Please refer to TeachingSchool Guidelines before completing the application form.
This is your opportunity to tell us about:
- the aims and objectives for the activity in relation to your priorities as a teaching school
- partner schools within your alliance
- evidence of need
- what activity is planned within your alliance as a result of the investment
- the expected outputs and outcomesof the activity
- the evidence and evaluation that will be used to demonstrate impact
- the sustainability and proposed legacy of your work
- your proposed income and expenditure figures
It is important to clearly demonstrate how the lead school will manage the programme, and to identify the key person within the Senior Leadership Team who will have responsibility for championing the programme and overseeing the successful delivery of the work.
We would encourage all applications to carefully outline how they will build project management into the proposal, which can be done by using an existing member of staff or an external professional.
Your School and alliance
Name of TeachingSchool:
Number of schools in your alliance:
Please name lead school for this programme if different from above:
Programme Champion (within theSenior Leadership Team):
Project Manager’s name:
Tel: Email:
The Activity
Activity name:
Activity start date:
Activity end date:
Amount of ROHBridge investment requested:
Activity summary
Please summaries the activity in a couple of sentences – you will get the opportunity to go into more detail later in the form
Programme Aims
Key objectives for the Bridge investment
Please state the key objectives for the programme and how they will be measured. It is important to set target dates as well. Please only pick objectives that you can clearly measure.
Objective details / Target date / Performance Measure / Method for collecting evidencePlease outline programme partners and their planned involvement:
It is important to identify who will have overall project management responsibility for the work and what roles the individual partners will fulfil. Please include details of whether these relationships are established or emergent and an outline of your conversations with these partners to date.
Partner / Role / Emergent or Established relationship / Conversations to dateActivity Plan
Please provide details about:
- which of the six DfE priorities for Teaching Schools this will contribute to
- The nature of the targeted group(s)
- The cultural activities, art forms, or professional training that you will engage with
- Where the activity will take place
- The timescales for delivery
- How the activity will be managed, including how you will manage risks
Evidence of Need
Please outline the evidence you have that there is a need for the activity or intervention.
Quantitative information
Number of sessions to be delivered(Divide the day into three sessions – morning, afternoon and evening. A ‘session’ is any one of, or part of one of, these. For example, a half-day education workshop would be one session)
Number of training days / events to be delivered
Estimated period of employment for artists, project manager, project co-ordinator, admin (in days)
Level of Arts Award to be achieved (Discover/ Explore/ Bronze/ Silver/ Gold
Number of Arts Award to be achieved
Number and nature of products produced by the activity (e.g. DVD, toolkit, exhibition)
How many participants from each age category do you intend to engage? Please insert estimated numbers in the relevant boxes.
Under 5s / 5-11 / 11-16 / 16-19 / Adults / TotalAudience (if applicable)
Please insert estimated numbers in the relevant boxes.
Under 5s / 5-11 / 11-16 / 16-19 / Adults / TotalArtsmark
Please outline how you will encourage education partners that are part of your activity to join the Artsmark network. How will you support them with their Artsmark application?
Monitoring and Impact
Monitoring and evaluating the work is crucial to be able to accurate assess the impact of the programme. In this section please include details of your methodology for evaluating this activity and identifykey dates in the process for monitoring and assessment. We are interesting in hearing about the impact for the participants as well as the impact this activity has on your staff and the alliance as a whole.
Legacy and Sustainability
How will this programme influence the work of the TeachingSchool and your alliance members? Please consider how you will:
- develop a legacy to thisprogramme
- ensure progression routes for children and young people where appropriate
- develop your work with the cultural partners involved in the programme
- sustain this work
It is important that you include project management in either your actual expenditure and/or as identified in kind contributions.
Total programme investment
Please outline all projected income sources including funders, sponsors, earned income etc
Details / AmountSub total / £
Total programme expenditure
Please outline all projected expenditure (e.g. artist fees, marketing, materials)
Details / AmountSub total / £
Total in-kind contributions
Please outline all sources of in-kind support for the programme and estimate the value of these contributions (e.g. free room hire that usually costs £50 a session or the cost of teacher supply cover)
Details / Estimated ValueSub total / £
As the Head teacher of the lead school I fully support and endorse this application to the Royal Opera House Bridge.
Please send your completed proposal to Hannah Ferguson, Administration Co-ordinator, ROHBridge by noon 7th July 2014. You can with send the proposal by email to by post to Royal Opera House Bridge, The Vinery, High House Production Park, Vellacott Close, Purfleet RM19 1AF.