6:00 p.m., Vada Nelson Administration Building

2 West Cedar, Coalgate, OK 74538

  1. Prayer
  2. Roll Call of Members
  3. Introduction of Guests
  4. Approval of Minutes
  5. Regular Meeting: June 5, 2017
  6. Business:
  7. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve appointment of Greg Davidson as:
  8. Director of Purchasing
  9. District Representative for PL 874 funds.
  10. Director of Federal Programs
  11. Authorized Representative of Child Nutrition Programs
  12. Authorized Representative for E-Rate.
  13. Designated Custodian for all Funds and all other school programs for 2017/2018 school year.
  14. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve a contract with Gabbart Communications for 2017/18.
  15. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve proposal for insurance with Oklahoma Schools Insurance Group (OSIG) for 2017/18.
  16. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve proposal for worker’s compensation coverage with Oklahoma School Assurance Group (OSAG) for 2017/18.
  17. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve a transportation contract with Kiamichi Technology Center for 2017/18.
  18. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve a Math/Science/Computer Technology course instruction agreement with Atoka Kiamichi Technology Center for 2017/18.
  19. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve a contract with Precision Testing Laboratories, Inc. (Asbestos Services) for 2017/18.
  20. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve a service agreement with OPSUCA (Unemployment) for 2017/18.
  21. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve membership renewal with OSSBA for 2017/18.
  22. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve agreement with Rider Classroom Spanish, LLC for 2017/18.
  23. Discussion and vote to approve or not approveChild Nutrition Procurement Plan for 2017/18.
  24. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve a contract with E&H Offices Services for District Treasurer Services for FY 2018.
  25. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve a resolution appointing Evalyn Davidson, DBA as E&H Office Services, as Treasurer and designating Shamrock Bank of Coalgate as the official depository of funds for FY 2018.
  26. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve a resolution authorizing the Treasurer to invest surplus funds as prescribed by state statute for FY 2018.
  27. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve the following fundraisers:
  1. Performing Arts: Plays
  2. High School Cheerleaders: Football Cheer Camp, Basketball Cheer Camp, Suckers.
  3. FCCLA: Cookie Dough, It’s Your Spice, Snacks, Baked Potato Lunch.
  4. Proposed executive session pursuant to Okla. Stat. Tit. 25, Section 307 (B)(1) to discuss hiring a Vocational Agriculture teacher for 2017/18 school year on a temporary contract, hiring a High School Math teacher for the 2017/18 school year on a temporary contract, hiring an elementary Language Arts teacher for 2017/18 school year on a temporary contract, and to discuss allowing the Superintendent to negotiate an Alternative Education agreement for the 2017/18 school year where disclosure of information would violate the confidentiality requirements of federal and state law.
  1. Vote to convene or not convene into Executive Session.
  2. Vote to return to Open Session.
  3. Executive session minutes compliance statement: “The Board entered into executive session at ______P.M. to discuss hiring a District Treasurer for FY 2018, hiring a Vocational Agriculture teacher for 2017/18 school year on a temporary contract, hiring a High School Math teacher for the 2017/18 school year on a temporary contract, hiring an elementary Language Arts teacher for 2017/18 school year on a temporary contract, and to discuss allowing the Superintendent to negotiate an Alternative Education agreement for the 2017/18 school yearas authorized by 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(1). Those present in executive session were: ______. No action was taken by the board.
  4. Vote to hire or not hire a Vocational Agricultural teacher for 2017/18 school year on a temporary contract.
  5. Vote to hire or not hire a High School Math teacher for 2017/18 school year on a temporary contract.
  6. Vote to hire or not hire an Elementary Language Arts teacher for 2017/18 school year on a temporary contract.
  7. Vote to authorize or not authorize the Superintendent to negotiate an Alternative Education agreement for the 2017/18 school year.
  1. Discussion and vote to accept resignations and any received after posting of the agenda.
  2. Board Report-Trent Bourland
  3. Superintendent’s Report
  1. New Business
  2. Approval of Encumbrances
  3. Adjournment

Dates, time and location for the 2017 Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of Coalgate Public Schools was approved on November 7, 2016. The County Clerk was so advised in a timely manner. This agenda was posted at 11:00 a.m. Friday, June 30, 2017, on the front entrance of the Superintendent’s office by Loretta DePasse.
