ENVS 541
FaLL 2011
Instructor: Dr. Carol Thompson
Office: 139D Science--ext. 9739
Office Hours: check webpage
Meeting Place: 109 Sci, 6-9 PM Wednesday
Required purchase 10 ASTM standards, $10 on-line
Student Instructions:
1. Go to http://www.astm.org/campusstandards.html
2. Current Student Members login or Join ASTM as a new Student Member (free).
3. Insert this course code to order ASTM standards: 10342
4. Checkout and pay $10 (Credit Card payment required).
5. After submitting your order, you will receive an email with details on
how to login and access the purchased standards package.
6. Problems/Questions - Contact ASTM at
Readings either on reserve in the library and internet readings. You must do the readings before you come to class. I want to have discussion in class. This is also a good opportunity for learning effective note-taking. I would set aside a couple of 2-3 hour time blocks for reading and note taking each week.
Books on reserve:
Eccleston, Charles H : Environmental impact statements : a comprehensive guide to project and strategic planning.
Hess, Kathleen, Environmental Site Assessment Phase I: A Basic Guide
The syllabus, reading assignments, questions, and links to internet readings are on BB. http://online.tarleton.edu/Dual/DualLoginPage.htm
Other announcements will be there as well, pertaining to that week’s activities.
Check this frequently for updates
Class Participation
This is a course designed specifically for students who plan on working in the environmental field as a consultant or for government. All students are expected to attend every class period, and have read the assigned materials. This is also not a lecture course, although I will lecture on some materials. It is far better for you to read the material and for us to discuss it than for me to regurgitate the readings. The material is technical and is the type of material you will use for reference later as you work. There is lots of it and it will be repeated in the sources, so learn to skim and pick out main points.
There will be various assignments. The two large ones will be a partial EIS and a partial site assessment for a site here in town. The projects will be done as a group. Other assignments are individual.
Two exams 50%
Projects 50%
/ Topics (rev 9/4)8/31/11 / Class info, overview of topics, maps, sources of information, ASTM standards
9/7/11 / Phase I assessment
9/14/11 / Haz waste incidents and Superfund
9/21/11 / CERCLA
9/28/11 / CERCLA/HWSA/Brownfields
10/5/11 / RCRA / Phase I due
10/12/11 / TEST 1
10/19/11 / NEPA
10/26/11 / Environmental Impact Assessments / Haz ranking due
11/3/11 / Sampling design
11/9/11 /
Phase II assessments
11/30/11 /
Toxicology, Risk Assessment
/EIS due
12/7/11 / Statistics12/14/11 / TEST 2
I. Tarleton State University’s Policy on Cheating: Tarleton State University expects its students to maintain high standards of personal and scholarly conduct. Students guilty of academic dishonesty, cheating, or plagiarism in academic work shall be subject to disciplinary action. Refer to the Student Handbook for detailed information regarding this subject.
II. Services for Students with Disabilities: Students with documented disabilities may request reasonable accommodations which will enable them to participate in and benefit from all educational programs and activities. Students should contact the ADA officer on campus. Refer to the Student Handbook for detailed information regarding this subject.