Senior Last Will & Testament

Class of 2015

It's time to complete your Last Will & Testament for publication in The Blue Print. We want to present your LWT exactly the way you’ve written it, but in order for us to do that, there are certain guidelines you need to follow. Your cooperation will make it easier for us to get everything right. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

·  Limit your will to 125 words or less.

·  Use first and last names or first names only. No initials. A first and last name together will count as one word. Nicknames are acceptable as long as they are in good taste.

·  Type or print your will. If you choose to print your information, you must write with dark blue or black ink. If we can’t read it, we can’t print it.

·  Write the name of the person to whom you are leaving something in all capital letters followed by a colon. Example – JOHN SMITH:

·  Each time you change to a new person to leave something to, start on the next line.

·  If multiple items are left to one person, use a semicolon between items.

All entries are subject to editorial approval and the mandated word limit, so don't put in anything we will have to edit out.

The deadline for all Last Will and Testaments to be turned in is 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 17. Completed forms should be turned in to Mrs. Staycie Rice in room A-5 or you may email your LWT to her at Check your email for a confirmation message from her to be sure she received your LWT.

Have a great time reliving your high school memories as you put together your LWT!!

I, ______, being of sound mind and body, leave: (start word count here)






















