Ions and Isotopes

Ions - Charged Atoms

¨  The identity of an element is determined by the number of ______in its nucleus.

o  Therefore if we change the number of ______we change the ______

¨  HOWEVER, If we change the number of electrons we do not change the element…
instead, we have simply changed the overall ______of the atom.

¨  Atoms can either ______or ______electrons.

¨  Any time an atom becomes charged, we call it an ______.

o  If an atom gains electrons, it becomes a ______charged ion.

o  If an atom loses electrons, it becomes a ______charged ion.

Test Yourself! Complete the table below:

Element / Number of protons / Number of electrons / Net charge / Ion?
(Y/N) / symbol
Neon / 10 / 10
13 / 10
17 / 18
7 / 9

How Many Electrons Gained or Lost?

¨  Atoms can become stable with a full valence shell of electrons.

¨  Therefore, atoms will gain or lose the fewest number electrons possible to achieve a full valence

o  Metals tend to ______electrons to become ______ions

o  Non-metals tend to ______electrons to become ______ions

¨  Example: Magnesium (Mg) is a metal with _____ valence electron
To get a full outer shell it can either gain ____ electrons or lose ____ electrons.
Therefore, it is more likely to ______electrons and form the ______ion.

Bohr Diagrams for Ions example: Oxygen Ion (O2-)

¨  Bohr diagrams for ions have two modifications:

1.  place square brackets around the whole diagram

2.  write the charge in the top right corner, outside the brackets

Practice: On a separate sheet of paper, try drawing the Bohr diagrams
for K+, Be2+, N2-, and F- Now try the H+ ion… neat eh?

Isotopes – Changing the Atomic Mass

Remember: There are 3 sub-atomic particles; protons, electrons and neutrons.

Change the number of protons and you change the element
Change the number of electrons and you create an ion

Question: What happens when you change the number of neutrons?

¨  Sometimes atoms either gain or lose neutrons.

¨  Since neutrons have ______this does not affect the charge of the atom.

¨  Neutrons have about the same ______as protons, so a change in the number of
neutrons results in a change in the ______.

¨  Any time an atom has a different mass than is listed on the periodic table, we call it an ______. This means it has gained or lost ______.

Example: a) b)
p = p =

e = e =
n = n =
These two atoms of Mg have the same number of ______and ______, but a different number of ______. Which one is the isotope? ______.

Practice – Use your periodic table to help complete the table below

Name of Element / Symbol / Atomic Number / Relative
Atomic Mass / Number of Protons / Number of Neutrons / Number of Electrons / Net Charge / Ion?
(Y/N) / Isotope
oxygen / 15 / 0
21 / 18 / +2
35 / 80 / 36