2005-2006 cycle

Application form


Application forms are available on the ECLAC web site and on the web site of the Regional Office of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for Latin America and the Caribbean Forms may also be requested by e-mail from.

Fill in all requested fields, in legible handwriting, typewriting or online. Additional sheets may be used if more space is required.

If acronyms are used, explain each one the first time it occurs.

Organizations other than Governments should send a copy of the document certifying that they are legally recognized

(this may be scanned and sent electronically).

The application may be submitted on paper or electronically.

The deadline for receipt of applications by ECLAC is

Friday, 9 September 2005, at 5 p.m. (Chilean time).

Application form1/ 14



General information


1. Organization or institution carrying out the project entered in the contest:

Postal address
City or municipality
Department, state, province or region
Telephone No.(s) (indicate country and city codes)
Fax (indicate country and city codes)
Post office box
E-mail address (of institution)
Institutional web site/page/portal

2. Type of organization

(Check the appropriate box with an X)

Municipality or city council / State / provincial / departmental/ regional authority
Social or community organization / Association of municipalities or departments/provinces/states/regions
For-profit enterprise / National or local NGO
International NGO / Religious community
Other type (specify)

3. Legal representative of the organization

Telephone (indicate country and city codes)
Fax (indicate country and city codes)

4. Person in charge of the project entered in the contest:

Position or title
Telephone (indicate country and city codes)
Fax (indicate country and city codes)

Remember that it is specific programmes or projects that are being entered in the contest and not the objectives and functions of the organization as a whole.

1.Name of the project being entered in the contest:

2.Place where the project is being carried out:

City, community or municipality
State, region or department

3. Contest subject area relating to the project and coverage of the project:

(Check the appropriate boxes with an X to indicate the category in which the project is being

entered in the contest and the project’s territorial coverage)

Contest subject area in which the project is being entered (more than one area may be checked)

Youth programmes / Basic education / Community health
Nutrition – food security / Income generation / Corporate social responsibility
Volunteer work / Rural agricultural development

Coverage of the project

National (for the entire country) / Departamental/provincial/ state / Municipal
District or neighbourhood / Other (specify)
Regional (referring to a group of departments, states or municipalities, that is,
a geographical area distinct from the political/administrative divisions of the country)

4. General description of the geographical area in which the project is being implemented

(District, city, state or department where this initiative is being implemented):

For this section, use data from the most recent census conducted in your country

Total population
Poor population
Urban population
Rural population
Main economic activities

5. Date on which project implementation began(day/month/year)

6. Is the project still being implemented?

Yes / No

7. What are the objectives of the project?

(a) Overall objective:
(b) Overall objective:

8. What are the goals set for the project?

Goals refer to the results expected from the different activities of the project at the time of its launch.

9. How did the project begin?

(Respond by developing the relevant points raised in the box below)

(a)Prior to the launching of the project, what was the situation in relation to the project objectives?
(b)What do you believe was the cause of that situation?
(c) What were the main reasons that led to the organization of the project or initiative?
(d) How and from whom did the idea or initiative for the project come about?
(e) Who proposed the project?
(f) Who participated in the design and implementation of the project?
(g) What were the main factors considered in the design and implementation of the project?
(h) Was consideration given to strategies other than those finally selected for the implementation of the initiative? If so, what were they and why were they not used?
(i) What were the main factors that facilitated the start-up and implementation of the project?
(j) What were the main difficulties encountered in starting up and implementing the project?

10. Explain in detail how the project is being implemented, that is, what activities are being carried out and how. This description should be exhaustive as it is extremely important for the evaluation.

11. What have been the main achievements and results of the project?

(In the case of initiatives relating to health, education, youth programmes, social responsibility, volunteerism, food security and nutrition, indicate results in relation to coverage, costs, the interplay of different factors, the quality of service and participation by the community served; in the case of production projects —income generation and rural/agricultural development— indicate results in relation to the income of beneficiaries, activity costs, generation of employment —including family employment— and participation by the community served. For projects which combine services with productive initiatives, refer to both types of results).

12. How many persons in total is the project currently benefiting or serving?

13. How many persons has the project served since it was launched?

Year / Number of persons served by, or benefiting from, the project

14. What are the characteristics of the main beneficiaries of the project?

In providing this description, pay special attention to the situation of people in terms of income level (poor/non-poor), age (distinguishing between children, young people, adults and older persons), sex (male and female), area of residence (rural/urban), ethnic characteristics (indigenous, Afro-descendants and others). Indicate any other characteristic of the beneficiary population you consider relevant.

15. How is the project being financed?

(List the main sources of financing and specify the currency used in each case)

Source of financing: / Amount of financing / Currency in which it is reported:
In the last
12 months / Total since the beginning of the project / Committed
A / Monetary financing
(a) Direct beneficiaries with economic contributions
(b) Other national or international
sources of financing
B / Contributions in kind (non-monetary)
or work by beneficiaries
or the community
(a) Non-monetary contributions by the beneficiaries or the community (list these contributions)
(b) Contributions in the form of work by beneficiaries or the community
(indicate the number of work-days)
1. By beneficiaries
2. By the community

16. Indicate the project costs for 2004. In particular distinguish between costs of activities and administrative costs.

(Indicate the currency in which the costs are expressed).

Description of cost / Annual amount (for 2004) / Currency in which it is reported

17. Describe how the project is administered

(Who manages it, how decisions are taken, who monitors and evaluates it and how this is done).

18. How do the beneficiaries and the community participate in implementing, monitoring and evaluating the project?

(a) The beneficiaries:
(b) The community:

19. Why do you consider this project to be an experience in social innovation?

20. How did you find out about the contest “Experiences in social innovation”?


Experiences in Social Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean


2005 – 2006 Cycle


Eligible projects: Innovative projects whose main focus is the good of the community, which are designed for disadvantaged communities or groups and which create conditions for the development and consolidation of full participation by the population.

Prizes will be awarded to projects which:

  1. Have introduced innovative processes, practices and approaches that bring about qualitative or quantitative changes in common practices.
  2. Have a positive impact on the quality of life of project beneficiaries.
  3. Contribute to the extension or consolidation of the principles of genuine citizenship.
  4. Are replicable in other population groups or countries.
  5. Are sustainable.

All other conditions being equal, preference will be given to projects that are managed by the beneficiary community, which involve networking or which incorporate a gender perspective.

Consideration will be given only to projects/programmes in one or more of the following areas:

1.Community health: Projects that promote the health of at-risk individuals or communities via programmes that mobilize the community, promote institution-building, improve health-service quality or access and/or promote health. This category includes drinking water and basic sanitation programmes.

2.Basic education: Projects involving any educational level, from pre-school through secondary education. University, technical and vocational levels are excluded.

3.Youth programmes: Projects aimed at improving the living conditions, social integration and community participation by young people aged 15–24 years.

4.Rural development/agriculture/nutrition/food security: Projects that support economic and social development in rural areas and/or contribute to the food supply and food security through environmentally-friendly, socially responsible systems that are sustainable over the long term.

5.Income generation: Projects designed to support or strengthen urban or rural microenterprises and family businesses.

6.Corporate social responsibility: Projects that give expression to an enterprise’s commitment to draw on its own resources to contribute to the sustainable social and economic development of a community. Programmes that benefit only the employees of the enterprise and their families will not be eligible.

7.Volunteer work: Projects carried forward by a group of people, organized around a formally established institution, who contribute their time, money or knowledge in order to benefit the community.

The projects must be implemented by municipal or local, state, provincial, regional, or departmental governments, community associations, religious communities, non-governmental organizations (national or international) or other non-profit private-sector institutions, which work in the areas covered by the contest either individually or in networks of such institutions. Entries may be submitted by for-profit entities only in the area of corporate social responsibility.

Eligible projects may be managed and/or implemented by the communities themselves, associations or networks of the beneficiary population or by one of the institutions listed above.

Implementation must take place in at least one of the 33 Latin American and Caribbean member countries of ECLAC.

Projects must have been in actual operation for at least two years and be ongoing.

Initiatives submitted for the 2004-2005 cycle may be submitted again for the 2005-2006 cycle.

Initiatives that generate or may generate profits or monetary gain, directly or indirectly, for the promoters, agencies or institutions that conduct them, other than the communities or beneficiaries themselves, are not eligible.

Projects will only be considered only if they involve some element of innovation in their management processes and/or their results.

Entries submitted after the deadline or in a format other than the official contest form will not be considered.

It is not necessary to send any materials other than the information requested on the form. Any additional information which is sent in this initial phase of the entry process will not be considered in the evaluation or initial screening of initiatives.


This process shall take place in four phases:

  1. Initial screening: Selection of projects on which additional information will be requested. This process will be the responsibility of the Selection Committee, with assistance from the ECLAC team and external evaluators. Additional information will be requested concerning the 100 projects selected. The results of this phase will be announced on 17 February 2006.
  2. Second phase: On the basis of the additional information sent by project representatives, the Selection Committee, assisted by the ECLAC team and external evaluators, will select the 50 semi-finalists, which will then be visited by personnel from the ECLAC team or external evaluators. The results of this phase will be announced on 18 July 2006.
  3. Third phase: On the basis of the results of the field visit, the Selection Committee, assisted by the ECLAC team and external evaluators, will select the 20 finalists, whose representatives will be invited to the award ceremony. The results of this phase will be announced on 30 October 2006.
  4. Awards: The 20 finalists will be invited to the award ceremony. At this event, a representative of each of the finalists will give a presentation on the project. The Selection Committee, assisted by the ECLAC team and external evaluators, will then select the five winning projects.

Note: The contest will be held on an annual basis over the next three years. The dates for each cycle will be announced well in advance.


1st place: US$ 30,0002nd place: US$ 20,0003rd place: US$ 15,0004th place: US$ 10,000 5th place: US$ 5,000

The award money may be used only to support the winning programmes or projects or to improve the working conditions of the implementing organizations. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES MAY THE AWARD MONEY BE DISTRIBUTED TO INDIVIDUALS, whether as wages, bonuses or prizes.

All finalist projects will receive an honourable mention.

The 50 semi-finalist projects will be widely publicized in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Entry forms are available on the ECLAC website and on the website of the Regional Office of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for Latin America and the Caribbean The forms may also be requested by via e-mail from or from:

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC): Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile. Telephone Nos.: (56-2) 210-2297 or 210-2451; fax No.: (56-2) 210-2523. ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean: 1 Chancery Lane, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Telephone No.: (1-868) 623-5595; fax No.: (1-868) 623-8485. ECLAC subregional headquarters in Mexico:Av. Presidente Masaryk 29, 11570 Mexico, D.F., Mexico. Telephone: (52-55) 5263-9600; fax no.: (52-55) 5531-1151. ECLAC office in Bogotá: Carrera 13 A No. 28 –38 – Manzana 2, Of. 210, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. Telephone No.: (571) 336-8472; fax No.: (571) 336-8501. ECLAC office in Brasilia: Edificio BNDES, 17° Andar CEP 70.076-900, Brasilia, Brazil. Telephone No.: (55-61) 321-3232; fax No.: (55-61) 321-4247. ECLAC office in Buenos Aires: Paraguay 1178, 2º y 3º B, 1057, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Telephone No.: (54-11) 4815-7810; fax No.: (54-11) 4815-2534. ECLAC office in Montevideo: Juncal 1305, Piso 10, Montevideo, Uruguay. Telephone No.: (598-2) 916-1580; fax No.: (598-2) 916-1776. Regional Office of the Kellogg Foundation in Latin America and the Caribbean: Alameda Rio Negro, 1084 conj. 31, Centro Comercial Alphaville, 06554-000 – Barueri, SP, Brazil. Telephone No.: (55-11) 4191-2233, fax No.: (55-11) 4195-0992.


The deadline for the submission of entry forms is 9 September 2005.

Entry forms may be sent via e-mail to: or via fax or mail to any of the ECLAC offices listed above.

Latin American and Caribbean member countries of ECLAC

Antigua and Barbuda









Costa Rica



Dominican Republic


El Salvador












Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Saint Lucia


Trinidad and Tobago


Venezuela (Bolivarian

Republic of)