Bamber Valley Elementary
PTA Meeting Minutes
Bamber Valley Media Center
September 12, 2017
Open Forum: Meet the Principals
Call to order: Meeting was called to order at 7:01. Pledge of allegiance was recited.
Secretary's Report: May 2017 meeting minutes were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report: May 2017 Treasurer's Report was explained and discussed.
- This month’s treasurer report was reviewed.
Principal's Report:
- Mrs. Wichmann and Mrs. Engbrechtjoined us for the meeting tonight.
President’s Report:
- Encouraged parents to attend Back to School Night to hear teacher presentations, pasquale’s pizza, and hear from community organizations.
Committee Reports:
- All School Shirts: Next week the PTA sponsored shirts will be coming home with the kids. Everyone who registers to be a PTA member before the end of Back to School Night will be entered in a raffle for a $100 scholastic gift card for their child’s teacher. Motion to discuss having all school shirts for teachers and staff. The shirts are $2.65 and there are approximately 110 staff. There will be leftover shirts from those purchased from the students, but certain sizes may need to be purchased for the teachers. At most this will cost $300. Vote to have all school shirts for teachers and staff. Motion approved.
- Book Fair: Coming up October 26-November 1 (setup October 25). It will be open during Costume Bingo again. 55% of proceeds come back to school as books.
- Box Tops: Michelle Falkowski is the new box top lead and a couple other parents have signed up to help. Collect in classrooms and teachers will all have a new collection container this year. Goal is over a thousand. Winning classroom in K-1 and 2-5 will get $50 scholastic for the teacher and a popcorn party. October will be first collection date.
- Costume Bingo: Megan Fogelson will lead costume bingo again this year. Look for sign-up genius coming soon.
- Fall Raffle: The Fall Raffle Fundraiser will be in November. Currently looking for volunteers to help with solicitation and ticket collection.
- Staff Hospitality & Appreciation: Watch for an email from Kristin Heywood.
New Business:
- Media iPad Request: Jennifer Hennes new Media Specialist came to make an iPad proposal. Ms. Hennes taught at Bamber before in 3,4 and 5th grades from 2002-2009. She is requesting a set of iPads for the media center. She could use the set with all 860 students and help support teachers in the classroom. State is not approving lease levy dollars for devices, so the School Board’s focus is on providing infrastructure and sites providing devices. 32 iPads with case x $329 ea = $10,528. There was a motion to discuss the proposal. There was a vote on if PTA should investigate how the iPads might be funded. The majority voted to investigate further.
- Yearbook Cover Vote: Showed four yearbook cover options for membership to vote on. Voting will continue on facebook.
- Adjournment: Thank yous and meeting adjourned at 8:04pm.
- Next meeting Tuesday, November 14 in the Media Center.
- Open Forum at 6:30 - Open Forum: Reading and Math at BVE: CIA, Action 100, IXL
- General Meeting at 7:00