Warwick Lifelong Learning One Day Conference

Dimensions of Lifelong Learning:

Past, Present and Future

Tuesday 30 June 2015


09.45-10.00 / Registration - Scarnan House Reception, University of Warwick
Welcome and introduction (Meeting Room 8)
Fergus McKay, Director, Centre for Lifelong Learning and Barbara Merrill, Associate Professor (Reader) and Conference Programme Organiser
10.00-10.45 / Keynote:
Meeting Room 8 Chair: Barbara Merrill
Resource of hope: the making of British adult education
John Field, Professor Emeritus Lifelong Learning, School of Education, University of Stirling
10.45-11.00 / Morning Coffee: Scarman House Lounge
11.00-12.00 / Parallel Sessions:
Meeting Room 8 Chair: Alex Withnall
Is knowledge power? An exploration of an historical normative framework for literacy policy, adult education and the economy in Canadian communities
Alyson King, and Shanti Fernando, Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Lifelong learning in Australia: Reviewing research directions and practice
Sue Webb, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Victoria, Australia
Syndicate Room 36 Chair: Iain Jones
Having an Eureka moment: Using discovery learning to address the needs of widening participation students
Louisa Hill, Lifelong Learning, University of Leeds
Research? What do you mean, research? An exploration of ‘non-traditional’ students' experiences of undergraduate research
Mike Gallant and Jeannie Wright, Counselling & Psychotherapy Programmes, Centre for Lifelong Learning, University of Warwick
12.00-12.45 / Keynote:
Meeting Room 8 Chair: Barbara Merrill
Echoes from the past and cries in the present: equality, recognition and the pulse of freedom in adult education
Fergal Finnegan, Adult & Community Education, National University of Ireland Maynooth
12.45-13.30 / Lunch: Scarman House Restaurant
13.30-14.15 / Keynote:
Meeting Room 8 Chair: Barbara Merrill
Looking back, learning forward: Fictions and the political imaginary
Patricia Gouthro, Professor / Coordinator Lifelong Learning, Faculty of Education, Mount Saint Vincent University
14.15-15.15 / Parallel Sessions:
Meeting Room 8 Chair: Nicole Kimmelmann
Team tag responses to student posts and their impact upon student engagement with an online course
Kathryn Burn-Thornton, Department of Continuing Education, Oxford University
E-portfolios, higher education and lifelong learning
Sara Hattersley, Centre for Lifelong Learning, University of Warwick
Syndicate Room 36 Chair Sue Webb
Policy, memory and imagination: How policy actors construct narratives of widening participation
Iain Jones, Education & Professional Studies, Newman University Birmingham
Identities and social networks: Two adult male students transformations in a Chinese public University
Ding Qun, Louis Frieberg Centre for East Asian Studies, Faculty of Humanities, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
15.15-15.30 / Afternoon Tea: Scarman House Lounge
15.30-16.30 / Parallel Sessions:
Meeting Room 8 Chair: Fergus McKay
It is the language that matters – A language awareness training for adult educators in vocational training
Nicole Kimmelmann and Katja Dippold-Schenk, Vocational Education & Training, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Pedagogical supervision – A professional strategy of lifelong learning for educators
Francesca Oggionni,Department of Educational Human Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca
Syndicate Room 36 Chair Alyson King
For age is opportunity… Critical reflections on learning in later life
Alex Withnall, Associate Fellow, Centre for Lifelong Learning, University of Warwick
Only 7 stories. The fictional approach to resource development
Peter Wolstencroft and Carol Thompson, University of Bedfordshire
16.30-16.45 / Plenary
16.45 / Close of sessions