

Food Science

Produced by

Helen O'Reilly and Jackie Pierce


MODULE ------Food Science

Ø  Test for Starch. Exp and Write up. □

Ø  Test for Protein and Test for Fat. Exp and Write up. □

Ø  Toothpaste. Test for Grittiness. Exp and Write up. □

Ø  Testing cereal for Starch. Exp and Write up. □

Ø  Testing Ph of Food/ Drinks. Exp and Write up. □

Ø  Growing Bacteria. □

Ø  Internet investigation on a “Food Matter”.

Produce a poster project. □

Ø  Visit to a food Factory. Write report. □

Ø  Design Questionnaire on Diet/Food. □


Food is a fuel

It gives our body Energy

It also helps us to Grow and Repair when needed.

In our diet we need to have……

Carbohydrate Fats

Protein Vitamins

Minerals Water


Carbohydrate (starch and sugar)….

Bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, sugar


Milk, eggs, meat, fish, chicken, beans

Fats….butter, oils, fatty meat

Test for Starch:-

Need:-…..bread, iodine, test tube and dropper


Ø  Put a small piece of bread into a test tube

Ø  Add a few drops of Iodine

Ø  If a blue-black colour appears Starch is present

Colour of iodine at start ______

Colour when added to bread ______

Does bread have starch in it? ______



MODULE: Food Science

Student’s name ______Date______

Laboratory Experiment


Why I am doing this experiment


List of equipment and materials I will need


How I carried out the experiment in point form



Results of my experiment



What I have learnt from this experiment


What I would change if I were doing this experiment again



What I enjoyed about the experiment


What I disliked about the experiment


Test for Protein:-

Need:- milk, egg white, tea

Biuret reagent (sodium hydroxide and copper sulphate)

Test tubes, dropper, ppe (goggles)


1  Put food into test tube

2  Add 2mls of sodium hydroxide carefully

3  Add 2 drops of copper sulphate

4  Swirl gently

5  If protein is present a purple/violet colour will be seen


Which food contains protein?

Milk [ ] Egg white [ ] Tea [ ]

Test for Fat:-

Need :- butter, cheese, onion

Brown paper.

Method :-

Ø  Rub the food to be tested gently in brown paper

Ø  Does a translucent spot appear? Hold up light.

Ø  Let it dry in warm place for few minutes.

Ø  If translucent spot remains, fat is present.


Which foods contain Fats?

Butter [ ] Cheese [ ] onion [ ]


MODULE: Food Science

Student’s name ______Date______

Laboratory Experiment


Why I am doing this experiment


List of equipment and materials I will need


How I carried out the experiment in point form



Results of my experiment


Conclusion ______

What I have learnt from this experiment


What I would change if I were doing this experiment again



What I enjoyed about the experiment


What I disliked about the experiment



Examine for Grittiness

To examine 3 different toothpastes

Ø  ______

Ø  ______

Ø  ______


1. Smear a small amount of toothpaste 1 on a slide

2. Cover with a coverslip

3. View under microscope

4. Record what you see

5. Repeat using toothpaste 2 and 3.

6.  Compare results





Which has the most grit? ______

Student’s name ______Date______

Laboratory Experiment


Why I am doing this experiment


List of equipment and materials I will need


How I carried out the experiment in point form



Results of my experiment



What I have learnt from this experiment


What I would change if I were doing this experiment again



What I enjoyed about the experiment


What I disliked about the experiment


Testing Cereal for Starch:-

Remember Starch Test

Iodine + Starch = [ ] (colour)

Need :- Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye, Iodine, Spotting tile, Water, 4 x Pestles and mortars.


Ø  Grind up each of the cereals with separate pestle and mortar.

Ø  Add 5mls of water to each

Ø  Label 4 dishes in spotting tile with each cereal name

Ø  Add the cereals to the dishes.

Ø  Add a few drops of iodine to each dish

Ø  Note the colour change.


Student’s name ______Date______

Laboratory Experiment


Why I am doing this experiment


List of equipment and materials I will need


How I carried out the experiment in point form



Results of my experiment



What I have learnt from this experiment


What I would change if I were doing this experiment again



What I enjoyed about the experiment


What I disliked about the experiment


Testing the pH of common foods/drinks using universal indicator paper.

Dentists have been warning about the dangers of drinking acidic drinks.

Teenagers who drink a large amount of fizzy drinks suffer from tooth erosion.

The acid in the drinks dissolves the enamel that covers their teeth

The recommended safe level of pH of drinks is 5.5; anything below this can promote tooth decay.


10 test tubes, 10 food/drink samples, book of indicator paper


Ø  Line up several test tubes in a test tube rack.

Ø  To each test tube add a sample of food/drink

Ø  Estimate the pH of each sample

Ø  Fill in record table

Ø  Add 1 slip of universal indicator paper to each test tube

Ø  Note the colour change

Ø  Compare colour to the colour chart

Ø  Record the pH of each sample in the record table

Food/Drink / Estimate / Actual
Egg white
Egg yoke
Apple juice

Student’s name ______Date______

Laboratory Experiment


Why I am doing this experiment


List of equipment and materials I will need


How I carried out the experiment in point form



Results of my experiment

Food/Drink / Estimate / Actual
Egg white
Egg yoke
Apple juice


What I have learnt from this experiment


What I would change if I were doing this experiment again



What I enjoyed about the experiment


What I disliked about the experiment


Bacteria, Fungi and Viruses are micro-organisms.

They can only be seen with the help of a microscope.

10 Bacteria can cause diseases eg strep throat, salmonella.

11  They can cause food-poisoning

12 They can make food decay

13 They can make milk go sour

14 Hygiene is very important in the food industry

15 Washing hands can prevent bacteria from spreading

16 Bacteria are found everywhere.

Growing Bacteria

Bacteria colonies can be grown on a special medium call AGAR in special dishes called PETRI PLATES.

These colonies are made up of millions of cells and are then visible to the naked eye.

Wash your hands!

Growing Bacteria

Need:- Petri plates containing Agar, Inoculating needle, Bunsen, cotton wool, Savlon.


Ø  Wipe down the bench with cotton wool soaked in Savlon

Ø  Heat the inoculating needle in Bunsen flame to sterilise it

Ø  Let it cool

Ø  Touch it off the source of micro-organisms

Ø  Remove the lid of the petri plates, holding it above the base

Ø  Streak the agar with the inoculating loop

Ø  Replace the lid, seal and label

Ø  Place the plates up side down in incubator

Ø  Wash hands and wipe down bench again

Ø  Set at 37ºC for 3 days

Ø  Examine after to see what grows

Ø  Write up report

Fungi look like black and white furry thread like growths

Bacteria are in colonies of small shiny ‘pin heads’.

Student’s name ______Date______

Laboratory Experiment


Why I am doing this experiment


List of equipment and materials I will need


How I carried out the experiment in point form



Results of my experiment



What I have learnt from this experiment


What I would change if I were doing this experiment again



What I enjoyed about the experiment


What I disliked about the experiment




Design a Healthy Lunch Box

Draw a Food Pyramid

Healthy snacks V’s Unhealthy snacks

Bad Diet

Eating Disorder

Hygiene in the Kitchen

How to preserve food

Food Additives

A good Breakfast

Calorie counts in Common Foods


Obesity in Children

You are what you eat.


Visit to a Food Factory

Name of Factory


What does this Factory Produce?

Date of Visit

Name of Guide

What section/s of the Factory did you visit?

What kind of workers did you see?

What jobs were they doing?

How many people were employed there?

What were the workers wearing? Had they special coats?

Why had they to wear special clothes?

Could they wear jewellery? Explain why?

Is Hygiene important in this factory? How do you know?


Had the Factory got a person called the Quality Controller?

If ‘yes’. What did that person do?

What did you find interesting about this factory?

Write a short note on this visit. Outlining what you learnt from your visit.


Design a Questionnaire on ‘Healthy eating in our school’.

Look up samples of Questionnaires already done in Books or on the Internet

Make out a list of questions to ask.

Approx. 10 to 15 questions

Questionnaires should be easy to read

A person should be able to fill it out quickly and easily

Look for simple answers e.g. Yes [ ] or No [ ]

□ boxes to tick

Type it out on the computer

Design it with bullet points or numbering

Add a ‘title’

Decide if you’ll ask the person to put their name on it.

Decide if you’ll ask the person to put their age on it.

Decide on what font to use

Add some clip art

Sign it at the end

Print it out