Student ID Number: ……………………..


Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

(Note to Examiners: This report is routinely released to candidates)

***An electronic version of this form may be found at: ***

Report on Thesis and Oral Examination of ………………………………………………………


Thesis Title:

Date of examination:

Report on Thesis. Please provide comments under the following headings, additional pages may be added if required.

Subject Matter of Thesis

Style and Standard of Presentation of Text of Thesis

Contribution to Original Knowledge

Potential for Publication

Evidence of Training in and Application of Appropriate Research Methods

Are you satisfied that the thesis is the candidate’s own work or, if it was done in collaboration, that his/her share in the research was adequate? YES/NO

Report on Oral Examination. Please provide comments under the following headings


Acquaintance with the General Field of Knowledge to Which the Subject of the Thesis Relates

RECOMMENDATION (Please tick, as appropriate, and add comments if thought necessary)

(**as listed or indicated on separate sheet attached)

1. Pass (no corrections required)

2. Pass but insist on corrections **

3. Fail (with no recommendations as to a re-submission)

4. Fail but recommend award of Master’s degree with/without corrections **

5. Refer with permission to re-submit:(a) with/without further oral

(b) after further research as indicated **

**as listed or indicated on separate sheet


Date: ………………..Signed ……………………………. (External examiner)

Signed ……………………………. (Internal examiner)


  1. Copies of the Thesis must be returned to the candidate at the conclusion of the examination.
  1. The original plus 2 copies of the completed typewritten report should be forwarded to the Research Student Office at the earliest opportunity and normally within 10 working days of the oral examination.
  1. In the event of a Pass outcome where corrections are required, the Internal Examiner is responsible for confirming in writing to the Research Student Office that the corrections have been satisfactorily accomplished.
  1. In the event of a Refer outcome the same Examiners, wherever possible, shall conduct the re-examination.


Degree of Doctor of Philosophy – Corrections required by the Examiners following the Oral Examination of:




Date: ………………..Signed ……………………………. (External examiner)

Signed ……………………………. (Internal examiner)

Version 01/10/09