Corporate Environmental Policy - sample
XYZ Tree Service – Environmental Policy Statement
XYZ Tree Service is committed to leading the industry in minimizing the impact of its activities on the environment.
The key points of its strategy to achieve this are:
· Minimize waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
· Minimize toxic emissions through the selection and use of its fleet and the source of its power requirement.
· Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers.
· Source and promote a product range to minimize the environmental impact of both production and distribution.
· Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the Company.
· Use an accredited program to offset the greenhouse gas emissions generated by our activities.
Addendum – Checklist for a Sustainable Tree Care Company – v3
Field Operations
ÿ Work fleet that runs on alternative fuel.
ÿ Sales fleet that is high efficiency/runs on alternative fuel.
ÿ Power hand tools are low emission, high efficiency.
ÿ Hand tools used in place of power tools whenever practical.
ÿ Pony motors on aerial lifts.
ÿ Routing/scheduling software, communications systems, GPS and other technology utilized to maximize efficiency.
ÿ PHC/liquid service fleet incorporates the latest efficiency and safety technology.
ÿ Fleet management system in place to ensure properly tuned and maintained vehicles.
Office Management
ÿ Paper products made with 70-100% post-consumer waste.
ÿ Paper products produced with chlorine-free process.
ÿ Paper products printed with soy ink.
ÿ Select employee, customer and vendor transactions are electronic and paperless (direct deposit, wire transfers, proposals & invoices, online/telephone credit card payments, etc.).
ÿ Office waste is recycled.
ÿ Low VOC paint, flooring, etc.
ÿ Low flow plumbing fixtures.
Physical Plant
ÿ Physical plant (office/shop) utilizes alternative energy source(s) such as wood fired boiler, solar, wind.
ÿ Majority of wood fuel for boiler is a by-product of company operations.
ÿ On-site generated alternative energy sold back to local clients, coop, or utility.
ÿ Physical plant (office/shop) utilizes high efficiency systems such as ground source heat pump (geothermal); natural, compact fluorescent or LED lighting; thermostat timers; motion sensor lighting; etc.
ÿ Building has undergone energy audits and efficiency upgrades.
ÿ Alternative de-icing agents used on walkways and driveways.
ÿ Plug load assessment performed
ÿ Building has Energy Star certification
ÿ Building has Leeds certification, if so which level: ______
ÿ Facility has sustainable sites certification.
ÿ Facility has local certification, if so which program (attached requirements): ______
Wood Utilization
ÿ Highest use assessment program in place to identify wood/logs that may have higher value as lumber, furniture stock, etc.
ÿ Majority of wood is recycled at client site, eliminating energy expenditure associated with transporting it.
ÿ No wood waste is brought to a land fill
ÿ High percent of all wood by-product is recycled. List percent: ______.
ÿ Liquid services are only provided with accurate diagnosis and prescription.
ÿ Tree planting offered as a service.
ÿ Tree replacement offered with tree removals (free?, reduced cost?).
ÿ Tree planting consultation offered to increase likelihood of survival.
ÿ A300 Standards adhered to.
ÿ Written proposals using spec written to A300 standards provided.
ÿ Only low toxicity, narrow spectrum pesticides used.
ÿ Only organic, slow-release fertilizer used.
ÿ Environmental mitigation/restoration and tree preservation services offered.
ÿ PHC/IPM principles are followed.
ÿ Management implements an injury and illness prevention (safety and health) program.
ÿ Management provided PPE, including PPE needed for PHC/IPM services
ÿ Employees are offered health and/or dental benefits.
ÿ Employees are offered 401K or similar benefits.
ÿ Company pays correct payroll taxes and holds workers compensation coverage for employees.
ÿ Company offers a public transportation voucher, ride-share program, or allows for a car pool bulletin board.
ÿ Employee efforts to save energy, increase productivity, or reduce waste are formally recognized and rewarded.
ÿ Company has a pedestrian and traffic control safety policy and implements control devices, including flaggers when needed.
ÿ Company supports/participates in community tree groups.
ÿ Company provides best practice education in tree and land care for local citizens.
ÿ Company supports/participates in industry trade associations and professional societies.
ÿ Company supports/participates in local sustainable/quality of life groups (i.e., farmers market, community gardens, land conservancy groups, food and/or heat coops, parks, botanic gardens and arboreta.