PRESENT: Malcolm Ginever (Chair), John Hewitt (Secretary), Rod Jones, Jo Graves, Lorraine Pulford, Helen Miller, Carol Wilson (Practice Manager)

APOLOGIES: Paul Graham, Carolyn Thackstone, Dr Matthew Jelpke (Senior Partner)

MINUTES OF LAST PPG MEETING: These were agreed as an accurate record.

MATTERS ARISING: Lorraine reminded us that her pharmacist (Boots) has on two occasions taken 2 tablets from a box of 30. Prescriptions are given for 30 but a new assistant checked 28 as per the 4 week plan. It was agreed that if 30 are prescribed then 30 should be dispensed; so the error is also on the part of the pharmacist who checks the prescription against the dispensary. Lorraine will chase a reply to her previous email about this to Samantha Travis (NHS England). (ACTION LP).

Micro-suction equipment for ear wax removal: Plains View Surgery in Mapperly is raising money for the £1,500 required to purchase this equipment. The PPG would be happy to fundraise for this for St George’s Practice if there is a need. Statistics will be provided on: How many patients have had their ears syringed at the surgery in the last year. How many have been referred to hospital for micro-suction, and what was the general waiting time for their treatment? We will consider this again when we obtain more evidence to support it (ACTION CW)


(1)We could combine with Castle Clinic and Musters Road Surgery to promote self-care on Central Avenue. Maybe also liaising with Rushcliffe CVS.

(2)Since the CCG have 5 work streams for the promotion of self-care we can consider supporting any of their proposals that emerge.

(3)We could remind patients of help available from pharmacies (e.g. regarding the treatment of sore throats)


A report on Mental Health Crisis Care (64 pages) has been published, with a 3 page summary. The report highlighted:-

“A lack of awareness of how and where to get urgent treatment and emergency support;

Long waiting times with some people identifying that as consequence they were not getting better and there was the potential for them to reach crisis point as result;

People feeling that their concerns around their mental health were dismissed by some professionals;

People often commented that they were not adequately prepared for their discharge from in-patient care;

Many experienced a lack of beds (in-patient services), and having to travel to locations far from their residence.”

A report into patients’ experience of dementia diagnosis will be issued in January.

There was evidence that many patients were not aware of the 111 service, so more needed to be done to promote it.

A report into the experience of LGVT patients in getting care will also be issued in January 2017.

A survey was being carried out into experiences of care homes. Forms were available from Healthwatch for those interested in taking part.

Rushcliffe Health Partnership was triallingSMaRT Messenger, a new assistive technology system which provides personalised support in the home through TV messaging. 50 participants were required for this fully funded pilot scheme for up to 6 months. It is aimed at vulnerable adults requiring support support in the community; such as elderly patients, living alone, with low level health concerns, and not engaged with other “new” technology (e.g. smartphone/laptop). Further information is available by visiting: “


Patient numbers had now increased to 10,481 patients, an increase of 47 since our last meeting on 3rd October.

There is a Diabetes National Prevention Programme. Software has identified those patients who are at risk of getting diabetes. They are all being invited to a meeting on life-style changes.

We now have 5 GP Registrars, being qualified doctors who are learning about general practice.

A local out of hours service on Saturday and Sunday mornings had restarted at the Gamston surgery, appointments being made through the 111 service. A 7 day GP service will begin in the Rushcliffe area from 1st April. Plans for this are being prepared and discussed.


One patient commented that when booking online he/she had to wait a week to see the doctor. Others commented on the need for more availability of appointments, and the difficulty sometimes in getting through on the phone to make a booking. The Practice will consider whether more appointment slots can be put online. They will also investigate a new telephone system, such as one that lets patients know where they are in the queue. Maybe there should also be a dedicated line for urgent advice, to avoid being put on hold in such circumstances.

The waiting room was often more full nowadays. The Practice would consider putting on an extra clinic at very busy times. An audit of the peak times for appointments, and of patients arriving too early or too late would help to plan for these occasions. (ACTION CW)

When booking online it would be helpful if patients would state why they want to see the doctor. This would give him/her the opportunity to look up the patient’s notes to see if that problem had been raised before. In any event, the Practice will discuss with doctors whether they could read back history before an appointment.

There was a comment that some doctors could be more empathetic. The Practice will discuss this with them.

Also, maybe some of the reception staff could improve in their people skills. Consideration will be given to whether more training is needed about what patients want to know, the emotional pressure they are often under, and how to express more empathy. However, the Practice also had concern about the abusive way reception staff are sometimes spoken to, a problem that seems to be on the increase.

Some patients were still unaware that they can see their test results online, or ask for a printout of them if they are not on the internet. Patients should be given a warning, however, that they may see some distressing news.

Patients continue to ask for a water machine in the reception area. There is one behind reception, allowing the staff to give patients water. A sign will be put on the reception desk letting patients know this. (ACTION CW)

Carol will issue a summary of the questionnaire results for us to consider further at the next meeting so that an action plan can be drawn up. (ACTION CW)


(1)Seats in the waiting room need to be adjusted so that wheelchair users can have access to all of the area.

(2)The Practice is hoping that the TV monitor can be used to display current health issues (e.g. the One You Campaign).

(3)Consideration will be given to whether health news from the BBC website can be displayed on the Practice website.

(4)A check will be made to ensure that the contact numbers for charities (e.g. Cruze) are up-to-date when displayed in the waiting room.


Monday 6th February. Those PPG members not present, and virtual group members will be informed.