PWG Change Request History

West – Type 5





Description of CR


CLEC Ratings



5 / C03-2383
/ Title: T5 Alert Notifications
Description: --Adding detail to the current alert notification for OSS outages. –Adding, at a minimum, a monthly OSS system outage log to a Website URL, capturing the duration of outages and reason. The log would be easily downloadable. –Sending notification on all OSS outages.
Initiator/Date: Cheryl Peterson, AT&T, 12/08/03 / Overall = 5.0
AT&T = 5
CTSI = 5
MCI = 5
TC3 = P
Ztel = 5
VarTec = 5
Covad = 5
Allegiance = 5
Eschelon = 5
ChoiceOne = 5 /

STATUS: Not Scheduled

09/21/04 – A portion of this initiative was satisfied by Nik Umrani’s work with the WCCC to enhance the outage notification bulleting and is currently waiting on a timeframe. The portion of this CR requesting capturing the duration of the outages has not been scheduled.

05/10/04 – Moved to Not Scheduled.

04/20/04 – Scheduled as a candidate for the Dec ’04 Release. Nick Umrani from WCCC gave an update of the Outage Notification Strawman.

03/31/04 – Business Requirements Document (BRD) finalized.

03/19/04 – Business Application Design (BAD) session scheduled for 3/25.

12/16/03 – New to List. Rated by CLECs.





Description of CR


CLEC Ratings



6 / C04-0278
#387070 / Title: Single LSR to move from UNE-P to xDSL Capable Loop
Description: Provide a single LSR process to move a service from a UNE-P arrangement to an xDSL capable loop.
Initiator/Date: John Boshier, Covad, 2/12/04
Note: Reclassifying the loop from analog to digital. Part of reclassification grouping and not associated with the new loop sharing product.
East Initiative (C04-0279/387071) / Overall = 5.0
Z-Tel = 5
AT&T = 5
MCI = 5
Birch = P
Telcove = 5
VarTec = 5
Covad = 5
Allegiance = 5
Eschelon = P
ChoiceOne = 5 /

STATUS: Pending Requirements

09/21/04 – CR currently in Product Management pending requirements.
07/20/04 – CR moved to Not Scheduled.

06/08/04 – Initiator sent in revised CR to include clarification that number porting capability should be available if desired by the CLEC submitting the LSR.

04/20/04 – Scheduled as a candidate for the February ’05 Release.

02/17/04 – New to List. Rated by CLECs.

7 / C04-0282
#387074 / Title: Single LSR to migrate from Line Splitting to xDSL Capable Loop
Description: Provide a single LSR process to migrate service from a Line Splitting arrangement to an xDSL capable loop.
Initiator/Date: John Boshier, Covad, 2/12/04
Note: An Additional Migration Scenario CR.
East Initiative (C04-0283/387076) / Overall = 5.0
Z-Tel = 5
AT&T = 5
MCI = 5
VarTec = 5
Covad = 5
Allegiance = 5
Eschelon = P
ChoiceOne = 5
Birch = P
Telcove = 5 /

STATUS: Pending Requirements

09/21/04 – CR currently in Product Management pending requirements.
07/20/04 – CR moved to Not Scheduled.

06/08/04 – Initiator sent in revised CR to include clarification that number porting capability should be available if desired by the CLEC submitting the LSR.

04/20/04 – Scheduled as a candidate for the February ’05 Release.

02/17/04 – New to List. Rated by CLECs.

8 / C04-0350
#387272 / Title: Ability to Download Historical Customer Information from WISE
Description: Verizon enhancement where CLECs could download historical information from WISE (beyond 13 months). Downloading of customer information contained within all forms submitted on an LSR.
Initiator/Date: Steve Eliott, SBC, 2/18/04
*Note: In the rating of this initiative: The passes ‘P’ were given due to no need for this application. Birch and SBC realizes that there may be a potential cost. / Overall = 5.0
AT&T = P
Birch = 5
SBC = 5
VarTec = P
Covad = P
Allegiance = P
Eschelon = P
Comcast = P /

STATUS: Not Scheduled

05/18/04 – CR moved to Not Scheduled.
04/20/04 – Scheduled as candidate for February ’05 Release.
03/16/04 – New to List. Rated by CLECs.





Description of CR


CLEC Ratings



9 / C04-0785
#387993 / Title: Notification Process for Jeopardies
Description: Eschelon requests that Verizon improve the notification process for jeopardies and/or errors sent on the order due date with the following alternatives:
1)  xDSL appearance on the CSI response (as in the East today)
2)  Move the xDSL edit up into ordering from provisioning to allow for recovery time if xDSL was present.
3)  Verizon call the order originator if the LSR is placed in a jeopardy or error status on the due date.
Eschelon also requests that Verizon stop sending jeopardies and/or errors after porting of telephone numbers on an LNP order has completed. Verizon #8217s practice of sending the customer end user #8217s service and unnecessarily ties up Verizon and CLEC resources. Eschelon intended for this to apply to facility jeopardies as well.
Initiator/Date: Kim Isaacs, Eschelon, 3/18/04 / Overall = 5.0
AT&T = 5
MCI = 5
SBC = 5
VarTec = P
Covad = 5
Allegiance = 5
Eschelon = 5
ChoiceOne = 5
Tim Werner = 5
HTC = 5
Comcast = 5 /

STATUS: Not Scheduled

02/15/04 – Moved to Not Scheduled. VZ researching to confirm if this request was completed through an IR and another initiative. Still working with CLEC.
11/16/04 – Rescheduled as a target for October ’05 Release.
07/20/04 – Scheduled as a target for June ’05 Release.
06/15/04 – Rated by CLECs
05/18/04 – Deferred until June.
04/20/04 – New to List. Rating deferred until May for further research.
15 / C05-2272
#395724 / Title: Allow for quicker identification of cancelled orders
Description: Make the LSC response for a SUP 1 to cancel clearly show that the order has been cancelled.
Initiator/Date: Laurie Fredricksen, Integra, 09/29/05 / Overall = 5.0
AT&T = P
Covad = 5
Eschelon = 5
HTC = 5
Integra = 5
MCI = 5
SBC = 5
Sprint = 5
Telcove = 5
Time W = 5
Trinsic = 5
XO = 5
Logics = P /

STATUS: Pending Requirements

10/18/05 – New to List. Rated by CLECs





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CLEC Ratings



16 / C05-2273
#395725 / Title: Eliminate expiration date for Line Splitting agreements
Description: Eliminate expiration date for Line Splitting agreements between CLEC trading partners and replace it with a requirement that CLECs affirmatively signify the end of a trading relationship with a CLEC profile update.
Initiator/Date: Mike Clancy, Covad, 09/27/05 / Overall = 5.0
AT&T = P
Covad = 5
Eschelon = P
Integra = P
MCI = 5
Sprint = P
Telcove = P
Time W = P
Trinsic = P
XO = P /

STATUS: Pending Requirements

10/18/05 – New to List. Rated by CLECs.

17 / C05-2622
#396339 / Title: Enhance the WISE Interface to pull the pre-order data into the LSR
Description: Enhance the WISE interface to allow Pre-Order Address Validations, Reserved TNs, Appointment Reservations RESIDs to be auto-populated into an LSR.
Initiator/Date: Kim Isaacs, Eschelon, 11/22/05 / Overall = 5.0
AT&T = P
Comcast = P
Covad = P
Eschelon = 5
HTC = 5
Integra = 5
Priority One = 5
Sprint = P
Telcove = 5
Time W = P
Trinsic = P
VarTec = 5
XO = 5 /

STATUS: Pending Requirements

01/17/06 – New to List. Rated by CLECs.





Description of CR


CLEC Ratings



18 / C06-0019 / Title: Expand Pre-Order View of cable pair availability
Description: Expand Pre-Order (WISE, EDI, CORBA) View Co-Location Facility query and response to allow the user to query a range of slots.
Initiator/Date: Kim Isaacs, Eschelon, 11/22/05 / Overall = 5.0
AT&T = P
Covad = P
Eschelon = 5
HTC = 5
Integra = 5
Priority One = 5
Sprint = P
Telcove = 5
Time W = P
Trinsic = P /

STATUS: Pending Requirements

01/17/06 – New to List. Rated by CLECs.





Description of CR


CLEC Ratings



20 / C03-1334
#384305 / Title: T5 Single LSR to Migrate Line Share to Line Split
Description: The purpose of this initiative is to allow CLECs to migrate voice and data service including line split and line share on a single LSR without the customer experiencing significant data and or voice downtime. In addition, this request includes a change in voice provider, change in data provider, and change in both voice and data provider on a single LSR. (Note: tied to C03-1239)
From Line Sharing to Line Splitting (UNEP)
Existing Arrangement – VZ Voice, VZ or DLEC Data
New Arrangement – CLEC UNE P Voice with or without change in Data provider
CLEC & DLEC partnership agreement, pre-positioned 30 business days prior to order activity
Activity requested on single LSR
Voice migration ordered by CLEC
If new DLEC, voice CLEC or DLEC acting as agent submits LSR and notifies the other
Voice disconnect – Voice CLEC
Data disconnect – Voice CLEC or DLEC acting as agent of VLEC; account restructure required from Line Splitting to UNEP
Voice CLEC reports voice trouble
DLEC reports data trouble
Process: Order; Jurisdiction: West; System: Primary Area: All; LSOG Version: All
Initiator/Date: Joyce Perry, AT&T, 07/22/03
Note: Accomplishes C02-3091 & C03-0072 as a subset of this change. VZ East CR: C03-1209 / Overall = 4.9
AT&T = 5
MCI = 5
ChoiceO = 4.5
CTSI = 5
Allegiance = 5
VarTec = 5
Covad = 5 /

STATUS: Not Scheduled

07/20/04 – Moved to Not Scheduled.
05/18/04 – Revised Title from Single LSR to Create and to Migrate Voice/Data to Single LSR to Migrate Line Share to Line Split
03/16/04 – AT&T revised assumptions for Migration Scenario #1.
02/17/04 – Scheduled as candidate for Oct ’04 Release.
09/15/03 – CR revised by Initiator.
08/19/03 – New to List. Rated by CLECs.





Description of CR


CLEC Ratings



21 / C03-2364
Priority 11 on Migration Scenario Chart. / Title: T5 Loopshare to Loopshare Migration
Description: Create a single order LSR to execute the Hot Cut for an existing Loopshared service to change the voice CFA. Assure this LSR can accomplish the required Hot Cut as “Basic,” “Bulk,” or “Batch.”

From Loop Sharing to Loop Sharing

Existing Arrangement – CLEC Voice on xDSL capable UNE Loop; DLEC data provider on HPFL
New Arrangement – New CLEC Voice on xDSL capable UNE Loop; no change in DLEC data provider on HPFL
CLEC & DLEC partnership agreement, pre-positioned 30 business days prior to order activity
New Voice CLEC orders voice migration
Voice disconnect – Voice CLEC
Data disconnect – Voice CLEC or DLEC acting as VLEC’s agent; rearrangement of account from Loop Sharing to xDSL capable UNE Loop
Voice CLEC or DLEC acting as VLEC’s agent reports trouble
Initiator/Date: Mike Clancy/John Boshier, Covad, 12/03/03
Note: VZ East CR: C03-2371/386121 / Overall = 5
AT&T = 5
MCI = 5
TC3 = 5
Ztel = 5
VarTec = P
Covad = 5
Allegiance = P
Eschelon = P
ChoiceOne = 5 /

STATUS: Not Scheduled

09/21/04 – On hold pending review of the need of this initiative since the loop share product was just implemented in August ’04.

06/15/04 – Phase 3 of Initiative 384693 Shared UNI Loop Product (C03-1641) has been moved to Not Scheduled.

04/20/04 – Phase 3 of Initiative 384693 Shared UNI Loop Product (C03-1641) is a candidate for October 2004.

02/20/04 – Business Requirements Document (BRD) completed.

02/17/04 - Scheduled as a candidate for the June ’04 Release to be worked with Initiative 384693 Shared UNI Loop Product (C03-1641). BAD (Business Application Design (BAD) session scheduled for the week of 2/2/04.

01/20/04 – Scheduled as a candidate for the October ’04 Release.

12/16/03 – New to List. Rated by CLECs.

22 / C04-0287
/ Title: Single LSR to move from Loop Sharing to xDSL Capable Loop
Description: Provide a single LSR process to move service from a Loop Sharing arrangement to an xDSL capable loop.
Initiator/Date: John Boshier, Covad, 2/13/04
Note: An Additional Migration Scenario CR. Assumes there is a loop sharing product available.
East Initiative (C04-0288/387067) / Overall = 5.0
Z-Tel = P
AT&T = 5
MCI = 5
VarTec = P
Covad = 5
Allegiance = 5
Eschelon = P
ChoiceOne = 5
Birch = P
Telcove = 5 /

STATUS: Pending Requirements

09/21/04 – CR currently in Product Management pending requirements.
07/20/04 – CR moved to Not Scheduled.

06/08/04 – Initiator sent in revised CR to include clarification that number porting capability should be available if desired by the CLEC submitting the LSR.

04/20/04 – Scheduled as candidate for February ’05 Release.

02/17/04 – New to List. Rated by CLECs.





Description of CR


CLEC Ratings



26 / C05-2428
#396125 / Title: Allow the CFA validation tool to accept the input of T1 CFAs
Description: Currently there is no way to the Account Number on a T1 circuit from WISE. For DSO loops you can do a CFA validation and it will show you the AN. The CFA (Customer Facility Assignment) validation does not work for T1s. We used to be able to start a repair ticket in WISE and it would give us this information. Since Repair has gone to LSI, it does not bring back this information.
Initiator/Date: Laurie Fredricksen, Integra, 10/26/05 / Overall = 4.9
AT&T = 5
Covad = 4
Eschelon = 5
HTC = 5
Integra = 5
MCI = 5
MetTel = P
SBC = 5
Time W = P /

STATUS: Pending Requirements