FEBRUARY 26, 2014

Pursuant to notice made to the newspaper of general circulation throughout Grant County, the radio station in Grant County and e-mail distribution list, a regular meeting of the County Court was held at the County Courthouse in Canyon City OR.

9:00 am -- Call to Order. Present were Judge Scott W. Myers, Commissioners Boyd Britton and Chris B. Labhart, Secretary Mary Ferrioli, Pastor Marcie Collins, Jim Sproul, and Economic Development Coordinator Sally Bartlett. A Pledge of Allegiance was given to the United States flag. The invocation was given by Pastor Collins.

AGENDA. MSP: Britton/Labhart -- to accept the agenda


Myers said City of John Day Manager Peggy Gray contacted him this morning to report the city is still working on some details with a law enforcement contract with the City of Prairie City. He has encouraged John Day and Prairie City to move forward with the contract. Labhart said Prairie City wants to have a contract with John Day and Myers confirmed John Day wants that to happen also. Myers indicated that an injured Sheriff’s Deputy would be returning to work today which alleviates low staffing. Myers met yesterday at 8 am with Judge Stinnett and electrical contractors for a walk through of the Justice Court / Law Library remodel project. Myers, Sheriff Palmer and Treasurer Smith began labor negotiations with the Police Officers’ Association on Monday.

Britton said the county’s letter of comment the Oregon Sage Grouse DEIS prepared by legal counsel was mailed on Monday. He said the Forest Service is preparing to do a riparian restoration survey project so he informed the Supervisor that potentially pertinent information is available in the Cramer Fish Sciences study. Britton also followed up with GSWCD about the Cramer study. He would probably attend a Woody Biomass meeting in Salem tomorrow. Last Thursday he met with the Courthouse Facilities Committee and Engineer Werner Arntz to assess the potential for installing a Courthouse elevator. Britton had composed and delivered a letter of condolence to Mrs. Tim Lilliebo on behalf of the court.

9:10 am – News Reporter Scotta Callister entered.

Labhart attended a hospital board meeting last Thursday and a hospital compliance meeting this Monday. Today Labhart will attend an LCAC meeting and an OSU Extension Candidate meet and greet this evening. Thursday he will drive the VA van to Boise and Saturday he’ll attend the library’s Chili Feed and Pie Auction. Labhart is currently conducting Oregon Hunter Safety classes Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. He met with Hospital Administrator Bob Houser recently to discuss the future administration of the public health department. Houser said that he would not recommend the hospital board take over public health services.

This week the court received a letter of commendation from Sheriff Glenn Palmer recognizing Road Master Sue Horn’s level of experience and ability to begin projects, move them forward to completion, and to get issues resolved.

MINUTES. MSP: Myers/Labhart -- to approve the February 19 minutes as slightly amended.

PUBLIC COMMENT. An opportunity was given for the public to comment. None was offered.

LETTER OF SUPPORT. Court members reviewed and signed a letter of support on behalf of Doug Ferguson and Ferguson Surveying and Engineering regarding the exceptional services the firm has provided to Grant County for over 25 years.

BUDGET RESOLUTION. The court reviewed and signed Resolution 14-05 Making Intrafund Transfers, General Fund / County Court Department, $400.00 to cover the cost of purchasing a new digital recording system for meetings. MSP: Labhart/Myers – to sign Resolution 14-05 as presented.

9:25 am -- Kathy Stinnett entered

AUDIT CONTRACT. The court reviewed and approved Oster Professional Groups CPAs Audit Contract and Engagement Letter concerning the county’s financial statements and fiscal affairs for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. MSP: Labhart/Britton -- to authorize Judge Myers to sign the Oster Professional Group CPAs audit contract and engagement letter for the year ending June 30, 2014.

MENTAL HEALTH FINANCING. The court reviewed and approved Amendment 3 to Intergovernmental Agreement No. 141411-03 for the Financing of Community Addictions and Mental Health Services. MSP: Britton/Myers-- to authorize Judge Myers to sign Amendment 3 to Intergovernmental Agreement No. 141411-03 for the Financing of Community Addictions and Mental Health Services after he visits with either Thad Labhart or Kimberly Lindsay to make sure he’s comfortable with these changes. Commissioner Labhart declared a conflict of interest since his son works for Community Counseling Solutions.

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Justice of the Peace Kathy Stinnett asked for approval to attend the Oregon Judicial Education Conference March 12 – 14 at the Best Western in Newport. Costs were estimated to be $150 / registration, $40 / meals and $294.40 / mileage for a total of $554.40. Lodging expense is being sponsored by DMV and ODOT. Stinnett asked for the option to use mileage expense to offset the cost of fuel for a private plane, if weather is clear on the Oregon coast. She said she has volunteered to head-up the Fall Conference committee and it will most likely be held in Bend September 24 – 26. Stinnett added that she plans to take her Clerk with her to assist during the Fall Conference. MSP: Myers/Britton -- to approve Judge Stinnett’s attendance at the Oregon Judicial Education Conference in Newport March 12 – 14 to include an option to use mileage expense to offset fuel for a private plan. Stinnett asked for approval to have a hand check issued for the $150 registration fee, since no claims are scheduled before the conference. MSF: Myers/Labhart – to approve a hand check for the $150 registration fee. Some discussion followed about the possibility of making the payment on-line with a credit card. Stinnett planned to explore her ability to pay the registration fee without having a hand check issued.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Economic Development Coordinator Sally Bartlett requested approval to submit a USDA Rural Business Enhancement Grant Concept Paper by the February 28 deadline. She explained a new concept called “graveling” (riding a bike off highway) which more and more cycling visitors are interested in doing. An entrepreneur would like to explore the possibility of a bicycle / natural resources Touring Company in Grant County to include market research / development and business counseling / training. The Touring Company would partner with the Chamber of Commerce and other business entities to market the county as a bicycling center that supports all types of bicycling enthusiasts. This “New Jobs” project is expected to create about 5 jobs, and Bartlett expects the $40,000 in funding would cover about one-third of her time. She thought it was a good time to look into providing other recreational opportunities for visitors expected to come into our area after this summer due to development at the Silvies Valley Ranch. Bartlett talked about the good success we’ve had developing new businesses as a result of two previous RBEG projects, as well as some of the jobs that have been created in our area. Bartlett also explained her efforts to locate and contract with a temporary part-time clerical support staff through the Training and Employment office.

9:55 am – King Williams and Patrick Bentz entered

MSP: Labhart/Myers -- to approve Ms. Bartlett’s submission of the RBEG New Jobs project concept paper as outlined in the presentation.

AIRPORT. Airport Manager Patrick Bentz requested approval to make a Power Point presentation before the Connect Oregon 5 Aviation Mode Review Committee at the Port of Portland on March 6. Bentz reported that Grant County is currently in the top of Tier 3 among 28 applicants to receive $20,000 in matching funds to complete a required FAA (funded) Airport Master Plan. He hopes to increase the county’s competitive standing with his personal presentation to the Review Committee. Bentz added that the current Airport Master Plan was completed in1998 and the new plan would be sufficient for the next 20 years. Bentz would stay with relatives so expenses would be for mileage and meals, which is within his budget.

10:03 am – Sue Horn entered

MSP: Britton/Myers -- to allow Patrick Bentz’s presentation to the CO5 Aviation Mode Review Committee in Portland on March 6.

Bentz presented an Epic Fuel Purchase Contract Amendment that includes a new Credit Card Processing agreement to use at any FBO that accepts Multi Service. After a review of 2013 credit card activity by Epic, it was suggested the 1.75% option be used due to the low volume of use. He explained we currently pay no fee to Epic, but they have agreed to reduce the airport’s fee from $40 to $20 per month. While the airport’s credit card expense would go up, Bentz said it‘s in line with the cost of other credit card services. He and the Airport Commission Chair recommend signing the Contract Amendment since Epic has been very good to deal with in the past. MSP: Labhart/Britton -- to authorize Judge Myers to sign the Epic Fuel Purchase Contract Amendment as presented.

EXECUTIVE SESSION. At 10:15 am the court met in Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(d) to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to carry on labor negotiations. Myers recited the State Attorney General’s Sample Script to Announce the Start of Executive Sessions. All court members, Road Master Sue Horn and Treasurer Kathy Smith were present. At 11:10 am the court returned to General Session. No motions were made as a result of the discussion.

11:10 am – Adjourned Respectfully Submitted, Mary R. Ferrioli / County Court Secretary