It shall be an obligation on the part of every junior member to observe the regulations and rules of Reddish Angling Club as laid down in the clubs constitution and rule book





Memberships will run from 1st April to 31st March

Existing junior members must renew their memberships on the 3rd Wednesday in March at the clubs headquarters: Houldsworth working men’s cub on Lemmington Road, at 7.30pm. Juniors must bring their existing membership card when re-joining. Juniors attempting to renew their membership after the March meeting must re-pay the joining fee.

All juniors under the age of 16 must have a parental consent form signed by their parent/guardian.

Cost of subs is £5 plus a £15 joining fee from the age of 12.

The junior section is limited to 30 places. Priority is given to the children of club members.

Junior meetings will be held on a day allocated by the junior secretary that will be held at the club headquarters.

Junior matches will be organised by the junior secretary discussed at the junior meeting.


  1. Juniors Under 12 years of age must fish the same peg as those responsible for you.
  2. Under 12’s must be accompanied at all times.
  3. On reaching the age of 12 years you must apply for a rod licence and a junior membership.
  4. Junior members under the age of 16 may fish the club water adjacent to a member over the age of 18 who is responsible for you or you hold a junior card that allows you to do so.
  5. All Junior’s will conduct themselves in an orderly and considerate manner at all times. No running around the pond, no messing about and no swearing.
  6. Juniors over 12 years must carry their rod licence ID card and membership while on the pond and be accompanied by a club member.
  7. Access to the pond by the main gate only.
  8. Bicycles are not to be ridden around the pond and left by the shed .
  9. No floating baits.
  10. No ground bait, boilies, trout pellets.
  11. No bread of any kind.
  12. All hooks to be barbless and no bigger than a size 10
  13. Line no heavier than 6 lb
  14. All unused bait to be taken home not thrown in the water.
  15. No tins allowed on the bank.
  16. No litter to be left and must be taken away.
  17. No stalking (fishing between pegs or walking around and casting )
  18. All juniors must be in possession of a seat, landing net and disgorger.
  19. Only one rod to be used at any time and must not be left in the water unattended.
  20. Juniors are not allowed on the pond during senior matches unless invited by the junior secretary.
  21. Reddish Angling club accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage or injury to property or individuals whilst on site.

Any junior under the age of 16 caught on the pond without a member or not abiding by the club rules will have their membership card taken off them and asked to leave until the following meeting.

Juniors over the age of 12 who attend junior coaching (ask the junior coach) and show they have the necessary ability, knowledge and skill to fish on their own, will be given a card to fish the pond on their own.