NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next meeting of Addingham Parish Council will be held at The Memorial Hall, Addingham on Wednesday 15 March 2017at 7.00pm, for the purpose of transacting the business set out on the Agenda below.

Members of the press and public are invited to attend and may address the Council at the invitation of the Chairman.

Jane Markham MA, ACIS, MILCM

Clerk to Addingham Parish Council

9 March 2017



  1. Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies and approvereasonsfor absence as notified by Members.

  1. Disclosures of Interest

To receive any declarations of interests (not already entered in the Members’ Register of Interests), to recordany disclosures of interests (previously registered or not), including the nature of any such interests,which may be relevant to matters to be considered at the meeting, and to consider any written requests for dispensation as appropriate.

Note: A listing of members’ interests relevant to the business of the meeting, if any, will be reported at the outset of the meeting and will be recorded in the Minutes. Members are asked to check the Code of Conduct (available on website) to confirm their responsibilities. Members with interests defined in Appendix A of the Code (financial interests) must withdraw from the meeting during discussion of the item(s) in which they have an interest, unless a dispensation has been granted. Forms to apply for a dispensation, if necessary, will be available from the Clerk. Members without a dispensation may only remain in the meeting and take part in the discussion (but not vote on the matter) where their interests are personal interests as defined in Appendix B of the Code.

  1. Co-option of Member

To consider the co-option of a member to the casual vacancy on the Council

  1. Public Consultation and Question Time, including Police Matters

1)To receive an update on police matters

2) To receive questions/comments from the public on:

  • any matter which is listed for discussion on the Agenda;
  • any other matter of public interest which is within the responsibilities of the Parish Council; and
  • any suggestions of items for inclusion on the Agenda of the next Parish Council meeting
  1. Old School Refurbishment

To receive a status report from the project architect, consider specialist reports, together with proposals and options as regards additional building works required, and decide any action as necessary

  1. Minutes and Progress Report on Matters Arising

(Copy of draft minutes attached and available on Council website)

To confirm the Minutes of theMeeting held on15 February 2017as a true and correct record; to receive, for information, the report of the Chairman and Clerk onany matters arising; and to consider and decide further action where necessary on the following ongoing matters:

1)s.106 funding – to agree final proposals for expenditure of s.106 funds on recreational facilities at Memorial Hall play area (optionspaper attached)

2)Tour de Yorkshire – to receive a further reportfrom the Chairman(email from Totally Locally attached)

  1. Planning Applications

To consider the following planning applications:

1)17/00670/FULCroft Cottage 127 Main St–Change of use of ground floor shop unit to form residential accommodation of ground floor flat

2)17/00890/HOU 3 North St – Two storey side extension

3)17/00888/HOU 4 Moor Lane – Replacement of extension and parking space in place of existing garage

4)17/01065/PNH Beacon View, 6 Springfield Mount – Single storey rear extension

5)17/00929/HOU 3 Moor Lane – 2 storey side extension

6)17/00891/HOU Damson Cottage, 78 Main St – single storey extension to front of property

(Papers available on the BMDC Planning Applications database at

Note: Any additional applications received after publication of the agenda but at least 3 clear days before the meeting will be sent out to follow, and will be considered at the meeting.

  1. Neighbourhood Plan Forum

1)To receivethe draft notes of the meeting of the Forum held on 3 March(attached), consider an oral report from Forum members, and decide any action as necessary

2)To consider feedback, if available, from the developer’s consultation event held in 2016

3)To receive a report on expenditure against budget to 31 March(attached)

  1. Property & Maintenance

1)To receive an update on any outstanding maintenance issues(schedules attached)

2)To receive the report of the Lengthsman, if present, and decide any additional action as necessary

  1. Use of Old School Meeting Room

To consider proposals for future use of the Old School meeting room, and consequent revisions to the Council’s charging policies

  1. Correspondence

(Copy of correspondence list attached)

To note, for information,correspondence received since the date of the last meeting, to receive the report of the Chairman and Clerk on items of other correspondence received and decide any action as necessary

  1. Financial Matters
  1. Invoices for payment

(Copy of payments scheduleto follow for Members)

To approve thepresented list of accounts paid and the month’s invoicesdue for payment, as follows:

-Salaries – February payroll

-Lengthsman contract– Feb/March payment

-Clerk’s expenses– £45.90

-Stationery - £10.40

-Reimbursement for memorial - £153.98

-Hadfield’s–newsletter and Neighbourhood Plan – £1109.50

-Architect’s fee (initial payment - Old School refurbishment) - £2440.80

-Builder’s fee (initial payment – Old School refurbishment) - £tba

-Hire of portacabin (1 month - Old School refurbishment) - £711.72

-Kirkwells – Neighbourhood Plan interim to end financial year - £3200

-Mount Hermon – hall hire - £25

-Memorial Hall – hall hire - £19.87

-Airedale Fire Inspection (Pavilion only) - £52.80

  1. Bank Reconciliation to end February 2017

(Copy of Bank Reconciliation to follow for Members)

To receive the Bank Reconciliation to end February 2016

  1. Managed Payroll Service

To consider renewal of the service level agreement for the managed payroll service 2017/18

  1. Chairman’s Remarks and Members’ Discussion Forum

To receive the Chairman’s and members’ reports for information, and to notify the Clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting

Note: If considered necessary, any items requiring an urgent decision that cannot wait for the next meeting of the Council may be considered at an extraordinary meeting to be convened for the purpose

  1. Date of Next Meeting

To confirm the date, time and venue of the next meeting of Addingham Parish Council – 12 April 2017

(Please note -time and venue for this meeting to be confirmed)