DBQ Workshop #1

25 Formative Points

STEP 1-Pre-Writing Activities

1- Look over and develop an understanding of the rubric and do’s and do nots.

2- Annotate the prompt and answer the question

Prompt: Evaluate the extent to which the American Revolution led to fundamental changes in American society between 1775 and 1800.

3- Break the prompt a part and ask yourself, “do I understand what it is asking?” If not see Mr. Kurth.

4- Background Knowledge- Write everything you know about the topic. Then research the topic in your textbook (use the table of contents to find relevant sections). We have mostly covered the political aspects of this time period, so you need to do some research.

Political / Social / Economic

H-Historical Context

I- Intended Audience

P- Point-of-View

P- Purpose

Step 2- Understanding the Documents

Document 1’s main point:

HTS: Utilize 1 out 4 HIPP’s

Document 2’s main point:

HTS: Utilize 1 out 4 HIPP’s

Document 3’s main point:

HTS: Utilize 1 out 4 HIPP’s

Document 4’s main point:

HTS: Utilize 1 out 4 HIPP’s

Document 5’s main point:

HTS: Utilize 1 out 4 HIPP’s

Document 6’s main point:

HTS: Utilize 1 out 4 HIPP’s

Document 7’s main point:

HTS: Utilize 1 out 4 HIPP’s

Group the documents based upon themes (social/political/economic) or main points you may have put together already

Step 3- TheWriting Process

Write the historical context which situates the argument by explaining the broader historical events, developments, or processes immediately relevant to the question. 3-5 sentences

Thesis- Think about the documents you are going to use and how you are going to use them. Remember make an argument and do not restate the prompt. 1-3 sentences. Argument + Main Points= Thesis (that fully answers the prompt)

Body paragraph #1

What main point does it link to in your thesis? ______

Documents you would use?

Body paragraph #2

What main point does it link to in your thesis? ______

Documents you will use and what HTS you will link to each document?

Body paragraph #3

What main point does it link to in your thesis? ______

Documents you would use in this paragraph:

Conclusion: Remind reader of the main points in the body paragraphs and thesis.