Scavenger Hunt
You’re going on an EBSCOhost scavenger hunt! When you’re done, you’ll have information to help you the next time you use EBSCOhost.
Starting Off - Pick Me! Pick Me! Go to the EBSCOhost Choose Databases Screen. It should look something like the picture below. Click the box next to Primary Search.
Next, click the Continue button OR click the name of the database.
1. Home Page – Take a minute to look at the home page, and
see what’s there. It should look something like this:
A. Where is the Find box located?
2. It’s Easy Being Green: Links on the Home Page
A. Click the Dictionary link on the home page.
In the Browse For box, enter the word shimmer.
Click the Browse button on your screen. A list of words should
appear, with shimmer at the top. Click on the word.
B. What part of speech is the word?
What does it mean? Write the definition in the space below.
3. Now, as you’re looking at the dictionary page, do you see this link -
Back? Hint: It’s NOT your Internet Browser Back button
Find it? Excellent! Click it. Where do you land?
4. You’re doing well!! Let’s look for something new. On your
dictionary search page, find the New Search link (look up and to
the left). Click the link.
Where do you land?
Do Over! Helpful Tip: Whenever you want to just start over
and try a new search, New Search is the link to click.
5. Let’s go hunting for more information!
You should still be on your main search page.
Go to the Find Box.
A. Type the words Statue of Liberty.
Be sure to click a ü in the Full Text box. That way, you’ll get a list of
articles to read. Click the Search button. TA DA! Behold, a list!
6. Now, we’re going to look at articles from different types of sources.
Some day, your teacher may ask you to find different kinds of
articles on the computer. This hunt will help. Above the article list,
look for: Periodicals Reference Books Images
They will tell you the kind of information about the Statue of Liberty
you have in your list.
A. Search for 1 article from a periodical (magazine)
How? Click the Periodicals icon. It looks like: Periodicals.
Now you’re looking at a list of just the magazine articles.
Pick One. Write the following information:
Magazine Name & Date:
Database Name: (Primary Search)
The column on the right side of the results list has a folder in it. Click the folder next to the article you chose. Your article is now inside a session folder. Shhh! Don’t
B. Next, click the All Results link next to Periodicals, and go back to the full Results List.
Search for 1 article from a reference book
Click the Reference Books picture. Pick an article and write the following information:
Reference Book Name & Date:
Database Name:
Click the All Results link to go back to the full Results List.
C. Search for 1 image of the Statue of Liberty
Click the Images picture. Images
Click an image from the list to view. Write the following information:
Database Name:
Add the image to the session folder – Hint: look for the yellow folder.
7. Search by Publication – Basic Search Screen
Your mission, should you accept, is to find two articles about the
Silk Road. The articles are published in the magazine Calliope.
A. Click the Choose Databases tab at the top of the page. Check MAS
Ultra School Edition, OR Middle Search Plus, OR Primary Search (you
may only see one of these on the list). Click the Continue button.
B. You should see a fresh search screen. If not, the “New Search” link will
take you there. Start with your key words Silk Road. Type them in
the Find box.
Below the Find Box is an area to limit your search to a
publication and date. It looks like the picture below. Find it?
C. Make sure the Full Text box is checked. It guarantees a complete article to read. Type Calliope in the Publication box.
Use the dropdown menu to enter the Published dates as shown in
the picture above.
When your search screen resembles the one above, click the Search button.
Choose two articles from the result list and add them to your folder.
Feeling Confident? Click New Search and search for articles in another magazine, using the model above. Add one to your session folder if you’d like.
Not sure if a magazine is in EBSCOhost? There’s a way to check.
At the top of the page, look for a link in the green section called Publications. Click it.
Do you see a box labeled Browse Publications? Type the name of the magazine you want to find; click Browse. If it appears on the list of magazines, then you can search by publication. How?...That’s right! By clicking New Search at
top left of the page…
Where to Next?
8. Capture the Flag: Find the Images link in the green section at the top of the search screen, and click it.
A. Type Kazakhstan in the Find box.
B. Put a check in the Flags box just below Search.
C. Click Search.
D. Click on the image of the flag in your result list to enlarge it.
9. Flag Ceremony -
A. What are the colors of the flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
B. Name two objects on the flag’s coat of arms.
C. Write the copyright of the map.
D. How many languages are spoken in Kazakhstan?
E. Add the flag to your folder.
10. Bonus Points
Search by Magazine. Click the Advanced Search tab at the top of the search page.
A. In the first FIND box, type the word silk road.
B. In the box below FIND, type Calliope. In the box next to
Calliope, click the drop arrow 6, and click SO (Journal Name). Be sure to put a check in the Full Text box
Click Search. How many articles do you get?
C. Find an article. Click on the title to open it.
D. Excellent. Now, we’re going to use the article to show you a handy dandy trick for making citations, which will help you prepare a bibliography for a report.
Above the article you’ve just opened, do you see these icons:
Print E-mail Save Export Add to folder?
- Click the one marked Save.
- Click the button labeled Citation Format. Click the dropdown menu next to it and select MLA (Modern Language Assoc.).
- Excellent. Now click the white Save button on the screen.
You should see this citation on the page:
Works Cited
"ALONG THE SILK ROAD." Calliope 17.5 (2007): 2. MAS Ultra -
School Edition. 14 March 2007.
That’s the citation you’ll use for your bibliography. EBSCOhost can make the same citation when you e-mail an article, too.
11. Somewhere on your EBSCOhost page lurks your session folder icon. It looks like this: Folder. Find it and click it open. How
many items are inside?
12. Remove all items in your folder. Look for the Remove All button, and click it.
You’ve made your way around the basics of EBSCOhost!
Related Information Literacy Standards
Big6 Skill: 3. Location and Access
3.1 Locate sources (intellectually and physically).
3.2 Find information within sources.
Information Literacy Standards (AASL)
1.5 develops and uses successful strategies for learning information
7.1 seeks information from diverse sources, contents, disciplines, and
Big6 Skill: 4. Use of Information
4.1 Engage (e.g. read, hear, view, touch) the information in a source.
4.2 Extract relevant information from a source.
Information Literacy Standards
2.1 determines accuracy, relevance, and comprehensiveness
Scavenger Hunt Answer Key
This key provides answers to questions that have set answers. Responses based on a student’s choice of articles, or the date of the search will vary, and are not included here.
1A. Under the green section, near the top of the page.
2B. Shimmer
Part of Speech: Verb, and/or Noun
Definition: V: to shine with a subdued flickering light, as in a reflection on water or through heat waves in air.
N: A flickering or tremulous light; a glimmer.
3. The main dictionary page
4. The Search page
9. Flag Ceremony
A. Teal blue/yellow
B. Sun, eagle/bird, decoration on the left side
C. ©Copyright (c) 1999, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
D. Kazakh/Qasaq and Russian
11. Folder contents:
One image of the Statue of Liberty
One image of a flag
One magazine article about the Statue of Liberty
Two articles from Calliope, about the Silk Road
Optional: One article from a search by publication
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