DavidDouglasSchool District

BEHAVIOR – PBS/RTI Problem Solving Process

Level 0 – School-wide PBS & Effective Classroom Management
Purpose / Who’s involved / Student Identification / Assessment/Intervention / Progress Monitoring / Intervention Resources Necessary / Training Needs
Teach all students appropriate expectations and prevent problem behavior that interferes with an effective learning environment / All school staff / All students / SET or BOQ
PBS Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)
PBS Self-assessment Survey
eSIS/SWIS Data / Annual SET or BOQ
Quarterly TIC
Annual Self-assessment
Monthly eSIS/SWIS
ODR data / PBS Team
Training time & meeting/ work time
Data system / Ongoing training calendar for SW-PBS team
Level 1 – Teacher Brainstorm/Grade level Teacher support
Purpose / Who’s involved / Student Identification / Assessment/Intervention / Progress Monitoring / Intervention Resources Necessary / Training Needs
Make sure student has adequate access to SW Systems or increase specific elements of SW systems / Classroom Teacher
Pot’l Supports:
Counselor / 1. Informal Teacher ID
2. eSIS/SWIS Data – 0-1 referral / Informal teacher brainstorm w/ colleague;
1. Teacheruses ABCworksheet to ID interventions & modificationchecklist
2. Initial classroom/ teacher interventions
a. Reteach expectations
b. Student Contract
c. Call parent / 1. Informal progress monitoring – any data will help the intervention team (i.e., eSIS/SWIS data)
2. Notes; ABC tracking of behavioral incidents / Informal
SW-PBS team training staff on effective beh’l interventions & ABC / Ongoing training calendar for SW-PBS team re: ABC & classroom interventions & supports
Level 2 - Check-In Check Out (CICO) Team
Purpose / Who’s involved / Student Identification / Assessment/Intervention / Progress Monitoring / Intervention Resources Necessary / Training Needs
Targeted group intervention for students requiring add’l structure, monitoring, motivation & adult attention. / CICO Manager
w Indiv Student
Parent / 1. Decision Rule -- # of discipline referrals/ suspensions (i.e., 3 referrals prompt assignment to CICO
2. Teacher/parent referral / CICO w/ adult
Daily Point sheet
Regular feedback
Incentive for achieving goals / 1. CICO data (goal = 80% +) 2. Enter daily points into Excel database or CICO-SWIS
3. Discipline referral data, suspension, etc. / CICO Manager
(organizes paperwork,
data mgr, referrals,
lead meetings)
CICO materials / Setting up CICO & managing CICO, using data, etc.
Train entire staff on CICO
Level 3 – Referral to Intervention team -- Group Intervention
Brief ABC – Match Function of Behavior to Available Program
Purpose / Who’s involved / Student Identification / Assessment/Intervention / Progress Monitoring / Intervention Resources Necessary / Training Needs
ID & develop add’l targeted interventions
Determine the function of students behavior and match to existing targeted intervention / Individual PBS Team Members
(admin, couns., SPSY, etc.)
Targeted Intervention Manager(s) /
  1. Data from
CICO System
  1. # of discipline
  1. teacher/parent
referral / 1. Assign I-PBS team member to be student case mgr
2. I-PBS team member reviews records & data for preliminary info. related to function of student behavior
2. Matches student to appropriate targeted intervention based on function
3. Manager of Targeted Intervention starts student in program / 1. Point cards (generic point sheet v. specific behaviors identified)
2. eSIS/SWIS discipline referral/ suspension data / Regular I-PBS team mtgs & member(s) w/ time, flexibility & skill to monitor data & match to available targeted int.
Mgt of add’l Targeted Intervention / Targeted Interventions
Training on IPBS team process (data, decision rules, intervention selection, meeting routines)
FBA/BSP training
Level 4 – Intervention team 2nd Meeting
Brief ABC – Match Function of Behavior to specific Individualized Interventions
Purpose / Who’s involved / Student Identification / Assessment/Intervention / Progress Monitoring / Intervention Resources Necessary / Training Needs
Conduct FACTS interview w/ referring teacher; develop preliminary interventions based on Function of Behavior and ABC info. / IPBS – 1 team member assigned to be Case Manager for student
Referring teacher(s) /
  1. Review Point
Sheet data
  1. # of discipline
referrals/ suspensions / 1. Review fidelity of
implementation of Targ
2. Problem solve why
intervention may not
have been successful
  1. Conduct FACTS interview
  2. Develop a Brief
Behavior Plan for teacher / 1. Daily Point cards (generic v. tailored to specific behaviors ID’d)
2. eSIS/SWIS discipline referral/ suspension data / I-PBS team member w/ time, flexibility & skills to conduct FBA Interview & meet on IPBS team every 2 wks / IPBS
requires training in FBA/BSP, data analysis & IPBS team process
Level 5 - Individual Intervention – FBA/BSP – 1st meeting
Purpose / Who’s involved / Student Identification / Assessment/Intervention / Progress Monitoring / Intervention Resources Necessary / Training Needs
Conduct a more thorough FBA/BSP to implement a plan individualized to needs of student
FBA should include student observation (possible student intvw or add’l staff) / FBA Team
a. Case Mgr/Beh Specialist from IPBS team
b. Administrator
c.student & his/her
1. teachers & staff
2. parent / 1. Response to Previous Interventions
a. Point Sheet data
b. # discipline referrals/suspension
2. IEP
3. Teacher/Parent referral / 1. Functional Behavioral Assessment
2. Develop individual
Behavior Support Plan / Identified in Evaluation Plan – individualized to student need – often a point card tailored to student needs / Behavior Specialist
Time for entire PBS team to meet
District Behavior Specialist / FBA/BSP
Team Process for FBA/BSP
Level 6 - Individual Intervention – FBA/BSP – 2nd meeting
Purpose / Who’s involved / Student Identification / Assessment/Intervention / Progress Monitoring / Intervention Resources Available / Training Needs
Complex student – more intensive FBA/BSP
Conduct a more thorough FBA/BSP may include add’l data collection, district support, & wraparound supports / FBA Team
a. Case Mgr/Beh Specialist from IPBS team
b. District Behavior Specialist
c. Administrator
d.student & his/her
1. teachers & staff
2. parent / Behavior Support Plan Review meeting
Limited response to previous Behavior Support Plan per BSP Evaluation plan / 1. Complete add’l assessment (FBA) to determine function/predictors of problem behavior & student success
2. Revise initial
Behavior Support Plan / Identified in Evaluation Plan – individualized to student need / District Behavior Specialist
IPBS Case Mgt/ Behavior Specialist
Time for entire PBS team to meet
Wraparound Supports / Intensive ABA or FBA/BSP training for District Beh Specialist
Process & Collaboration w Wraparound Services

– Revised 6/6/08