Choices New Energy Academy

Dam Project Referendum Teacher Rubric / STUDENTS:


(Below Performance Standards) /


(Minimal Criteria) /


(Demonstrates Exceptional Performance)
Work EthicOverall display, quality, neatness, timeliness, and engagement / ·  Presenters are not professional or attempt to engage visitors
·  Exhibit is missing some materials
·  Not all group members present at start of exhibit
·  Not all members are dressed appropriately / ·  Presenters are professional in their demeanor and effectively engage the audience
·  All materials are neat and clean showing quality of product
·  All group members are present at start of referendum
·  All exhibit components are present
·  All group members are dressed professionally or in theme / In addition to meeting the PROFICIENT criteria …
·  Presenters actively seek to engage visitors and explain country’s involvement
·  Materials are displayed in effective and creative ways that enhance exhibit
·  Group appears unified in delivery and explanation of exhibit
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Critical ThinkingOverall Effect and Theme of Display including:Overall presentation Campaign posters, flyers, video commercial, informational display / ·  Display was unorganized and lacked visual appeal
·  No clear focus to display
·  Display lacks explanatory/supporting materials
·  No poster present or are unrelated to topic
·  Video commercial not effective in conveying content
·  Informational display not effective/persuasive
·  Flyers or brochures are missing, incomplete, or do not provide required detail of information / ·  Display well organized with all materials accessible to the viewer.
·  Flyers or brochures available for each interest group
·  Poster(s) relate to topic and add to the effect of the display
·  Video commercial relates to topic and is relevant to issues
·  Informational display provides required information for an effective display / In addition to meeting the PROFICIENT criteria …
·  Display creates a visually stimulating and pleasurable environment
·  Flyers or brochures are neat, clear and brief and thoroughly cover all aspects of the interest group
·  Informational display is creative and a show thorough understanding of the issues
·  Video commercial is persuasive and illustrative of group’s viewpoint
·  Summary cards are linked to theme of display and enhance the overall effect
0 ------20 ------34 / 35 ------38 ------40 - - - - - 42------44 / 45------46------48 ------50
Oral Communication
Tone, projection, posture, eye contact, emphasis, sincerity, posture / ·  Speaker was hard to hear or understand
·  Speaker was hard to hear or understand
·  Voice or tone distracted from purpose of presentation
·  Excessive use of verbal fillers
·  Little eye contact with audience
·  Poor or slouchy posture
·  Movements were stiff or unnatural
·  Attire was inappropriate for audience / ·  Tone was conversational, but with purpose
·  Speaker was easy to hear and understand
·  Voice sounded natural, neither patterned nor monotone
·  Speaker pronounced words clearly, correctly and without verbal fillers
·  Strong eye contact with audience
·  Posture conveyed confidence
·  Gestures and movements were natural and effective
·  Attire was appropriate for audience and purpose
·  Speaker obviously considered the audience and used appropriate language and examples
·  Speaker displayed a clear understanding of assignment requirements and content / In addition to meeting the PROFICIENT criteria …
·  Posture was commanding and purposeful
·  Speaker was enjoyable to hear; used expression and emphasis
·  Speaker used voice to create an emotional response in audience
·  Posture was commanding and purposeful
·  Attire was chosen to enhance presentation
0 ------10 ------16 / 17 ------18 ------19 - - - - - 20------21 / 22------23------24 ------30

110 Points possible

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