www.yoloworks.org / Yolo County Workforce Investment Board
25 North Cottonwood Street One-Stop Career Center Locations
Woodland, CA 95695
(530) 661-2750 Woodland West Sacramento
(530) 661-2658 FAX 25 N. Cottonwood St. 500-A Jefferson Blvd., Building A
(530) 661-2641 (916) 375-6307
Board Members
AccuStaff - Woodland
All Phase Security Inc.
Cache Creek Casino Resort
California Dept. of Rehabilitation
California Employment Development Department
California Human Development Corp.
California Indian Manpower Consortium
Center for Employment Training
City of West Sacramento
City Council
City of Woodland Economic Development
County of Yolo Economic Development
Cruickshank Farms
ERA Mata Realty
Experience Works, Inc.
First Northern Bank
Food Bank of Yolo County
Los Rios Community College District
Pride Industries
Rite Aid Corporation
Sacramento Central Labor Council (4)
Sutter-Davis Hospital
Valhalla Mobile Home Club
Western Truck School
Woodland Aviation
Woodland Community College
Woodland Healthcare, Inc.
Yolo County Department of Employment and Social Services
Yolo County Housing
Yolo County Office of Education
Yolo Employment Services, Inc. / Yolo County Workforce Investment Board
Informational Minutes
No Quorum
March 21, 2012
The Yolo County Workforce Investment Board convened in the offices of Yolo County Department of Employment and Social Services at 25 North Cottonwood Street, Woodland, CA, with the following persons in attendance:
Present: Alan Ruzich, Alice Tapley, Ann Gennuso-Newton, Blanca Barba, Dr. Jorge Ayala, Gary Pelfrey, Marco Lizarraga, Michael Darling, Pattie Espinosa, Scharlene Reid, Tanya Provencher, Terri LaBriola, Tim Paulson,
Absent: Almon Holmes, Brooks Lockhart, Christin Rodriguez,
Chuck Frame, Denice Seals, Doreen Lowman-White,
Dr. Alfred Konuwa, Janis Holt, Jessica Kilkenny, Jose Martinez, Kenn Shotts, Lisa Koregelos, Mark Johnson, Oscar Villegas,
Ron Vargas, Wendy Ross, Jennifer Cruickshank, Ken Garrett,
Kevin Ferreira, Randy Young, Walter DiMantova and Wes Ervin
Staff: Lisa Vincent, Nancy O’Hara, Steve Roberts and Barbara Castillo
Guests: Jennifer Pike – ADDECO
Janet Neitzel – EDD
Gabriel Garcia – EDD
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance
1. Public Comment / Announcements – Non-Agenda Items
WIB members, staff, or the public may address the Workforce Investment Board on subject relating to employment and training in Yolo County. A time limit may be imposed. No action may be taken on non-agenda items.
No public comments made.
2. Welcome Comments and Introductions
Ann Gennuso-Newton welcomed the board members and guests.
Jennifer Pike – ADECCO
Providing employment opportunities for Yolo and Solano Counties.
Janet Neitzel –Manager for the Sacramento/Yolo County EDD Offices
Pattie Espinoza announced she will be retiring effective April 30, 2012.
Ann Gennuso-Newton also announced she will be retiring May 4, 2012.
3. Presentation: None
4. Establish Quorum – No quorum established
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Workforce Investment Board
March 21, 2012
5. Consider Agenda Approval
Not able to approved item due to lack of quorum.
6. Consent Agenda - Approved with one Motion unless item withdrawn for discussion.
a. Approve Minutes – January 11, 2012
b. Ratify the Executive Committee decision to appoint WIB Member/Business: Michele N. Fadling/Mori Seiki
c. Ratify the Executive Committee decision to reappoint WIB Member/Economic Development: Wendy Ross/City of Woodland
Not able to approve items due to lack of quorum.
7. Regular Agenda
a. Receive the State Board’s Formal Approval of the Local Plan for PY 2011-12
Nancy O’Hara
Our Local Plan was submitted to the State, the State asked several local WIBs nine additional questions. In getting the response to the nine additional questions, the State rescinded their request for the nine additional questions and will take it as it was originally submitted. For the Local Plan this next year, we are anticipating the same questions will be asked and therefore are prepared to answer their questions in depth.
b. Receive the Yolo County WIB Annual report for PY 2009-10 and PY 2010-11
Tanya Provencher
The report that was handed out was a two year report due to staffing situations.
c. Receive resignation of WIB Member Jose Martinez-private business/Yolo County Food Bank
Steve Roberts is working on a replacement for Jose Martinez.
d. Discuss the outcomes of the 1/25/12 Strategic Planning Session
Ann Gennuso-Newton
A revised Strategic Planning Session was distributed to members. The three topics of the Strategic Plan were centered around the Youth, Business Engagement and One-Stop Partnership. With these three topics this is how the priorities and details were created. Janis Holt was able to give input on the Youth Council topic. The goal of the involvement of youth and parent have been met. The regional goals were discussed, ideas for dropout prevention, and how we engage individuals after college and high school and those who do not intend to back to school. Others would like to see the Work Ready Certificate in the community and those unaware of the Work Ready Certificate, to bring to their attention. Newsletters and Facebook is another way to advertise the Work Ready Certificate.
The next goal of Business Engagement, how important it is to have a personal touch to go meet with individuals, add to the ‘Best of Yolo’ and collaborate the Chambers. We also talked about the Economic Development, how to grow jobs and wages.
One-Stop Partnership was our last goal. We talked again about the regional goals, what is being done regionally at the One-Stop Centers and what can we do here to better prepare ourselves for the future. Once these are in place, how do we measure our success. Improve the marketing for One-Stop which means reaching out to the business community that the WIB is here and our purpose and showing our success with the One-Stop. It was decided to develop a task force and
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Workforce Investment Board
March 21, 2012
Wes Ervin volunteered to chair this committee. At the next Executive Committee meeting we will be prioritizing the three action plans and setting time lines and specifics to the goals.
An outside facilitator, John Chamberlain did a great job with this strategic planning session.
Don Saylor suggested since this strategic plan is strong and focused on business outreach; it may be more effective if any of the members on the Task Force Committee might be involved in business activity. If not, Don encourages those to participate as it may be more effective to have a business individual talking to another business individual is more effective.
About the Youth, Dr. Ayala informed members there is a group being formed that is addressing regional needs. A study is being done out of UC Davis, by Jonathan London, called Healthy Youth Healthy Region. He and his colleges are going around the region talking about the possibilities. His research points out the needs and gaps, where they occur. The uniqueness about this study is it emphasizes youth participation and youth voice. If we are going to talk about youth, we need to get youth involved in the development of all this. Another piece is that the Woodland Chamber of Commerce is putting a higher emphasis on the Work Ready Certificate and all the possibilities of hiring youth in the communities. It may be a good idea to include the business education committee in the task force conversation as well.
e. Discuss the schedule/structure of the Yolo County WIB Meetings
A suggestion was made to go back meeting every month and perhaps we would get a quorum. Members expressed one every other month will work best with their schedules and regular communication rather than every other month. Dr. Ayala and Patty Espinoza suggested highlighting presentations on the emails that go out. ]
The conclusion of this item was to contact members and ask what presentations in addition that would bring members to the meetings.
8. Conference and Training Updates
CWA Youth Conference; January 17-19, 2012, Long Beach, CA
9. Reports
a. One-Stop – Tanya Provencher, DESS Employment and Social Services Manager
Tanya Provencher handed out stats for October and November 2011.
WIA Program Updates:
Youth Program (Regular)
December 2011 / January 2012Active Participants / 220 / 220
Enrolled during the
Month (regular program) / 6 / 14
Exited from program
During the month / 5 / 12
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March 21, 2012
Adult/DW Programs
December 2011 / January 2012Active Participants / 118 / 119
Enrolled during the month
(regular program) / 4 / 4
Exited from program during the month / 1 / 7
Total Orientations between Woodland & W. Sac / 2 / 2
Total Customers scheduled to attend orientations / 26 / 41
Total Customers that
Actually attended the orientation / 19 / 32
Rapid Response Services
Rapid Responses for December 2011: No RR events
Rapid Responses for January 2012: No RR events
New Hires for December 2011 and January 2012:
Total number of people who attained a job through the One-Stop services:
Component of Services December 2011 January 2011
WIA 3 6
*Employment Centers 0 0
Total 3 6
*The number of people who obtained employment through the public use of the Employment Center may be higher, but unreported. The statistic above includes facilitation with employers only.
b. WIB Business Member Recruitment – Steve Roberts, DESS Employment Specialist II
Steve Roberts announced Rene Puente with Wal-Mart has decided to join WIB as well as Chase Bank in Woodland. Jennifer Pike of ADECCO has showed interest in the WIB also. The City of West Sacramento is still putting together a job fair and possibly a job fair in Woodland by the Chamber of Commerce.
Pattie Espinoza suggested working together with Steve as EDD is already having a job fair.
c. Executive Committee – Ann Gennuso-Newton, Chair
No other additional information.
d. Economic Development – Wes Ervin, Yolo County Economic Development Manager
e. Yolo Youth Opportunity Council – Janis Holt, Chair
Nancy O’Hara reported for Janis Holt as Janis is on vacation.
Youth Council continues to work on the Strategic Plan.
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10. Other Business That May Come Before the Board
Michael Darling and Dr. Ayala Thanked Ann Gennuso-Newton and Pattie Espinoza for their leadership.
Scharlene Reid
Experience Works has been given a grant through the Wal-Mart Foundation and putting individuals in different types of training. There are 10 more slots to be filled, between the ages of 50-62 that needs a little training. Quick Books or Security Guard Training are some of the trainings offered.
Quorum not met.
Next Meeting:
May 9, 2012
Community Room
25 N. Cottonwood St., Woodland, CA
Accommodation: In accordance with Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require special
assistance, meeting materials to be in an alternative format, auxiliary aids, or other person to assist you
while attending this meeting, we will provide reasonable accommodation to allow participation. Contact
Ms. Barbara Castillo at 530-661-2651 at least 3 business days prior to the meeting to facilitate arrangements.
For more about the Yolo County Workforce Investment Board log on to www.yoloworks.org