Technology Name

Submitting Company/Organization

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City, State, and Zip Code

website address

POC: Name (Limit One)



1. Technology Name (and acronym, if any).

2. Technology Description. Use this paragraph to provide a brief description of the proposed technology and its capabilities. At the minimum, should include what the technology is, technical characteristics (size/weight, etc.), and the capability it provides (what does it do/what military problem does it solve).

Example: The XXXXXX is a lightweight, modular, self-contained, battery operated, imaging capability designed for surveillance and target acquisition during daylight, darkness, adverse weather, and dirty battlefield conditions. The system weighs XX pounds and consists of a rail mount, optic, and carrying case. The system mounts on the weapon without having to remove the Rifle Combat Optic (RCO) or Close Combat Optic (CCO), therefore allowing the same aiming tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) and eliminating the need to re-zero. It provides a wireless target acquisition capability when used with the RCO) and the CCO. The system enables rapid offensive targeting during Close Quarters Battle (CQB) in all battlefield conditions by reducing target acquisition and engagement timelines without the use of active lasers.

3. Relevance to Experiment Objectives. List the AEWE Benning 2019 experiment objective this technology addresses. If it does not address an experiment objective, list “None.”

4. Concept of Operation, Employment, and Proposed Force Structure (Post-Experiment). Describe how this technology is intended to be used and who should be utilizing it. Include any special employment considerations concerning your capability (e.g., integration impacts, sequences, clearing procedures, etc.). Include intended military echelon of employment (soldier, squad, platoon, or company) and number per echelon (e.g., one per platoon). Include any specific military occupational specialties (MOS) required for employment other than 11B (infantryman).

Example: The XXX should be mounted on the Soldier M4/M249 and zeroed IAW bore sighting/zero procedures training pamphlet at the beginning of the experiment. The capability should serve as a primary sight for all equipped Soldiers and will be available for both Live Fire and the Force on Force portions of the experiment. The capability should be used in all weather and light conditions and the recommended number is one per squad.

5. Military Problem Statement. List the military problem or gap your technology addresses which participation in AEWE Benning 2019 can inform. You must include references (e.g., CPDs, CDDs, CBAs, RFPs, etc.) and supporting organizations so we can better understand the context in which the capability is operating. Identify applicable Army Warfighting Challenges.

Example: Currently, units lack the ability to engage targets during hours of limited visibility, in adverse weather, or in dirty battlefield conditions with current weapon enablers. Units must carry additional enablers and swap out sighting capabilities as battlefield conditions change. This results in loss of training time and creates zero retention issues. This capability is designed to enable rapid target engagements in all battlefield conditions without changing optics. These findings will inform the XXX CDD currently in development and RDECOM’s XXXX effort. This capability applies to Army Warfighting Challenge YY, ZZ, and AA.

6. Experiment Environment. Identify the environment/venue for the proposed technology (i.e., live, constructive or virtual environment, or combination).

7. Availability/Maturity. Describe the level of maturity of the proposed technology (e.g., proof of concept, prototype, and engineering development, fielded) and its components. Identify known/anticipated upgrades between technology selection and AEWE Benning 2019 execution (January – February 2019).

8. Training. Outline a new concept/equipment training plan for individual operators, maintainers, staffs, etc. Identify and describe collective training required to operate, sustain, and exploit the capabilities of the proposed technology, to include the number of hours of instruction and the availability of published training material. Identify who will provide the training.

9. Interfaces. Identify the requirement for radios, software, and hardware/software interfaces to support the technology.

10. Network or Nett Warrior Integration. Identify the level of integration needed/desired/achieved with the network or Nett Warrior. Identify any possible technical/logistical challenges pertaining to Network or Nett Warrior integration.

11. Identify Known Safety Concerns or Potential Issues. Identify any possible issues with Soldier training, handling, or employment of the technology. Identify any possible issues with obtaining a U.S. Army Safety Release.

12. Technology Vendor’s Top Three Objectives: List what you hope to learn about the technology by participating in AEWE 2019. Objectives should be precise, measurable and obtainable. *Note: if a comparison is listed as an objective (see example objective 3), the experiment CoE sponsor or vendor must be able to provide the required technology for comparison. Example:

Vendor Objective 1. Does this XXX capability detect, confirm presence, identify disposition, and counter hazards at standoff distances?

Vendor Objective 2. Soldier acceptance of weight verses capability? (e.g., would the Soldier be willing to accept and carry the weight based on the benefit of the capability?)

Vendor Objective 3. Does XXX provide similar or better form, fit, and function than the currently fielded capability?

*Leave Blank. To be completed after technology selection by sponsor only*

13. Technology Sponsor’s Top Three Objectives.: List what you hope to learn about this technology’s participation in AEWE 2019. Objectives should be precise, measurable and obtainable. *Note: if a comparison is listed as an objective (see example objective 3), the experiment CoE sponsor or vendor must be able to provide the required technology for comparison. Example:

Sponsor Objective 1. Does this XXX capability detect, confirm presence, identify disposition, and counter hazards at standoff distances?

Sponsor Objective 2. Soldier acceptance of weight verses capability? (e.g., would the Soldier be willing to accept and carry the weight based on the benefit of the capability?)

Sponsor Objective 3. Does XXX provide similar or better form, fit, and function than the currently fielded capability?

14. Sponsor POC. *Action Officer/Combat Developer Level Only.





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