IFMA Madison Executive Committee Meeting
7/12/2011 Minutes
Attending- Torsveidt, Biller, Desens, Milan, Rowe, Rowe, Weisensel, Zirbel, Schwartz & Michels.
Meeting convened at 7:38 AM W/ Schwartz presiding Michels via phone
Secretary- Mike Schwartz for Sweitzer asked for approval of June Meeting Minutes by , Motion by Biller & Zirbel
Treasurer- Cheryl Weisensel—Actual 2010-2011 results were better than budgeted, in the ($2K) range, rather than the ($6K) projected. There was ensuing discussion about further collections and possibly checks not yet deposited by COW. Cheryl explained the annual delay in receipts that accompanies each year end, how past boards contemplated timing of the sponsorship drive. Karyn Biller noted that the last sponsor focus group confirmed the date should not change. Motion by Schwartz/Zirbel
Talent Scout- Karyn Biller- shared metrics on the dashboard. Chapter has lost exactly 20 facility managers since 2009, associates remain constant, an imbalance moving toward 55/45 as opposed to the 70/30 desired. Will share with member squad.
Vice President- Mike Schwartz-
Shared key points of the WI chapters’ accord. Conference calls last Friday of each month. Certification reviews will rotate amongst the chapters going forward. Cheryl Weisensel is on team. CFM Review is scheduled for September 10th. Must publicize this to the chapter ASAP, to generate interest and get an accurate count to match proforma for go/no go. Discussed the tri-chapter fees; suggested that chapters agree on supplemented amounts. Further board discussion moved that tri-chapter should charge all members, including education team members to offset costs.
Waterloo tour will be August 16th Trek & Digester at Clear Horizons. Carpooling suggested due to proximity.
Met with Larry Barton and Tom Riffle of New School. The team will have three sub-teams, skills USA by Jim Zirbel, curriculum/MadisonCollege by Tom Riffle and Scholarship by Larry. More people have joined this team.
Mike also brought up a new draft of the relationship pact, tabled for August meeting.
Immediate Past President- Jim Zirbel- Will speak with COW about formatted directors page for directory, to be printed from website if Nathan is ready. Providing Dani & Mike electronic “Binder” copies, including new media and minutes and team notes from previous year.
President- Dani Michels-Will discuss the WI chapter accord and relationship pact in August.
2010-2011 Directives include shorter meetings, limiting team announcements to those with impending engagements or mention by president at podium in lieu. Possible quarterly team reports going forward. Discussion ensued relating to new means to convey including emails prior to meeting, newsletter, video content @ meeting.
Leah Samuels and Matt Darga will be chapter sustainability liaisons, Leach mentioned interest in becoming certified as an SFP instructor gong forward.
Mike and Dani are meeting with team directors, engaging synergies between teams and expecting each team to hold a monthly meeting, many of which are now regularly scheduled.
Lunch Bunch- No report
Member Squad- Emily Rowe- Brett Windekind is our new student member, Zirbel to mentor under IFMA Connect, will contact. The IFMIX monthly mixers have been passed to team PR, at Coliseum Bar on 1st Wed of each month. Creating a top 10 list of reasons to join chapter
Show N’ Go- Ron Rowe- Mark Stifter is the presenter for July- Ron’s getting nervous. Suggested that team list their entire schedule on website now so info is timely for newsletter & meeting.
Board of Education- Kyle Roux & Cindy Torsveidt- Meeting for new director transition with Patty Sweitzer. Will regroup with Dani & Mike.
Sponsorship Task Force- Barb Milan- Met withDani about offering additional value to sponsors, will discuss further in August.
News Crew- No Report
IFMA 2.0 – There is a need for training of additional team members to be trained on the Wild Apricot platform. Brandon Starks was mentioned as a possible contributor, considering his involvement as co-director on News Crew.
New School-recap of 3 sub-teams going forward by Mike Schwartz.
Team PR- John Desens- Regularly scheduled meetings prior to monthly luncheon. Resuming planning meetings for 2011-2012, having moved the event till fall 2012 has reduced the pressure.
Birdie Brigade-Kim notes that they have 145 golfers but few sponsors. One beer sponsor thus far. Need more hole sponsors as soon as possible. Barb Milan suggested brigade call non-donating previous sponsors who said they would sponsor the outing.
Community Crew- No Report. Zirbel mentioned a total of 800 hours significantly greater than the 600 committed to the DAIS project.
Old Business- None
New Business- none.
August 9th Meeting to be held at Capital Fire & Security.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:02 A.M., moved by Zirbel/Desens with unanimous vote.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jim Zirbel, Immediate Past President