is not awarded a contract to protest an award or tentative award made by DPFS is allowed for competitive procurements. This procurement is non-competitive and cannot be protested as provided in 1 TAC §391.301.
Addendum #3
8.  1. / Package 1 (Provider Enrollment for: Supervised Visitation Services
Changed Point of Contact's physical address and telephone number. /
Subsections 1.4. and Contained the following language in part:
Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)
4405 N. Lamar Blvd.
(MC: 2020)
Austin, Texas 78756”
Phone: (512) 206-4713 / Effective May 14, 2015:
Said language has been amended to change the mailing address for the sole point of contact to read as follows:
HHSC - Procurement and Contracting Services
1100 W. 49th St.
Mail Code: 2020
Austin, TX 78756”
Phone: (512) 406-2423
Addendum #2
9.  2. / PEN Cover Page – Update.
Add reference to Addendum #2 Effective February 5, 2015. /
Provider Enrollment (PEN)
Supervised Visitation Services
Regions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11
Procurement Number: 530-13-0102
Enrollment Period Opens: April 5, 2013
Amendment #1 Effective: February 13, 2014
Enrollment Period Closes: September 30, 2017*
*HHSC may open, close or extend enrollment for DFPS Regions or counties within a Region as needs change. /
Provider Enrollment (PEN)
Supervised Visitation Services
Regions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11
Procurement Number: 530-13-0102
Enrollment Period Opens: April 5, 2013
Amendment #1 Effective: February 13, 2014
Amendment #2 Effective: February 5, 2015
Enrollment Period Closes: September 30, 2017*
*HHSC may open, close or extend enrollment for DFPS Regions or counties within a Region as needs change.
10.  3. / A-3: Contractor Service Information
Embedded document A-3a, Service Delivery Area Detail:
Embedded icon and the document it represents are replaced for Region 2 and 9 to add CPA’s as eligible providers for children in the care. No change is made to any other Region. / /
Addendum #1
11.  4. / PEN Cover Page – Update.
Add reference to Addendum #1 Effective April 13, 2014. /
Provider Enrollment (PEN)
Supervised Visitation Services
Regions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11
Procurement Number: 530-13-0102
Enrollment Period Opens: April 5, 2013
Enrollment Period Closes: September 30, 2017*
*HHSC may open, close or extend enrollment for DFPS Regions or counties within a Region as needs change. /
Provider Enrollment (PEN)
Supervised Visitation Services
Regions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11
Procurement Number: 530-13-0102
Enrollment Period Opens: April 5, 2013
Amendment #1 Effective: February 13, 2014
Enrollment Period Closes: September 30, 2017*
*HHSC may open, close or extend enrollment for DFPS Regions or counties within a Region as needs change.
12.  5. / Form 228OPEN: Application and Contract
2280PEN Delete exception for Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr, and Willacy Counties Region 11. These counties are now open for enrollment. / 5. Region to be Served
Applicant must mark with a “√” next to the Region(s) to be served.
Region One (1) / Region Seven (7)
Region Two (2) / Region Eight (8)
Region Three (3) / Region Nine (9)
Region Four (4) / Region Ten (10)
Region Five (5) / Region Eleven(11)*
Region Six (6)
* Except Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr, and Willacy Counties in Region 11. / 5. Region to be Served
Applicant must mark with a “√” next to the Region(s) to be served.
Region One (1) / Region Seven (7)
Region Two (2) / Region Eight (8)
Region Three (3) / Region Nine (9)
Region Four (4) / Region Ten (10)
Region Five (5) / Region Eleven(11)
Region Six (6)
13.  6. / A-3: Contractor Service Information
Embedded within A-3 #3, Service Delivery Area:
Embedded icon is replaced to add Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr, and Willacy Counties to counties available for enrollment. / /

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