Bingham High School

Geology Disclosure Statement

Ms. Kelly


Phone: 801-256-5100

UEN site:

Welcome to Geology! This class is a semester class where you will learn about plate tectonics, processes that shape Earth, minerals, rocks, the structure of Earth, and the history of Earth.

The course is divided into study units prepared in packet form consisting of instructional goals, unit activities, laboratories and activities, research reports, collections, and tests correlated to the activities and goals.

Notes and assignments for the class can be found at

Student Expectations

For this class to operate smoothly and safely, for us to have a good time, and to get all we need to get accomplished in mere months, the rules and expectations are simple:

1.  Respect

·  Be kind and respectful to other members in the class and this includes yourself

·  Show respect to other people’s property in the room

·  Show respect for any lab equipment

2.  Responsibility

·  Come to class prepared every day

·  Be willing to ask questions

·  Spend quality time working on your homework daily

·  Follow all lab safety rules

Classroom Rules and Consequences

1.  Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings, prepared to work.

2.  Respect all persons and property.

3.  The back lab area is for labs and equipment. It is NOT to be used as a study area unless permission is given.

4.  No gum, food, candy or drinks (except water) are permitted.

5.  Cell phones, smart watches and other electronic devices are not to be seen or heard during class except for specific teacher directed instructional activities. Cell phones, smart watches, or other electronic devices may NOT be used as a calculator.

·  Inappropriate use of a cell phone may result in it being taken for the remainder of the class, a loss of participation points, or it being given to an assistant principal.

6.  Students who do not follow the rules will lose participation points and if necessary, phone calls home or parent-teacher conferences will be arranged. Good behavior will result in increased learning, time to work on assignments in class, improved scores that reflect your hard work, and self-satisfaction.

7.  The Skyward discipline log will be used to track cell phone, dress code, and other violations.

Class Fee

There is a $5.00 lab fee to replace consumable items used during labs as well broken equipment.


You will need a notebook to keep your homework, notes and packets organized.

Grading Scale

Grades are not “given”. They must be “earned” and will be based on the following percentages.

A / 100 - 93 % / B- / 82.99 - 80% / D+ / 69.99 - 67%
A- / 92.99 - 90% / C+ / 79.99 – 77% / D / 66.99 - 63%
B+ / 89.99 - 87% / C / 76.99 - 73% / D- / 62.99 - 60%
B / 86.99 - 83% / C- / 72.99 - 70% / F / 59.99 - 0%

Grading Policy

Grades will be put in Skyward in the following categories:

1.  Assignments: This category includes in class assignments, unit packets, homework, and quarter reviews.

·  Unit Packets: (20 points) Packets consist of a combination of worksheets and book problems designed to enhance the understanding and to practice the skills of each of the learning objectives. Each student is required to show their work/calculations in an organized fashion for each question where appropriate. Failure to show the work will result in points being deducted. Packet due dates are announced in class, listed on the class calendar.

·  Late work or work turned in after the unit test will only receive half credit.

2.  Labs: (10-20 points) Each unit will consist of one or more labs and/or demonstrations relating to the topics being discussed. Lab write-ups will be required. An alternative writing assignment will be available for missed labs.

3.  Quizzes: Quizzes may be given during a unit. Quiz make-ups must be completed before the unit test is taken. Bell quizzes may not be made up if a student is absent or tardy.

4.  Tests: A multiple choice test and a free response test will be given at the conclusion of each unit.

·  Each multiple-choice test is worth up to 100 points

·  The Free Response/Essay portion of the test is worth up to 20 points.

5.  Participation: (50 points) Daily attendance, promptness to class, attentiveness, appropriate behavior, and having the necessary materials are essential to understanding chemistry. Inappropriate or unsafe behavior as well as cell phone and gaming distractions will result in the loss of participation points. Two free tardies will be given. The third and any subsequent tarries will result in the loss of 5 participation points per tardy.

6.  Projects: 100 points each

·  Students will be expected to write about science current events (5 each quarter) as well as and complete a project each quarter.

·  An additional 100 point project will be given each quarter

Attendance Policy and Make-up Work

The Bingham High School Attendance Policy will be enforced. More detailed information on the attendance policy can be found on the school’s web page at The award of credit for this class is subject to the BHS attendance policy. A student who has 4 or more absences per quarter that are not made up or excused will not receive credit for the class.

·  All work for a unit is expected to be turned in on the day of the test but do not wait until the night before to do it!

·  Make-up work for any absence is the student’s responsibility! Activities, discussions, simulations, laboratory exercises, and presentations take place every day and cannot be duplicated, even by after-school instruction or make-up work. Therefore, grades may be adversely affected by taking a vacation leave or having other absences, even though assignments are turned in as required.

·  Students are responsible for checking the Class Calendar for a summary of the activities, notes and assignments missed when absent. After checking the Class Calendar students may ask for clarification from the teacher. Students will be given equal time to complete the assignments due to absences as the students that were present.

·  Advance notification for absences on test day is required. Students absent on the day of the test will be required to take the test in class on the retest day. This will be their only chance to take the unit tests.


·  Cheating will not be tolerated! Students caught cheating will receive an automatic zero for that activity. Copying homework assignments and lab reports from other students will be considered cheating and will result in point deductions for all students involved.

Extra Help

·  Students are encouraged to seek extra help from Ms. Kelly before or after school as needed. Students are encouraged to seek assistance early and not wait until the day of the test to ask for help.

·  Notes can be found at my UEN site:

·  Websites listed on certain goal sheets can be used as a resource for students who are looking for additional support.

Lab Safety Rules:

Because we will be doing labs that involve chemicals and Bunsen Burners, the following rules must be followed:

·  Safety goggles must be worn at all times during labs and as directed.

·  No food or drinks are allowed in the classroom

·  No unauthorized experiments are allowed.

·  No horseplay is allowed.

·  Keep work areas clean.

·  Roll up loose, long sleeves.

·  Tie back long hair.

·  Notify the teacher of any spills, or broken glass immediately.

·  Never taste chemicals unless instructed to do so.

·  Never return unused chemicals to the stock bottles.

·  Avoid contact of chemicals with the skin. Wash with soap and water if contact occurs, and notify the teacher.

·  Waft; don’t snort when testing for odors.

·  Do not place hot glassware directly on the counter.

·  Remember – hot glass looks like cool glass. Be Careful.

·  Turn off burners when not in use.

·  When heating a substance, never look in the container.

·  Stay in your lab group – do NOT wander around.

Remember we have the following safety items in the room:

·  A fire extinguisher

·  A fire blanket

·  An emergency shower and eyewash

·  Broken glassware container

·  Fume hood

Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns. I can be reached by email or by calling the school at 801-256-5100. Please leave a message if I am unavailable to take your call. Please sign, detach, and return this portion of the disclosure. Keep the remainder of the disclosure for future reference.

I have read and understand Ms. Kelly’s Geology disclosure.

Student Name (print) ______Class Period ______

Student Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

Teacher Signature ______