Assessment and Ongoing Evaluation (part of Evals)

Birth-21 years of age

Career Transition/ILS/Self-Determination/Social skills/Rec-Leisure

Purchase order for more copies and Professional Library

Assessment Kit: Kit of Informational Tasks for Academic Students with Visual Impairments

5-21 years of age

Basic Reading Inventory (Jerry Johns) for Literacy Assessments

Compensatory/Career Transition/ILS/Sensory Efficiency/Social skills/Assistive Technology

Professional Library

Assessment of Braille Literacy Skills (ABLS)

Birth-21 years of age


Regional Director

Assistive Technology for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired-Assessment Forms

Kindergarten-12th Grade

Assistive Technology

Presley and Andrea Book

Brigance Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills

Pre-K-9th Grade


Braille Edition in Professional Library

Brigance Transition Skills Inventory

14 years of age and older

job-oriented, academic, and functional life skills in the context of employment, post-secondary education, and real-world situations and community participation skills to help students transition to post-school activities.

Career Transition

Professional Library or AEA library

Braille Music Checklist

3rd-12th grade


IESBVI website

Calendars for Students with Multiple and Visual Impairments Including Deaf blindness

Birth-21 years of age

Compensatory/Career Transition/ILS /Self-Determination

Professional library

Casey Life Skills

Assessments for all school age students

Relevant for transition planning

Compensatory/Career Transition/ILS/social skills

casey life skills link

Communication Matrix

Birth-2 years of age

Compensatory/Self-Determination/Social skills

communication matrix link


As used in district


Check with school district

Dodson-Burk and Hill

Pre-school Orientation & Mobility screening

Form A or B

Orientation & Mobility


Empowerment Self-Determination Evaluation

Kindergarten-21 years of age

Self-Determination/Social skills

IBS Professional Library or ordered from TSBVI

Evals-Evaluating Visually Impaired Students

Birth-21 years of age

All ECC areas

Professional library

Functional Skills Screening Inventory (FSSI)

Ages 14 and up

Compensatory/Career Transition/ILS/Social skills/Other

functional skills screening link

Home/School Inventory of Problem Solving Skills

Birth-21 years of age students with additional disabilities


home school inventory problem solving link


The Hill performance test of selected positional concepts

Orientation & Mobility

I have a plan IOWA

Career Exploration and Transition Planning

Elementary through Post- Secondary

Career Transition

i have a plan link


Sensory Efficiency

Professional Library

Independent Living Skills Assessment for Blind and Visually Impaired Children

Independent Living skills

American Printing House for the Blind

Contact: Dianne Bender

Infused Skills Assessment

1-5 years of age


Purchase Order

Insite Developmental Checklist

Birth-6 years of age and with additional disabilities

Compensatory/ILS/Sensory Efficiency/O&M

Purchase Order or Professional library

LeVack Low Vision Resource Guide

A Resource guide with Adaptations for Students with Visual Impairments

Orientation & Mobility


Lilli Nielsen Active Learning materials/Assessment

Birth-21 years of age

Assistive Technology

lilli works link

Minnesota Braille Skills Inventory

3-21 years of age


Professional library

Oregon Project for Visually Impaired and Blind Children

Birth- 6 years of age, also students with additional disabilities

Compensatory/ ILS /O&M/Sensory Efficiency

Purchase Order or Professional library


Orientation & Mobility

SAM Symbols and Meaning

Developmentally ages 2 – 7 years

Compensatory/Self-Determination/Sensory Efficiency/Social skills/Recreation & Leisure


Sensory Learning Kit

Birth-2 years developmentally

Compensatory/Self-Determination/Sensory Efficiency/Social skills/Recreation-Leisure


Student Performance Indicators (SPI)

Kindergarten-12th Grade

Compensatory/Career Transition/ILS/Self-Determination/Sensory Efficiency/Social skills

Download from Region XIII education service center


Teaching Age Appropriate Purposeful Skills

An Orientation & Mobility Curriculum for Students with Visual Impairments


Professional Library or Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Iowa Transition Assessment

Transition Matrix

Transition areas of living, learning and working

Compensatory/Career Transition/ILS/Self-Determination/Social skills/Recreation-Leisure

Iowa Department of Education

transition assessment link

at bottom of the page click on Transition Matrix


Tools for Assessment& Development of Visual Skills

Birth to 21 years

Sensory Efficiency


Transition Planning Inventory

Ages 14 and up

Career Transition

Purchase Order from Pro ed

Transition Tote

Ages 14 and up

Career Transition

Purchase order from APH

Vocational Behavior Checklist (VBC)

Career Transition

Professional library

WATI-Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative-AT for VI

Birth-21 years of age

Assistive Technology

wisconsin assistive tech initiative link

Rev date 02-05-2013