Wild Horse Observers Association (WHOA)

A non-profit corp. 501 (C)(3)

PO Box 932

Placitas, NM87043

(505) 867-5228/ (505) 610-7644

Biggest Threat to Wildlife and Environment

The Loop Road Connecting I-25 to Route 14

Completes Noose around SandiaMountain

Dear Wild Life/Horse Supporter,Nov 29th, 2008

The Wildlife Corridor through the Rockies from Canada to Mexicois only broken here in the Land of Enchantment at I-40. An additional“Loop Rd”connecting I-25 to Route 14 would completea total noose around the SandiaMountains.This constitutes more “planning by rote” rather than planning to preserve what is special here in the beautifulLand of Enchantment.

Placitas Wild Horse Habitat – The Loop Roadwould cut off Placitas from the herd and cut off the Placitas herd from genetic viability.

Opposition to the Loop Road Has Fallen On Deaf Ears

The local communities have strongly voiced their Consensus Opposition to the Loop Road, but the County, State, and Federal governments have reserved their “Right” to this Loop Roadagainst the will of the people and for out-of-state Developers, Washington Lobbyists,and the Government Entities that support them.

Loop Road: Laundry List of Issues

A NMDepartment of Transportation report on the impacts of a Loop Road,though flawed, admits to 15,000 to 21,000 trips per day, and an additional 20, 000 people using water in Placitas (current pop 6,000). There would be an increase in crime, noise pollution, air pollution, run off into Las Huertas Creek, loss of wildlife, loss of Open Spaces, loss of night sky, and loss of our rural atmosphere as well as 350 to 400 acres of eminent domain takings on top of loss of the wild life corridor and wild horse habitat.



Please call or write U.S.Representative/Senator-Elect Tom Udall at:

(Give your name address, and zip code.)

Udall Staff -Sarah Cobb

Civic Center Circle, NE,

Rio Rancho, NM87144

(505) 994-0499; 3200

Talking Points

  1. Respectfully ask him to immediately disallow a Loop Rd through the Placitas BLM lands (federally controlled Bureau of Land Management lands)..
  2. Respectfully ask him to direct the BLM to perform a “land tenure adjustment for 500 acres of the Placitas BLM for the SADLH Land Grant, and the rest as historic state park lands for the wild life corridor and the wild horses which have roamed there for centuries. (This would be free land for NM under PublicPark and Purposes Act.)
  3. Respectfully mention that these wild horses belong to you as they are states regulated animals under SB655 signed by Governor Richardson in 2007 and as such that you want them protected and preserved where they exist on federal lands also per SJM08 2007 and SM02 in 2006.
  4. Respectfully ask him to preserve the SandiaMountain’s wild life environment ANDNew Mexico’s rich and culturally diverse traditions together. The San Felipe Pueblo has declared these wild horses as Cultural Historic Properties (belonging to the people of the State of New Mexico where ever they roam.)
  5. Respectfully ask him to please utilize WHOA’s Win Win proposal for the SADLH Land Grant on 500 acres of the BLM lands and ensure the rest of the Placitas BLM remains as open space for a the Wild Life Corridor and Wild Horse habitat and the local communities that they grace. This plan would provide for clean Rural Economic Development utilizing the wild horses for eco-tourism if desired. (Would not increase traffic through Placitas, by direct access from I25 through easement already negotiated.)

You could also contribute to our Wild Horse legal defense fund, or sponsor a Placitas wild horse for $30 or sponsor 2 for $50 and receive newsletters and pictures of your horse for 1 yr.

For the Open Spaces and the Wild Life that Grace them,

Patience O’Dowd

Co-founder WHOA