Intern Handbookpage1

Project SEARCH


Intern Handbook


Hamilton County

Boardd of DD


Welcome to Great Oaks Project SEARCH program at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. This year is an opportunity to learn, grow and develop skills that will assist you in your job search. With your hard work and participation, you will have experiences here that will make you employable in many different careers.

While you are at Children’s Hospital, you are expected to have the utmost respect for the staff, patients and families. We expect you to have good manners and a good attitude each and every day. We expect you to follow the Great Oaks Code of Conduct as well as the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Policies and Procedures. In addition, you will be expected to follow all of the expectations explained in this packet.

Together we can make this year a wonderful experience. It is up to YOU to make this a great year!

Claire Patterson

Great Oaks Dean of Satellite

Jackie Gardiner

Great Oaks Manager of Disabilities Services

Tina Martin

Great Oaks Project SEARCH Education Coordinator/Teacher

Erin Riehle

Director of Project SEARCH

Mike Behrman

Project SEARCH Clinical Manager

Greg Lynch

Project SEARCH Program Coordinator

Table of Contents

Introduction………………………………………………………. / 2
Dress Code …………………………………………………………….. / 4, 25
Attendance……………………………………………………………. / 4
Transportation ………………………………………………………... / 4
Smoking/Tobacco ……………………………………………………. / 5
Meals………………………………………………………………. / 5
Job Coaches………………………………………………………… / 5
Rehabilitation Services Commission……………………………… / 5
Medications……………………………………………………………….. / 5
Grades………………………………………………………………… / 5
Sample Vocational Evaluation …………………………………………. / 6
2-Step TB test ……………………………………………………... / 7
Criminal Records Check ……………………………………………….. / 8
Typical School Day …………………………………………… / 10
What to Bring? …………………………………………………………. / 9
Respect…………………………………………………………….. / 9
Calendar ………………………………………………………………… / 11
List of Required Documentation…………………………………… / 12
Birth Certificate downloads …………………………………………….. / 13
Children’s Hospital Employee Discipline Policy ………………………… / 14
Great Oaks Student Code of Conduct …………………………………… / 18
Great Oaks Network Acceptance Agreement ……………………………. / 29
Great Oaks Video/Picture Release …………………………………….. / 30
Great Oaks Project SEARCH Student Contract ………………………….. / 32
Great Oaks Release of Information/ Records…………………………….. / 32
Great Oaks Emergency Medical Form…………………………………… / 34
CCHMC Shuttle Release …………………………………………………. / 36
CCHMC Student Confidential Agreement……………………………. / 37
Great Oaks Satellite Student Information Enrollment …………………… / 39
Checklist for Immunization for Non-CCHMC Personnel ……………………………… / 40

Dress Code

The standard dress code for Project SEARCH Interns is a collared shirt and nice pants. You are encouraged to wear clean and comfortable shoes, such as gym shoes. Sweaters and turtlenecks are permitted. Students are not allowed to wear jeans, shorts, sweatpants, T-shirts, sandals or sweatshirts.

Project SEARCH Interns sometimes participate in job rotations in areas where the workers have a different uniform. For example; workers in Grounds and Maintenance wear tan overalls, you will be given the dress code as you change rotations.


Whatever you wear must cover your body completely and fit properly. It must be neat and clean. Please plan ahead and make sure you have enough clean clothes for the week. Don’t wait until the last minute to do laundry or go shopping. “I didn’t have time to wash my clothes” is not an acceptable excuse.

Please review and sign the official CCHMC dress code included in this handbook on page 28.



You are expected to come to work on time every day. You are an adult now and you should be getting yourself out of bed and ready on your own. You are expected to treat this year just like a job. If you are sick or late to work you must first call your supervisor and then call the Project SEARCH office at 513-636-5381.

We follow the Diamond Oaks calendar. This is important especially when listening for weather related cancellations and/or delays.



If you and your family are interested in utilizing the travel training through Great Oaks, you must attend the meeting on April 30th at 6:30pm in the Instructional Resources Center, IRC, room 138. You will have the opportunity to meet the staff and coordinate calendars. If you have missed this meeting it is very important that the student contact the Project SEARCH Office at 513.636.5381. We will try to accommodate. It is important to remember that the job coach will be there a few times to train the family. It is the family’s responsibility to continue any additional training that the intern might need. You can always contact Metro and schedule training through them. There is a cost per hour. It is important that the student have access to a cell phone and can call the parent when traveling. Students can apply for reduced bus fare by calling Metro at 513.632.7540 and asking for the Fair Deal application.

Smoking/Tobacco Use

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center is a smoke-free work environment. Project SEARCH Interns are not allowed to smoke or use any other form of tobacco while participating in the program.



Project SEARCH Interns are expected to provide their own meals. Interns may either pack a lunch or purchase food in the cafeteria. You can expect to spend about $8.00 on a meal. There is a small refrigerator in the classroom and ice/water machine and microwaves in the cafeteria for the students to use.


Job Coaches

The job coaches are here to help you to be successful on your job. They will help you learn your tasks and understand what is expected of you. It is your job to ask for help when you need it. Job coaches DO NOT work side-by-side with interns all day long. The goal of this program is independence. You are expected to take directions from your supervisor and ask questions when you need help.


Rehabilitation Services Commission (RSC)

Rehabilitation Services Commission is paying part of the costs for you to attend this program and receive job coaching services. In order to receive those services you are expected to attend required monthly meetings and complete necessary paperwork. If you do not participate, you could lose your services. The Rehabilitation Counselor will be in contact with you during the summer. This is a crucial meeting in which the counselor will open the case and begin funding for the school year. Please make sure you have the required documentation ready for this meeting.



Any Project SEARCH intern who takes medication during the work day must be responsible for taking it him or herself. Medications will not be stored in the classroom. If a special medication need arises, please let Tina Martin know right away.



Grades will be given in the following areas: attendance, class participation and work evaluations. All grades are based on 100 points and rated by the following percentages: Attendance 20%, Class Participation 20%, and Work Evaluation 60%. Class participation is based on your attitude, participation and completion of assignments. The job coach, teacher, and supervisor complete a weekly work evaluation. The work evaluation is mailed to RSC, MRDD (if applicable), affiliated school, and to the parent/guardian.


Project SEARCH Vocational Evaluation

Student: ______Date Completed: ______

Name of evaluator: ______Work Site: ______

Number the appropriate column indicating student skill level for related behaviors.



Social Behavior:

  1. Handles stress______
  2. Makes eye contact______
  3. Refrains from unnecessary social interaction (talking) ______
  4. Admits mistakes______
  5. Accepts praise______
  6. Cooperation and courteous______


Additional Comments:______



  1. Listens and pays attention______
  2. Expresses personal needs (restroom breaks, doctor visits) ______
  3. Respects rights and privacy of others ______
  4. Asks for help or clarification when needed ______
  5. Communicates adequately (initiaties conversations, doesn’t interrupt) ______


Additional Comments: ______



  1. Maintains clean body hygiene ______
  2. Dresses appropriately for the job ______
  3. Positive attitude toward work ______

TOTAL: ___

Job Performance:

  1. Follows directions ______
  2. Accepts constructive criticism/feedback ______
  3. Follows rules and regulations ______
  4. Maintain good attendance ______
  5. Arrives to work on time and leaves on time ______
  6. Attends to job task consistently ______
  7. Completes task accurately ______
  8. Works at appropriate rate ______
  9. Initiates a new task ______
  10. Works well with coworkers ______
  11. Follows the proper “chain of command” ______

TOTAL: ______


2-Step TB Test and Chicken Pox Vaccination

Each intern must complete the 2-step TB test within 90 days of the first day of school. You can complete the TB test at the location of your choice, but you MUST provide the signed results card with the results and reading dates. There should be four dates on this result card. Two dates indicating test administration and two dates indicating that the test has been read with the (+) or (-) signs. This has to be turned in prior to the first day of school. The Hamilton County Health Department can do the test if you live in the Hamilton County area. They can be contacted at (513)946-7600. They are located at184 E. McMillan St., Cincinnati, OH 45219.Clinic Hours & Services:Monday - Friday, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.


If you had the chicken pox vaccination when you were younger, you need to have another dose beforestarting the Project SEARCH program. If you had chicken pox disease, please state the estimated year on the Health Screening Form.

Non-CCHMC Badging Process

FAQ for Non-employees Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Why does Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) require me to provide my Social Security number?

At CCHMC, our primary concern is the care and safety of the children who are our patients. All persons who spend time on CCHMC campuses will potentially have contact with our patients. To help protect the safety of the children, we perform state-required background checks on all employees, and on non-employees who require a CCHMC photo ID badge. The Social Security number is the only unique identifier that enables us to perform these background checks. We take appropriate steps to ensure that Social Security numbers and all other personal data are kept confidential to protect your privacy.

Why does CCHMC require me to provide immunization records?

Protecting the children who are our patients also means reducing the risk of exposure to infectious diseases. Outbreaks of infectious diseases in the United States have increased in recent years.Many of our patients are immunocompromised, which means their bodies are incapable of fighting off infections. Therefore, it is essential that we do everything we can to ensure that all persons performing work on our campuses are immunized against diseases that are vaccine preventable, and which threaten the health of our patients and all others who come through our doors. This policy of Infection Control is part of a broader Safety Culture at CCHMC, the goal of which is to improve the health and safety of our patients, our employees, and the public.

What counts as “official” documentation of immunization records?

CCHMC accepts immunization records that meet the following criteria. Records must:

  • Be signed by a physician
  • Be printed on the letterhead of a physician or healthcare organization
  • Be written in English
  • Have your name printed on every page of the documentation

What if I don’t have the required immunization records?

If you don’t have the required immunization records, then you must arrange to have appropriate tests and immunizations performed before starting work for CCHMC.

Why are two TB skin tests usually required?

CCHMC administers a two-step TB test only if you have not undergone annual TB skin tests in the past. If you have documentation that you have undergone annual TB skin tests, then only one current TB skin test is needed. If a two-step TB skin test is necessary, you must have the second test performed one week after the first one.

The reason CCHMC requires the two-step test is that the body’s memory response to the purified protein derivative that is used in the test diminishes. Therefore, it’s possible that a single-step TB skin test will produce a false negative response. The two-step test primes the immune memory recognition, so the second TB skin test produces an accurate response.

When is my background check performed? Who performs the check?

Background checks are initiated by CCHMC’s Protective Services department on the day you come to have your photo taken for your ID badge. In compliance with Ohio state law regarding anyone working in pediatric facilities, Protective Services collects fingerprints of all non-employees who receive CCHMC photo ID badges. Protective Services uses the Bureau of Criminal Investigations to perform background checks.

Who can I contact if I have questions?

If you have any questions, please contact Tina Martin at 513.636.5381 or Greg Lynch at 513.636.6367.


Criminal Records Check

Children’s Hospital Medical Center will administer background checks for each intern. The students must be free from any criminal activity to participate in the Project SEARCH program. Those students unable to pass a background check will not be permitted in the program.The background checks cost $15.00 cash or check. The interns must bring in a current State of Ohio Identification Card.

What to Bring

You will need to purchase the following items for class work: 2 pocket folders, pen or pencil, notebook filler paper, and lunch or lunch money. You are responsible for any transportation costs. If you use a cell phone you may bring it with you but it must be turned off while you are here during the school day, 8:00am-2:15pm. If your cell phone becomes a distraction you will be asked to leave it at home. If parents need to get in touch with you during the school day, they must call the Project SEARCH Office at 513.636.5381 or the Project SEARCH Classroom at 513.636.9929.



It is important that each student have a watch. You cannot use your cell phone to check to time. It is best if you had a watch with multiple alarms and a timer. The Timex Ironman is a good investment. You can visit for some selections. Timex is sold at Wal-mart and Target. When selecting a watch, it is important to find one that works for you and meets your needs. Here is an example of what functions to look for:

IRONMAN* Triathlon® 30-Lap

Top of Form

Product Details Additional Features

  • Digital Display
  • Black Resin Strap
  • INDIGLO® night-light
  • Occasion Mode
  • 3-Alarm Feature
  • 30-Lap Recall
  • Brushed Case
  • Water Resistant to 100m
  • Timer
  • 3 Time Zones



We will be talking about respect a great deal this year. When you show respect for others, you show respect for yourself. Disrespectful talk, writing, clothing, etc. will not be tolerated in Project SEARCH. Each student in this program, each patient and family member and each employee has the right to be treated with respect and dignity.

High School Transition Program

Typical Day

School day: August-May, Monday-Friday, 8:00-2:15pm

We follow the Great Oaks school calendar

  • 8:00-9:00 Employability Skills Class: Students sign in, lessons are based on daily living/employability skills, i.e., problem solving, team work, decision making, budgeting, check writing, nutrition, resume writing-instruction follows an approved Great Oaks Curriculum
  • 9-11:30 Internship Sites: students participate in non-paid job internship sites throughout the host business/ organization/ university. They rotate through three – four different internships throughout the school year.
  • 11:30-12:15 Lunch: Students may purchase a lunch or pack. Students are encouraged to eat with their co-workers and peers at the internship sites
  • 12:15-2pm Internship sites: return to sponsoring department to learn job specific and employability skills.
  • 2pm classroom- Refection/Planning/ Journal writing: Students sign out at 2:15 p.m. and if available take public transportation home.

The internships typically lasts10-12 weeks and should be planned to meet the needs of the business and the students.

2009-2010 Important Dates

April 30th 6:30-7:30 Travel Training Mandatory meeting, IRC building room 138

August 11 Project SEARCH Family Picnic-more information to follow

August 242009-2010 Project SEARCH Program begins

September 7 Labor Day, no school

September-November First Job Rotation

November 3 Teacher Professional Day, no school

November 11 Veteran’s Day, no school

November ____ Project SEARCH Open House

November 25th-29thThanksgiving Break

December 21-January 3 Winter Break

January 4th-regular schedule

December-February Second Job Rotation

January 8 Teacher Professional Day, no school

January 18th Martin Luther King Day

February 1 Project SEARCH 2010-2011 applications are due

February 15th President’s Day, no school

March-May Third Job Rotation

April 2-11thSpring Break

April 12th-regular schedule

May 14 Last day for students

May ____ Project SEARCH Graduation

Project SEARCH CCHMC follows Diamond Oaks for any weather related cancellations and/or delays.

Required Documentation

Below is a list of required documentation and signed paperwork that needs to be return to Tina Martin, Education Coordinator on or before the first day of school, 8/24/2009. All the material is included in this packet. You can mail the following information at the address below if you want to turn it in before the first day of school. I recommend mailing it no later than August 10th to ensure that I receive it in time.

Project SEARCH Attn: Tina Martin

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center