Revised 06/05/2017


1.PREFACE...... 1







F. VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN'S ACT………………………………………………….…………7



3.ADMISSIONS...... 9



6. TRANSFER POLICY …....………………………………………………..………….…...……10

7.revision of resident selection Plan...... 10

Attachment 1 – Reasonable Accommodation Policy...... 12

Attachment 2 – Transfer Policy...... 14


ATTACHMENT 4- SMOKE FREE POLICY ………………………………………………..……32

Resident Selection Plan HUD PRAC

Page | 1



Disciples House of Glendale Inc. is a non-profit Arizona Corporation. It owns and operates Manistee Manor. The purpose of this complex is to provide housing for very low-income elderly individuals and families through the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Section 202 Capital Advance Program (24 CFR part 891, subparts A, B, C, D). Income eligibility is determined by using the HUD-published "Very Low” income limits for the area.



To live at Manistee Manor you must be:

•62 years of age or older (Head of Household or Spouse);

•An eligible household as defined in this plan;

•Willing to abide by the Manistee Manor Smoke Free Policy; and

•Within the appropriate income limits. *

*Specifically, this means that admission to Manistee Manor is limited to those applicants whose income meets the Very Low Income Limits for this area.

Our non-profit corporation accepts applications, admits residents and employs staff without regard to race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, national origin, marital status, ancestry, source of income, age, medical condition (cancer/genetic characteristics), or any arbitrary basis. We do not discriminate on the basis of disability status in the admission, or access to, or treatment, or employment in our federally assisted programs and activities. The person named below has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s regulations implementing Section 504 (24 CFR, part 8 dated June 2, 1988).

504 Coordinator

Christian Church Homes

303 Hegenberger Road #201, Oakland, CA 94621

510-632-6712 voice or 711 TTY


All potentially eligible, qualified applicants will be solicited in accordance with the HUD-Approved Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (HUD Form 935.2), and admitted after complying with all admissions requirements in HUD Handbook 4350.3 REV-1 (including all changes) and the applicable HUD-published Income Limits for the area. State law that applies to Fair Housing policies shall also be followed as part of this policy. This housing community is open to all eligible applicants regardless of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status.


All persons/families interested in applying for housing must comply with the following requirements to be considered for housing:

•Applicants must complete the application, sign, and return it to the address listed on the bottom of the application.

•Applicants must list all household members who will reside in the unit.

•Applicants must provide proof of identity.

•Effective January 31, 2010, all household members requesting HUD assistance must provide the complete and accurate Social Security Number assigned to each member of the applicant’s household and the documentation necessary to prove that the Social Security Number is accurate.

For eligibility purposes, the requirement to disclose a Social Security Number is waived if no Social Security Number has been assigned and:

-A household member is 62 or older as of January 31, 2010 and eligibility determination started before January 31, 2010.

-A household member is an ineligible non-citizen. This household member does not qualify for assistance therefore household assistance will be prorated.

Applicant households who have not disclosed and/or provided verification of their SSNs at the time an apartment becomes available will be given 90 days from the date an apartment is first offered to disclose and/or verify the SSNs. During this time, the applicant may retain their place on the waiting list, but the available apartment will be offered to the next applicant on the waiting list. After 90 days, if the applicant is unable to disclose and/or verify the SSNs of all non-exempt household members, the applicant household will be determined ineligible and removed from the waiting list.

The owner/agent must deny and/or terminate HUD assistance, in accordance with the provisions governing the program, if the assistance applicant does not meet the applicable SSN disclosure, documentation, and verification requirements.

The Social Security Number provided will be compared to the information recorded in the Social Security Administration database (through HUD’s Enterprise Income Verification System) to ensure that the Social Security Number, birth date, and last name match. If EIV returns an error that cannot be explained or resolved, assistance and/or tenancy may be terminated and any assistance paid in error must be returned to HUD. If the applicant/resident deliberately provides an inaccurate Social Security Number, the owner/agent and/or HUD may pursue additional penalties due to attempted fraud.

•All Applicants MUST disclose if they are currently receiving HUD housing assistance. The owner/agent will not knowingly assist applicants who maintain a residence in addition to the HUD-assisted unit.

HUD provides the owner/agent with information about an applicant’s current status as a HUD housing assistance recipient. The owner/agent will use the Enterprise Income Verification System’s Existing Tenant Search to determine if the applicant or any member of the applicant household is currently receiving HUD assistance.

Nothing prohibits a HUD housing assistance recipient from applying to this property. However, the applicant must move out of the current property and may need to forfeit any Housing Authority voucher before HUD assistance on this property will begin. Special consideration applies to:

1)Minor children where both parents share 50% custody

2)Recipients of HUD assistance in another unit who are moving to establish a new household when other family/household members will remain in the original unit

If the applicant or any member of the applicant household fails to fully and accurately disclose rental history, the application may be denied based on the applicant’s “misrepresentation” of information.

This information will be reviewed on an annual basis, at each annual certification. If any household member receives assistance in another HUD assisted unit while receiving assistance at this community, the household member will be required to reimburse HUD for assistance paid in error. This is considered a material lease violation and may result in penalties up to and including eviction and pursuit of fraud charges.

•Applicants must not have any evictions within the past five (5) years.

•Applicants must have an acceptable* credit history, as reported by a credit bureau. A credit report will be completed on all applicants to verify account credit ratings. The results will determine the applicant(s) eligibility to rent. Unfavorable accounts which will negatively influence the results include, but are not limited to: collections, charge-off, repossession, current or recent delinquency and bankruptcies within the past five (5) years. Applicants with a result of a decline will have the opportunity to appeal the decline recommendation.

*The absence of a credit history by itself will not be reason to reject an applicant.

•Applicants must show ability to meet financial obligations in a satisfactory manner, and on time.

•Applicants must show that they have the ability to fulfill all the lease requirements. Persons with disabilities may meet the requirements of the lease with the assistance of others, including an assistance animal, a live-in aide, or with services provided by someone who does not live in the unit.

•Applicant/Householdsthat contain any student(s) enrolled in an Institute of Higher Education as defined by the Higher Education Act of 1965-Amended 1998 will be deemed eligible if they meet all other eligibility requirements, pass screening criteria and:

-Are of legal contract age under state law;

-Have established a household separate from parents or legal guardians for at least one year prior to application for occupancy, or

-Meet the U.S. Department of Education’s definition of an independent student;

-Not be claimed as a dependent by parents or legal guardians pursuant to IRS regulations; and

-Obtain a certification of the amount of financial assistance that will be provided by parents, signed by the individual providing the support. This certification is required even if no assistance will be provided.

•Applicants must have an acceptable criminal background check. Acceptable means it does not reveal:

-Any household member currently engaging in illegal use of drugs or for which the owner has reasonable cause to believe that a member’s illegal use or pattern of illegal use of a drug may interfere with the health, safety, and right to peaceful enjoyment of the property by other residents.

-Any household member who is subject to a state sex offender lifetime registration requirement.

-Any household member if there is reasonable cause to believe that the member’s behavior, from abuse or pattern of abuse of alcohol, may interfere with the health, safety, and right to peaceful enjoyment by other residents.

-Any household member who has any conviction or adjudication other than an acquittal of:

  • First-degree murder,homicide, or manslaughter,
  • Sex offenses, including but not limited to forcible rape, child molestation, and aggravated sexual battery,
  • Arson, or
  • Crimes involving explosives.

-Any household member who within 10 years from the date of application has any conviction or adjudication other than acquittal of a felony that involved bodily harm against a person or property, including but not exclusive of:

  • Armed robbery,
  • Aggravated Assault,
  • Buying, receiving, or possession of stolen property,
  • Burglary or theft,
  • Auto theft,
  • Embezzlement,
  • Sales, or manufacture of a controlled substance,
  • Any crime of violence that may establish that the applicant constitutes a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals.

-Any household member who within 5 years from the date of application has any conviction or adjudication other than acquittal of a felony or misdemeanor crime, including but not exclusive of:

  • A crime involving the illegal use of a controlled substance other than sales or manufacture,
  • Illegal gambling,
  • Prostitution,
  • Commercialized vice,
  • Stalking,
  • Cruelty to animals,
  • Theft by check,
  • Forgery,
  • Weapons offenses.

-Any household member who within 3 years from the date of application has any conviction or adjudication other than acquittal of:

  • Any other felony, not included above

-Any household member who has a pending case and/or current arrest warrant for a crime listed above.

-Any household member who is actively on probation or parole for a crime listed above, or is currently participating in a Pre-Trial Intervention/Diversion program resulting from a crime listed above.

•Applicants must have acceptable landlord references*. Acceptable is defined as:

-Rent was paid in a timely manner;

-Full compliance with all the house rules;

-Full compliance with lease requirements;

-No history of disruptive behavior;

-Property was left in an acceptable condition; and

-All back balances paid in full;

References must include:

-Minimum 3 years rental history from a minimum of 2 landlord references who are unrelated to the applicant household.

-One (1) reference from the applicant’s current landlord will be accepted from applicants who have resided in one location 10 years or longer.

*The absence of previous rental history by itself will not be reason to reject an applicant.

It is the intent of this Resident Selection Plan to use various forms of verification of previous history and behavior to show evidence that an applicant can demonstrate responsibility as a resident. In cases where no verification of relevant previous history or behavior (landlord references, credit history, etc.) can be confirmed, the owner is not obligated to rent a unit to the applicant.

All of this information will be verified in accordance with HUD Regulations and Requirements, as stated in HUD Handbook 4350.3REV-1. Applicants will be required to sign appropriate forms authorizing management to verify any and all factors that affect the applicant's eligibility, the rent that the applicant will pay, or the subsidy that they would receive.

Reasonable Accommodations will be made to all disabled residents and applicants who request such accommodation in regards to communication, processing, policies, and community services in accordance with the Reasonable Accommodations Policy. (Attachment 1)


When the applicant completes their original application, they will be preliminarily interviewed for application completeness, and legibility, and to determine that they meet the basic requirements to qualify for this housing program. If it appears that the applicant meets the basic requirements, the applicant will be added to the waiting list. This in no way means that an applicant qualifies for an apartment.

As an applicant's name approaches the top of the Waiting List, an interview will be scheduled. All members of the applicant’s household must attend this interview. Two failures to schedule and/or attend an agreed-upon time for an interview will be grounds for rejection. For applicants with limited English proficiency, language assistance is available.

During the interview, all items on the application will be discussed and confirmed, and verification forms will be signed by the applicant(s) authorizing Management to verify all of these issues/items. Until all items are verified, eligibility cannot be determined, nor any housing offered. Management must make an attempt to verify all factors by "third party" verification, per HUD Regulations and Procedures. Third party verification includes sending verification forms directly to the source, but also includes the use of HUD’s Enterprise Income Verification System which pulls data directly from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Social Security Administration (SSA), and Medicare/Medicaid for applicants requesting HUD subsidy.

Eligibility for housing can be confirmed only after all items of income, assets, household composition, etc., which may have any bearing on the rent that they may pay or subsidy they may receive, are verified.


An application may be rejected for any one of the following reasons:

•The applicant/household does not meet the program/project eligibility requirements for the community listed on page 1 of this plan;

•The household gross income (using the HUD definition of income) is over the applicable income limits published by TCAC and calculated for the specific income targeting percentage;

•The household gross income (using the HUD definition of income) is below the minimum income standard established for the property. Minimum income limits are not applicable to applicants with a housing voucher from a local housing authority.

•The applicant/household has an unacceptable credit history as reported by a credit agency;

•The applicant/household does not meet the IRS’s definition of a qualified household under the Full-Time Student Rule;

•There is submission of false or untrue information on the application;

•Failure to cooperate in the verification process including failure to provide requested information within 7 days;

•Failure to schedule and/or attend two interviews;

•The applicant/household is unwilling to abide by the No Smoking Policy (if applicable);

•The applicant/household has an unacceptable criminal background;

•The applicant/household has been evicted within the past five (5) years;

•The applicant/household has an unacceptable reference from a current or previous landlord;

•The household size is not appropriate for any apartment size in this community;

•Failure to sign designated or required forms and/or documents upon request;

•Failure to disclose and document Social Security numbers on all household members or execute a certification when numbers have not been assigned;

When the original Social Security Requirements Final Rule was published in January 2010, the regulation required all members of an applicant household that had an assigned SSN, to provide acceptable documentation of that number prior to move in. In the absence of verification of an SSN for any of the members that had one, the entire household was not permitted to move in.

As of April 7, 2016, via the new Final Rule, owners can now accept applicant households which include an applicant family member who is under the age of 6 and who cannot provide an SSN, provided the child was added to the household within the last six months prior to the date of move in. The households will have 90 days and one additional 90 day extension to provide the SSN. This is the same extension timeframe allotted to in-place household wishing to add a new member, under the age of 6, to the unit.

•The applicant/household has a pet that does not conform to the community’s Pet Policy;

•This will not be the only residence for the applicant/household;

•The applicant/household is not capable of fulfilling the lease agreement, with or without the assistance of a third party, such as a live-in aide, a relative, or a contract service;

•The applicant/household is unwilling to comply with the Live-In Aide Policy.


The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) provides protections for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. VAWA protections are not only available to women, but are available equally to all individuals regardless of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is the Federal agency that oversees properties owned and/or managed by Christian Church Homes are in compliance with VAWA. (Attachment #3 – Notice of Occupancy Rights under the Violence Against Women Act)