RDB4: Result and Report Form – Professional Doctorate

Section 0

Candidate Details

Centre of Study
Family Name
Given Names / Previous Name(s)
Title of Thesis
Date of Examination
Enrolment Number
Language of Thesis Submission
Please indicate whether the thesis has been submitted for examination in either: / Permanent
Binding / Temporary
Date of Examination
1st External Examiner
2nd External Examiner
Internal Examiner
Please confirm which examiner/s will confirm any required corrections to the thesis following the examination
This following sections of this document require completion:
1.The external examiner's reports (three sub-sections);
2.The internal examiner's report on the thesis;
3.A short joint report by the internal and external examiners (to be completed after the oral examination);
Also attached for completion is a form for the formal signed and dated notification to the University of the Examining Board's recommendation on theoutcome of the examination.
Regulations for the degree of Professional Doctoratehave been circulated to the Examining Board. Examiners are requested to read the regulations before proceeding.
1998 Data Protection Act: Examiners should be aware that candidates have the right to request access to any comments made about them in these reports.

Section 1

External Examiner’s Reports

(Please ensure that this report is completed at least one week prior to the oral examination. Examiners should not communicate directly between themselves prior to their independent reports being received. Please ensure that this section is completed and signed and dated below).
External Examiner
Signature / Date
(Please ensure that this section is completed and signed and dated below)
External Examiner
Signature / Date
1.3 The External Examiner must provide a report on matters of general concern or interest, including issues relating to quality and standards, which should be drawn to the attention of the Department/Research Centre, the Institution or to the University of Wales. (Please ensure that this section is completed and signed and dated below).
External Examiner
Signature / Date


Internal Examiner’s Report

(Please ensure that this section is completed and signed and dated below)
Internal Examiner
Signature / Date

Section 3

Joint Report by External and Internal Examiners

The examiners are invited to provide a brief joint report after the oral examination has concluded (minimum 500 words).
(Please ensure that this section is completed and signed and dated below).
The report should draw together any disparate views on the thesis which may have been expressed by the examiners in their individual reports. A brief agreed view on the candidate's principal strengths and weaknesses, the approach to the topic, and on the performance at the oral examination might also be expressed.
The joint report might also comment on any difficulties experienced during the examination process and, especially in the case of unsuccessful candidatures, on the manner in which the examination was conducted and on whether the candidate was given the opportunity to draw the examining board's attention to any particular circumstances which might have affected his/her performance.
External Examiner
Signature / Date
External Examiner
Signature / Date
Internal Examiner
Signature / Date

Section 4

Examining Board’sFormal Recommendation on the Outcome of the Examination

Institution/Centre of Study
Family Name
Given Names / Previous Name(s)
Title of Thesis
The Examining Board, after consideration of the work presented for the degree of Professional Doctorate by the above-named candidate recommend: [please indicate one only of the following options below.]
(tick box)
 / (a) / that the candidate be approved for the degree of professional doctorate;
 / (b) / that the candidate be approved for the degree of professional doctorate subject to the satisfactory completion of such corrections and amendments as may be required by the Examining Board. The Examining Board may stipulate that the corrections made shall be scrutinised by either or both examiners prior to the award process being initiated. Normally, corrections shall be completed within 12 working weeks from the date of official notification to the candidate of the outcome of the examination;
 / (c) / that the candidate be allowed to modify the thesis and any portfolio and re-submit it for the degree of professional doctorate on one further occasion. In such circumstances a further oral examination may, or may not, be held, at the discretion of the Examining Board. The re-submission is to take place within a period not exceeding two years from the date of the official notification to the candidate of the outcome of the examination. (This option is not available in the case of a candidate who has resubmitted a thesis and any portfolio for examination);
Please indicate if a further oral examination is needed: Yes  No 
Please note that a further oral examination should not automatically be waived.
 / (d) / that the candidate be not approved for the degree of professional doctorate, but be approved instead for an appropriate masters degree as specified in the relevant Programme Handbook and based on Part One of the programme. (This option is not available for candidates admitted directly to Part Two of the programme);
 / (e) / that the candidate be not approved for the award of a degree.
External Examiner
Signature / Date
External Examiner
Signature / Date
Internal Examiner
Signature / Date
Chair of Examining Board
Signature / Date

Section 5

Confirmation of Candidate’s Address Details

Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Country (if not UK)

Section 6

Research Degrees Committee Approval

Chair of RDC
Signature / Date