Mount Carmel Academy


Instructor: Mrs. Drexel

Classroom: 210


Telephone:(904) 716-4340

Tutorials: Mondays 3:05pm-3:45pm

Planning Period: 7:15am-8:20am

Course Description:

In this course, we will jump in where we left off in photography 101. With the backdrop of the history of photography, the basic camera functions, and the basics of composition, we will be able to do more technical assignments. We will be using Instagram as a main platform for our class and make use of editing tools accessible on most smartphones. We will work with the class cameras (3) in addition to cameras on cell phones to put the skills and techniques into practice. The goal of this course is to increase your knowledge about photography, train your photographic skills, and inspire your artistic eye for the world.


Tests: 25%

+ / 100
 ½ / 90
 / 80
- / 70
-- / 60
0 / 0

Quizzes: 25%

Participation/Class activities: 25%*

Projects: 25%

*Class work will be graded on a system of checks.


  1. Cell phones: Visible and/or audible phones will be collected and turned into the office with a detention. After the first offense, you may collect your phone at the end of the day for $25. After repeated offenses, the office may keep your cell phone for prolonged periods of time. Your cell phone must be stored in your backpacks at all times.
  2. Backpacks: Backpacks must be kept on the backs of chairs or on the floor. NO BACKPACKS ON THE DESKS.
  3. Materials for the day: You should always come prepared with a pen/pencil and paper. I will write the materials needed for the day on the board. You must have the specified materials on your desk before the bell rings. Failure to bring the required materials will result in a 0 classwork grade for that assignment.
  4. Missing materials: If you do not come to class prepared with pen/pencil or paper, you must borrow from a fellow classmate before the bell rings. If you cannot borrow from a classmate, you may borrow from Mrs. Drexel. You must leave your cell phone (or other equivalent valuable) with Mrs. Drexel. Your ransomed item will be returned when you return the pen/pencil or completed classwork.
  5. Warm Up: There will be a short assignment and a time limit on the board when you come into class. Get your materials and start work on the warm up as soon as you get to class.
  6. Late work: If you forget to complete an assignment, you may turn it in before class starts the next day. For each day that the assignment is late, you will receive a whole letter grade reduction. If you are trying to bring up your grade at the end of a progress report, you may turn in that assignment for a maximum grade of 50.
  7. Folders: Mrs. Drexel will keep a folder for you to store your assignments/worksheets/etc. in the classroom. It is not Mrs. Drexel’s responsibility if an assignment goes missing from one of the folders. You are welcome to keep your work with you if you have problems with the folders.
  8. Absences: If you are absent for any reason, it is your responsibility to see me before school or before class starts about missed assignments or assessments. You have the number of days that you missed to turn in missing assignments or take a make-up assessment. Failure to see me about missing work will result in a 0 in the grade book.
  9. Test/Quiz Corrections: If you score below a 70 on a quiz or test, you have the option to bring up your grade to a maximum score of 70. You must make an appointment to come to Mrs. Drexel’s classroom afterschool within 7 days of the returned test or 3 days of the returned quiz. You must make corrections using only the text as a reference. In addition to the corrected answer, you must describe why and give the page number where you found the answer (where applicable). You will receive ½ of the points back.
  10. Cheating: During tests and quizzes, there will be no talking. If I see you talking, I will take up your paper and you will receive a 0 for the assessment. When individual work is assigned, you must complete the assignment without the help of your peers. You may raise your hand and ask Mrs. Drexel if you have questions. If I find that you have copied work from or shared answers with another student, you will receive a 0 on the assignment and a detention.
  11. Plagiarism: I expect all assignments to be completed by you and/or your group. If you consult any other source (a website, a book, an article), you must site your source. If you have copied the words of another without citation, you will receive a 0 on the assignment and a detention. If you have questions about citation, you may ask Mrs. Drexel.
  12. Other disciplinary actions: Disrespect (to a fellow student or to a teacher), inappropriate language, and lying will result in a detention and, depending on the offense, a written apology.

I, ______, have read and understand the classroom policies. I am ready for this year!!

______(student email: ______)


I, ______(parent/guardian), have read and understand the classroom policies. I am ready to support my student this year!!



(parent email or preferred method of contact ______)