Cascade United MethodistChurch
3144 Cascade Road
Atlanta, GA 30311
Higher Education and Campus Ministry
Guidelines for Establishing an Award
- Send an e-mail to to inform the Higher Education and Campus Ministry (HECM) Scholarship Committee Chairperson that you are interested in establishing an Award. The HECM Scholarship Committee will administer the Awards Program.
- Review the HECM Award Registration Form (Attachment #1)
- Select a “name” for the award. Then decide whether the HECM Scholarship Committee or a Sponsoring Group Committee/Individual will make the award recipientselection. If the award recipient will be selected by the Sponsoring Group Committee/Individual, please provide the contact person information. Please Note: once funds are deposited into the HECM award account, the money belongs to Cascade United Methodist Church and not the sponsor(s)/donor(s). While sponsors may make the award recipientselections, the HECM Scholarship Committee reserves the right to 1) determine the dates of selection, 2) select and recommend all recipients to the Higher Educationand Campus Ministry for approval, and 3) be solely responsible for issuing all checks from the account (IRS Publication 3833, p. 15). The HECM Scholarship Committee does not handle any special award requests outside of the normal awards process, regardless of the circumstances. Such request should be referred to the Community Fund.
- Decide if the award will be a scholarship, grant or book award. A scholarship is an award of $1,000 or more. A grant is an award from $500-$999 and a book award is an award from $200 to $499. All awards (except the Cascade UMC Graduating High School Senior Awards) are listed in the HECMawards matrix and are presented at the annual Cascade Scholarship Awards Program and Reception. Awards are only issued during the period specified by the HECM Scholarship Committee.
- Select your criteria for the award. Sponsoring Groups are free to select reasonable criteria for their award, i.e. a particular college classification, school, GPA, Essay Title, Outreach, etc. Please note that the HECM Scholarship Committee reserves the right to approve the selection criteria (IRS Publication 3833, p. 15). Please note that awards cannot be designated for relatives or specific individuals (IRS Publication 526, p. 2 & Publication 3833, p. 5). Also note that under IRS regulations, awards for room, board, clerical help, travel, equipment and other expenses that are not required for enrollment in or attendance at an eligible educational institution are not tax deductible (IRS Publication 970, p. 5).
- Decide if the award will be endowed. An award is considered fully endowed at the amount of $25,000. Distribution from an endowed account can only occur if the amount in the account is over $25,000. Such a distribution cannot lower the balance in the account below $25,000. Such awards will require an endowed awards letter in Attachment #2.
- Complete a copy of the HECM Awards Registration Form (Attachment #1) and email it to the HECM Scholarship Committee Chairpersonat r leave it in the HECM mailbox outside of Room 110.
- Once the HECM Scholarship Committee has approved the Award Certification Form, the Chairperson of the HECM Scholarship Committee will consult with the Cascade United Methodist Church Accountant to set up an account for the Award and advise the coordinator of the award. Donor(s) should make all contributions payable to Cascade United Methodist Church(UMC). Please note that the HECM Scholarship Committee reserves the right to authorize all disbursements from accounts.
- Once the Award Certification Form has been approved and the account has been established, the sponsoring group may advertise the Award in the Messenger and solicit members to contribute. Please note that Cascade United Methodist Church does not allow any other form of fundraising on church property.
- The HECM Scholarship Committee will communicate with the contact person for the Award on the dates and times for submission and selection. To assure compliance with IRS and HECM Guidelines, the Scholarship Committee must reserve the right to determine the dates of selection; approve all recipients; and be solely responsible for issuing checks from the account (IRS Publication 3833, p. 15).
Cascade United Methodist Church
Higher Education Ministry
Awards Registration Form
Name of the Award:
Group/Individual sponsoring the Award:
Please provide a two or three sentence description of this award (i.e. this award is in honor of the John & Amy Doe Family. John is a graduate of Ace University and Amy is a graduate of Bick University. This Award is designed to support students attending Universal University) Submit anelectronicpicture to , so that it canbe associated with your award or leave a hard copy picturein the HECM mailbox outside of room 110. (Hard copies will be returned upon request).
Would you like the HECM Scholarship Committee to make the applicantselection based on the criteria you have selected? Yes No -If no, who will make the applicant selection?
Contact Person:Contact Number(s):
Address (City, State, and Zip):
E-Mail Address:
This award is a:Scholarship ($1000) Grant ($500) Book Award($200)
Is this is an Endowed Award? Yes No. If yes, when should we begin advertising and disbursing funds from the account?
Award Criteria: (Check any/all that apply) Please note that the HECM Scholarship Committee reserves the right to approve the selection criteria (IRS Publication 3833, p. 15). Please note that awards cannot be designated for relatives or specific individuals (IRS Publication 526, p. 2 & Publication 3833, p. 5). Also note that under IRS regulations, awards for room, board, clerical help, travel, equipment and other expenses that are not required for enrollment in or attendance at an eligible educational institution are not tax deductible (IRS Publication 970, p. 5).
This award is for:FreshmenSophomores Juniors Seniors
Graduate Any Other/Explain:
Is this award designated for students attending a particular college/university and/or pursuing a certain field of study? Yes No
If yes, please providethe details:
Award Criteria Continued: (Check any/all that apply)
GPA Essay*
Cascade Members Only Active in a Ministry Group
Active in CommunityLetter of Recommendation (Quantity)
Active in School Organizations Interview**
Other*Explain (please be specific):
*You can create your own essay or choose from one listed below. Essay Number: or
New Essay (please type your essay requirements here):
**The HECM Scholarship Committee does not conduct interviews. Interviews are the responsibility of the sponsoring group/individual.
Essay #1:"Why do you desire an education? What are your goals, inspirations, challenges, motivations andmotivators?” Provide a brief description of any special circumstances you feel should be considered by the Award Committee.
Essay #2:Letter Stating Need
Essay #3:a) Statement of Goals: Applicant must compose and submit a statement not to exceed one (1) page in length outlining his/her intended course of study and ultimate professional/career goals.
b) Essay: Applicants must compose and submit an essay not to exceed three (3) pages in length on the following topic: “Describe the effect contemporary gospel artists such as Kirk Franklin, Fred Hammond & Radical for Christ, Yolanda Adams and Mary Mary and their music has had on evangelism.” Both the Statement of Goals and the Essay should be typed, single-spaced in a 12 point font size.
**Failure to adhere to these instructions may result in disqualification**
Essay#4:Onetyped page outlining, "Why I Am Interested in a Public Service Career."
Essay #5: "Why College? Why A&T? How will A&T, society and you benefit by you receiving this award?"
Essay #6: State your educational goals in 500 words or more.
Essay #7: "Why you plan to attend a Historically Black College/University?"
Essay #8: "Why are you majoring in music and what are your long-term goals?"
Essay #9: “How do you expect your Howard University education will prepare you for your future?"
Essay #10: Type a250-word essay stating why you deserve this award. Address questions such as: “How will this award help you? How does this award fit in the larger scheme or how does this award enable your overall list of personal goals?” Also, the applicant should provide a brief description of themselves (i.e. desired occupation; college major; etc.). Applicants must complete community service per the following guidelines: Applicants must provide proof of at least 30 hours of volunteering or community service within the same year of receiving the award. If the student has not met this requirement prior to the receipt of this award, within that same year of receiving the award the student has one year to fulfill this requirement. Note: Volunteering or community service could qualify as work for or with non-profit organizations or other similar services and groups, i.e. the Boys and Girls Club; Boy Scouts; Big Brother Big Sister; Hands on Atlanta; Feed the Homeless; Habitat for Humanity; Cascade United Methodist Church; Tutoring; etc. The recipient of this award must be enrolled at his or her institution of choice for at least 6 credits hours per semester or classified as part-time. The Award funds must be and are solely designated for expenses required for enrollment in or attendance at an eligible educational institution.
Award Recipient - Within the following year, the award recipient is required to submit a progress report regarding their education experience following the receipt of this award, at a minimum annually or bi-annually (preferred). The recipient can put the status in a written letter or in an e-mail (which is preferred). The progress report should be sent to the attention of Mr. Tamrat (Tim) Kassa, Jr. at .
The purpose of the progress report(s) is to provide the sponsor(s) a testimonial or description of how the recipient is doing following the receipt of the award. For example, the recipient can discuss how they’re doing in school (i.e.: grades, activities, and other awards) and how the award assisted them financially.
Essay #11: "Why attending college is important to me?”
Essay #12: Please describe your disability and some of the challenges you have had to overcome.
Essay #13: “How has community service contributed to your high school or college education?”
Essay#14: Please provide a 2-page essay on your financial need and "Why you would be an ideal candidate for this award."
Essay#15: Type an essay that includes your career goals and how you plan to achieve them, how you will include Christ in achieving your goals, and your personal involvement in the church.
Essay #16:“How will I utilize music to make a contribution to the community and world?”
Essay #17:“How do you expect your Emory University law school education will prepare you for your future in law?”
Essay #18: Type a 250-word essay stating “How do you think you can make a difference through education?”
Essay #19: “Why am I interested in teaching in the public school system?”
Essay #20:“Upon graduation what will you do professionally and socially to uphold the legacy of Florida A&M University?”
Essay#21:“Why are you majoring in Mass Communications and what are your major goals?”
Essay #22:Type a 250-word essay stating “How this award will help you achieve your educational goals”.
Essay #23:“How do you plan to use your science based degree to accomplish your career goals”.
Essay #24:Type a 250 word essay stating “Why you deserve this award”. Address questions such as: How will this award help you? How does this award enable you to achieve your personal goals? Provide a brief description of yourself (i.e.: college major; desired occupation etc.)
Essay #25: Why I am interested in being a lawyer or in the legal field and what do I see myself doing in the next 5 years. The essay should be single-spaced and not more than 3 pages.
Essay #26:In 500 words or less answer the following: Each day you come into contact with things and people that can influence you. Choose someone or something that has had a positive or negative influence on youand the choices you have made. How do you think your life would be different if this influence were not present? What do you consider the difference between religion and spirituality? How do theyplay a partin your life?
Essay #27:How has technology changed in your lifetime and how will you apply it to your engineering discipline?
Essay #28:Give 3 reasons why you chose to attend Voorhees College.
Essay #29:Statement of Goals: Applicant must compose and submit a statement not to exceed one (1) page in length outlining his/her intended course of study and ultimate professional/career goals.
Please provide any other pertinent information about this award.
Please Note:Once funds are deposited into this Award account, the money belongs to Cascade United Methodist Church and not the donors. While sponsors may make the award recipientselections;the HECM Scholarship Committee reserves the right to approve all recipients (IRS Publication 3833, p. 15) and will be solely responsible for requesting checks for payment at the appropriate time.
Electronic Signature of Sponsoring Individual/Group Point of Contact
Cascade United Methodist Church
Higher Education and Campus Ministry (HECM) Scholarship Awards
The endowed fund will be known as the Scholarship Fund.
Description of Award:
The Fund will financially assist students who demonstrate:
Amount and Number
An award is endowed at the amount of $25,000. Distribution from an endowed account can only occur if the amount in the account is over $25,000. Such awards will require an Endowed Fund Administration Agreement
Perpetuation of the Award
The Fund shall be perpetuated by both outright and endowment gifts according to the discretion of the donor and/or the addition of interest earned.
Administration of the Awards
The awards provided by the Fund shall be administered by the Higher Education and Campus Ministry of Cascade United Methodist Church (UMC). Once funds are deposited into a Cascade UMC scholarship award account, the money belongs to Cascade UMC and not the sponsor(s)/donor(s). While sponsors may make the award recipient selections, the HECM Scholarship Committee reserves the right to 1) determine the dates of selection, 2) approve all recipients, and 3) be solely responsible for issuing all the funds from the account
Qualifications of the Recipients
The recipient(s) of the fund shall
Please Note: The HECM Scholarship Committee reserves the right to approve all criteria and recipients selected.
Selection of Recipients
The HECM Scholarship Committeewill choose the award recipient(s): Yes NoIf no, please provide the name, address and contact number of the person that will make the award recipientselection(s):
Please Note: Awards are only presented at the Annual Cascade Scholarship Awards Program and Reception. Awards are only issued during the period specified by the HECM Scholarship Sub-Committee. The HECM Scholarship Sub-Committee reserves the right to approve all criteria and recipients selected.
This agreement may be amended by the parties during the lifetime of the sponsor or the survivors of them and is hereby entered into by the names listed below.
Electronic Signature of Sponsoring Individual/Group Point of Contact