Marching Raider General Meeting Minutes

Date: August 5, 2014 Time: 7:30

Attendees: Karen Tortorelli, President

Gretchen Ricotta, Vice President

Maggie Tice, Treasurer

Theresa Masterson, Assistant Treasurer

Chris Kusion, Deputy Treasurer

Tina Laya, Recording Secretary

Jen Salt, Corresponding Secretary

Carolyn Roche, Membership Director

Don Gough, Pit Crew Director

Joe Qazi, Publicity Director

Elizabeth BurakMance, Ways and Means

, Junior Class Liaison

Tammy Reid, Junior Class Liaison

Carole Williams, Sophomore Class Liaison

, Sophomore Class Liaison

Carlene Fairgrieve, Freshman Class Liaison

Dena Campbell, Freshman Class Liaison

Jessica Sanford, Co-Band Director

Absent:Mark Figueroa, Co-Band Director

Sharon Pirkowski, Senior Class Liaison

Sheryl Middleton, Senior Class Liaison

Denise Middleton, Bingo Director

Called to order at 7:45pm

Minutes from General Meeting of were distributed via email. Motion to accept was made by Jim Webster and seconded by Theresa Masterson. The motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report:

General Account: $13,000.59

Indoor guard $546.80; thermo $2166.32; indoor percussion $3833.16

Bingo Account: as of July 21 $8089.76

There are funds outstanding from the Ford Fundraiser

Credit Report:

Restricted Account: $6567.89 have to pay out $2880 for the chocolates…balance after payment is $3687.89

Student's Restricted $8324.94

Correspondence: Everyone is getting the emails that Jen is sending

Band Director’s Report:

Next week at band camp…student’s will get a band/color guard specific form for items that they need…Band: Lyres, Gloves, Shoes and for the guard: shoes, gloves, body tights, and parkas for all…percussionist don’t need Lyres or gloves

Please check current shoes to make sure they are still white and can use again

Pit and Color Guard will be dressing like pirates…Brigade pays for it…they will have two uniforms…still need the regular uniform for parades

May need to order Parkas…$70 a piece to replace the ones we have…have more kids than parkas…have similar ones that are clear but are not lined…they are $12

Everyone has to be uniformed so they all need to have the same one…Ms. Sanford will check if they can make it in black. Everyone in the band will need to buy parkas.

Need to get all the forms back to the band directors. Touch base with the students to see if all the forms are back. If they don’t have the band forms by band camp, the directors will call the parents.

Tina’s mom took all the pants home and cleaned them. We are waiting for the jackets to come back from the cleaners.


Voted at the EB to continue to have bingo every week…Bingo is our main contributor of funds for the band…EB just approved the budget..$32,000 to run the program not including all our licenses and insurances, etc. $66,000 total budget

We need volunteers to help run it. The people are coming to play..up to 91 this week.

We have two teams and need four teams…if everyone helped out it would be as little as once every few months. Jen distributed a sign-up sheet for whatever job you would like to do and she will make the new teams up.


If you haven’t paid your membership, please pay the $40. If Carolyn doesn’t have a form then the student may not get the size of shirt that they need. It covers the insurance for the students. Carolyn will reach out to the parents that have not completed the forms

Pit Crew:

The lawn mower is in really bad shape…need someone that is handy to help fix it

It’s a Craftsman mower and needs some work…Rod Morris may be able to help

Meeting Sunday at 10am to work on things

Working on a tractor trailer for storage


Website is up to date….will go through and update dates and titles on documents

Ways and Means:

WAWA Sheryl has to hand over to Tammy

Shoprite…waiting for books to be balanced then it will be handed over to Elizabeth

Applebee’s breakfast in the fall

Mums in the fall

Atlantic City Bus trip…Gretchen and Betty will look into it

Jim Webster brought up having a Casino Night, Amazon Smile (1% of whatever purchase you make goes into our account), Chili’s Fundraiser, and Chick Filet, etc.

He will give information to Elizabeth

Gretchen’s fundraiser:

Saturday Sept 6…Scrapbooking fundraiser…rent a table for the day…$40 a person…get breakfast, lunch and dinner…

Discount card for $10…selling them at back to school night…can use for a year for discounts from local businesses…ordered 500 of them…great profit, $3500

New Business:

Executive Board for 2014-2015:

TITLE / Name
Band Director / Jessica Sanford
Band Director / Mark Figueroa
Guard Director / Stephanie Mullen
President / Karen Tortorelli
Vice President / Gretchen Ricotta
Corresponding Secretary / Jen Salt
Recording Secretary / Tina Laya
Treasurer / Maggie Tice
Deputy Treasurer / Chris Kusion
Assistant Treasurer / Theresa Masterson
Membership / Carolyn Roche
Publicity / Joe Qazi
Bingo Director / Denise Middleton
Ways and Means / Elizabeth BurakMance
Pit Crew / Don Gough
Class Liaison, Seniors / Sheryl Middleton
Class Liaison, Seniors / Sharon Pirkowski
Class Liaison, Juniors / Tammy Reid
Class Liaison, Juniors
Class Liaison, Sophomores / Carole Williams
Class Liaison, Sophomores
Class Liaison, Freshman / Carlene Fairgrieve
Class Liaison, Freshman / Dena Campbell

President…Karen was voted in unanimously at the last meeting

VP nominated by Executive Board and voted by General Board: Gretchen Ricotta….unanimously voted in tonight

Ways and Means nominated by Karen and approved at Executive Board Elizabeth Burak-Mance voted in tonight

Refer to the Executive Board list for all other positions that have been voted on and approved and that will continue throughout the year

We need a Junior and Sophomore Liaison

Need about $1000 to get the kids a charter bus for nationals…may use a Chipotle fundraiser

We can do raffles at our events…

Gave out sign out sheets for water moms/dads…done before competitions and home football games

After competition and football games, kids get a bottle of water…request donations of bottle of waters. We need 2 cases of water per person and two parents per event. Sign-up sheet sent around and Elizabeth will get the list to send out reminders.

Ice pops for band week…drop off between11-12

Music in Motion…ad forms are in the back of the room for the parents…70% goes into your child’s account

Band photographer…Vinny will be taking pictures of the kids during the season…booked for MIM…

Band parents buddy system…will do when all membership forms are completed

MIM….last year we made $13,000 profit….last year we had 17 bands and we have 10 this year…made into a day show to accommodate bands but now they can’t make it…2pm start time…trying to get some colleges to come and play and trying to get a bagpiper band to come in

Karen distributed the sign-up sheet for MIM…

Need a person to run the concessions….contact Karen if interested

Sponsorship ads available for businesses

Car wash this Saturday

The meeting was adjourned at 9:14pm

Next General Meeting: tentatively Tuesday September 9, 7:30 PM