Item # 41
Short answer questions: Assessment Field
Your Name:
1. In the vocational education and training (VET) sector, assessments are competency-based. Describe how competency-based assessment (CBA) works. In your answer, include:a. a basic explanation of CBA, including (but not limited to):
● the fact that CBA is criteria-referenced and how this compares with a norm-referenced assessment
● the importance of a client-focussed approach in a competency-based assessment
b. candidate rights and responsibilities in CBA
c. assessor responsibilities in CBA, including responsibility to ensure healthy and safe assessment.
2. Name, define, and give an example of each of the four (4) Principles of Assessment.
Guidance: Sample answer
”The Principles of Assessment state that assessments must be:
(Name first principle here). This principle means that (define the principle here). For example, a RTO could (give one example here of what a RTO or an assessor could do to ensure that assessments reflect this principle).”
3. Name, define, and give an example each of the four (4) Dimensions of Competence. The first Dimension has been done for you as a sample answer, meaning that you only need to define the remaining 3 Dimensions.
Guidance: Sample answer
”The Dimensions of Competence are:
1) Task skills—Task skills mean the ability to perform the steps in the task being assessed to the required standard. For example, when assessing whether or not someone can operate a photocopier, candidates must demonstrate that they can (step 1) ensure the copier is ‘on’ and ready for use, (step 2) set the copier to make the required number and format of copies, (step 3) retrieve the original and copies from the copier…” etc
You continue with the remaining 3 Dimensions of Competence.
4. Name, define, and give an example of each of the four (4) Rules of Evidence.
Guidance: Sample answer
”The Rules of Evidence state that to be of an acceptable quality, evidence must be:
1) (name first rule of evidence here). This means that evidence must be (explain what this rule means in ‘plain English’). An example is (give an example of evidence that reflects this rule).”
5. Explain what the concept of ‘reasonable adjustment’ means in an assessment context. Give one example of a reasonable adjustment.
6. One of your responsibilities as an assessor is to ensure that candidates are fully ‘briefed’ (informed) of the assessment details. List the information that should be covered in the ‘assessment brief’ (a bulleted list is fine).
Guidance: Sample answer
”When being briefed, assessors must confirm the candidates’ understanding of: (list of items to include in the brief should follow).
7. a. Briefly discuss a practical system that is (or could be) used in your workplace to regularly review assessments.
b. How does (or how could) your organisation keep track of ongoing improvements made to assessment plans and related resources?
8. In your own words, explain what ‘assessment validation’ means. Name at least two different aspects of assessments that may be validated.
For example, one possible purpose of an assessment validation could be to validate the RTO’s assessment administrative procedures to ensure that they are streamlined and effective; name two other aspects of assessments that may be validated.
Short Answer Questions ASS Field V2 2012 Pg. 3