Template for Paper Formatting

Title of Your Paper Here

Note that Words are Centered, Boldtype, and

Of Font Size of 14Points

FAMILY1 (Author), Given Name1


FAMILY2 (Author) , Given Name2


Abstract: You mustprovide an abstractof the paper here. It should be a single paragraph without indentation. The total length of the abstract should not exceed300 words. In addition, include at most 5 keywords of your paper immediately after the abstract.

Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4, keyword 5

Formatting Your Paper

We can only accept manuscripts sent to usin Microsoft™ Word files,. Pagesmust be formatted in Standard A4-size(21 × 29.7 cm) and with margins of 2.54 cm on all four sides. TheyMUST NOT include any the page numbers, running headers or runningfooters.

Headers and Text

Texts, including embedded headers, throughout your paper should be in 12-point font. Papers in English should use Times New Roman for words, symbols and numbers. Papers in Chinese characters should use 新細明體. Major headers throughout the paper must be boldfaced.Between paragraphs there should be a 12-point space gap. In addition, please give an indent of 0.63cm for the first line of each paragraph and justify on the left for the rest.

Please make sure all material is original and/or properly cited. The responsibility of obtaining legal permission to use or reproduce copyright materials lies with YOU, not us.


You can include figures, pictures and drawings in the manuscripts. However, these must be in a format supported by Microsoft™ Word. Popular formats such as .gif and .jpg are suggested. They must each contain a caption, which must also be in 12-point Times New Roman font, put right below the figure and centred. Please make sure all these inclusions are referenced in your text.


You can include tables in the manuscript and they can be in any formats supported byMicrosoft™ Word. Both the tables and table captions are to be left-justified. Table captions should also be in 12-point Times New Roman typeand put right above the table. See below for an example.

Table 1: Guidelines for the WALS08 Proceedings

FeatureStyle / Note
Paper size: / A4 (21.0 x 29.7cm)
Paper orientation: / Portrait
Font type: / Times New Roman
Font size: / 12 Point (except headers)
Paragraphs: / Justified, single-line spacing
Margins: / 2.54 cmfor all margins

Reference Citations

Within the body of the paper, indicate the cited text with a pointer and include the corresponding citations inthe section with Referencesas its heading. This section should appear as the last section of the paper. Use first level heading to type the label References (in Times 12-point, boldface type, flush left), without any heading number. Type all references underneath this References label, in alphabetical order. Follow the APA Reference Style (American Psychological Association, 2001) for citation entries. For example, (Albert, 1996) and (BensonGoldman, 1997) are citation formats for books. (Drake, Edwards, & Smith, 1998) is an example for citation format of periodical articles. (ThomsonKennedy, 2000) is a reference to an online article.See below for an example.


Albert, A. (1996). Title of book. City: Publisher.

Benson, B., & Goldman, G. (1997).Title of book: Subtitle of book. City, ST: Publisher.

Drake, D., Edwards, E., & Smith, S. (1998). Title of journal article. Title of journal: Subtitle of journal, volume number (issue number), first page-last page.

Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). (2001). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Thomson, T. H., & Kennedy, K. (2000). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Vol. No. (Issue No.), Retrieved month day, year, from source.