“Success, not without work”
Post Intensive French IV (Grade 9)
Teacher: Mr. Andrew MeekClassroom location: C-40E-mail: Teacher page:
The Post Intensive French 9 Course is designed to offer students an opportunity to learn about the varied disciplines related to French Second Language. This course will provide the students with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding of French reading, writing, speaking and listening. Post Intensive French 9 will build and expand on the information presented in previous French courses.
-The following units of study will be completed over the course of the semester:
- La musique (music)
- La télévision (television)
- La responsabilité sociale (social responsibility)
Aesthetic Expression: Graduates will be able to respond with critical awareness to various forms of the arts and be able to express themselves through the arts.
Citizenship: Graduates will be able to assess social, cultural, economic and environmental interdependence in a local and global context.
Communication: Graduates will be able to use the listening, viewing, speaking, reading, and writing modes of language(s) to think, learn and communicate effectively.
Personal Development: Graduates will be able to continue to learn.
Problem Solving: Graduates will be able to use the strategies and processes needed to solve a wide variety of problems, including those requiring language, mathematical and scientific concepts.
Technological Competence: Graduates will be able to use a variety of technologies, demonstrate an understanding of technological applications and apply appropriate technologies for solving problems.
In order to be successful in PIF 9, in addition to completing assignments and projects, you will need to bring the following to class each day: French-English dictionary, pencil and binder. You must divide your binder into the following categories: 1. Word Wall 2. Notes 3. Marks/Completed Assignments.
Please try your best to get the assignments in by the due date. You are responsible for doing all assignments and homework to complete the course. Students will be made aware, in advance, of due dates for tests and assignments. Reasonable time will be given to study for tests and complete all assignments. It is expected that students will complete and hand in assigned work on the due date. Students facing extenuating circumstances that prevent work from being submitted on the due date must contact the teacher in advance of that date (if possible) to arrange an alternate due date.
In PIF, the first two years are to be considered as a learning block (and this block is compulsory).
30% - oral (spoken production, spoken interaction, listening)
25% - reading (comprehension, fluency, accuracy, responding to reading)
25% - writing (modeled, independent, genres, conventions, accuracy and fluency)
All final unit projects will be weighted double.
20% - Exam (oral interview with the teacher during review week)
I will be available by appointment at noon hour and after school on most days. Please note that my supervision will affect some noon hour and after school, but don’t hesitate to contact me to arrange a suitable time.
Note: Deadlines, plagiarism, procedures & routines, classroom expectations, attendance, homework etc are covered in the student agenda.
Dear parent/guardian, please complete this form and return it with your child as soon as possible.
Student Name: ______Student Signature: ______
Parent (s) Guardian Name: ______
Parent(s) Guardian Signature: ______
Home Phone #: ______
Work Phone #: ______(Please indicate whose number is being provided)
Cell Phone #: ______
Email 1: ______(Please indicate whose email is being provided)
Email 2:______(Please indicate whose email is being provided)
*Please print clearly so that numbers and letters are distinguishable.*