Chapter 9 Endocrine


Select the single best answer to the numbered question.
1.A hormone that is involved in the regulation of adrenal steroid production is secreted by
A. cells of the adrenal medulla
B. anterior pituitary corticotropes
C. cells of the pancreatic islets
D. cells of the parathyroid gland
E. thyroid follicular cells
2.Which of the following cells binds follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)?
A. spermatogonia
B. primary spermatocytes
C. secondary spermatocytes
D. spermatids
E. Sertoli cells
3.Hormones are synthesized, stored and released by regulated exocytosis from
A. liver
B. exocrine pancreas
C. gall bladder
D. enteroendocrine cells
4.Vitamin D
A. is produced in the dermis
B. is required for the incorporation of circulating calcium from the blood into the bones
C. deficiency results in premature calcification of growing bones
D. in excess causes the disease rickets
E. is essential for the uptake of calcium in the intestine
5.All of the following features are shared by granulosa luetin cells and adrenal zona fasciculata cells EXCEPT
A. abundant dense core secretory granules
B. extensive smooth endoplasmic reticulum
C. numerous mitochondria
D. accumulations of lipid droplets
6.When the cells of the exocrine pancreas are exposed to hormones from the enteroendocrine cells of the G.I. tract, they release
A. the enzyme enteropeptidase
B. the peptide hormone cholecystokinin (CCK)
C. the glucoregulatory hormones insulin and glucagon
D. both a bicarbonate rich fluid and enzymes that are required for digestion
7.All of the following statements are true for the endocrine cells in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas EXCEPT
A. hormone signals from the G.I. tract stimulate the release of inactive enzymes
B. the blood supply first reaches the insulin-producing cells in the core of the islet
C. the glucagon-producing cells are located in the periphery of the islet
D. paracrine communication serves to coordinate the responses of the endocrine cells
8.The hypothalamic neurons that supply the posterior pituitary
A. synapse directly on their target cells
B. release either growth hormone or prolactin
C. contain neurosecretory granules that accumulate in axon terminals
D. release hormone into the hypophyseal portal blood system
9.Hyperplasia of growth hormone-secreting cells in the anterior pituitary is associated with
A. diabetes type 1
B. endemic goiter
C. acromegaly
D. adrenal hyperfunction
E. altered calcium homeostasis
10.Cells that have extensive smooth ER, mitochondria and lipid droplets are likely
A. to be found in the adrenal medulla
B. to be involved in the synthesis of biogenic amines
C. to be involved in the synthesis of inactive zymogens
D. to be involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones
11.All of the following are characteristics of the hypothalamic neurons that supply the posterior pituitary EXCEPT
A. they synapse directly on target cells
B. they secrete either oxytocin or vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, ADH)
C. neurosecretory granules accumulate in terminal Herring bodies
D. hormone is released into the general circulatory system
E. they are supported by a type of glial cell known as pituicytes
12.The synthesis and release of thyroid hormones by thyroid follicular cells requires all of the following EXCEPT
A. the processing of mature hormone in regulated secretory granules
B. the extracellular storage of an inactive precursor protein
C. the uptake of dietary iodide from the blood
D. the recovery of thyroglobulin from the lumen by endocytosis
E. stimulation by an anterior pituitary hormone
13.The target cells for the endocrine hormones
A. possess receptors that bind specific hormones in the blood
B. respond to changes in hormone concentration in the blood
C. typically initiate a feedback response to the hormone
D. can respond to the temporal pattern (frequency) of hormone in the blood
E. all of the above
14.Receptors that sense serum calcium levels are found in
A. cells of the adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla
B. anterior pituitary somatotropes
C. cells of the pancreatic islets
D. cells of the parathyroid gland
E. thyroid follicular cells
15.Which one of the following processes accounts for the low level of proinsulin normally found in circulating blood?
A. selective binding of proinsulin by A cells within the islet
B. efficient endocytosis of proinsulin in the liver
C. efficient conversion of proinsulin to insulin within maturing secretion granules
D. efficient conversion of proinsulin to insulin before exit from the ER
E. efficient processing of proinsulin by a serum protease immediately after exocytosis
16.The hypophyseal portal veins comprise an essential route for releasing factor-mediated secretion of all the following pituitary hormones EXCEPT
B. vasopressin
C. prolactin
D. growth hormone
E. follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
17.In response to decreases in serum calcium below normal levels, parathyroid chief cells
A. stop synthesizing parathyroid hormone
B. stop processing proparathyroid hormone
C. increase cell surface calcium receptors
D. increase parathyroid hormone secretion
E. stop dividing
18.Which one of the following alternatives represents the correct pathway for synthesis, storage and secretion of biogenic amines like noradrenaline (norepinephrine)?
A. proteolysis from a polypeptide precursor, storage in granules, discharge by exocytosis
B. synthesis in smooth ER and miotochondria, release through the plasma membrane without storage
C. production by lysosomal degradation, diffusion through the plasma membrane without storage
D. synthesis from decarboxylated amino acids, uptake into secretion granules, discharge by exocytosis
E. production in the ER and passage through the intracellular transport pathway without storage
19.which of the following cell types is easily recognized in the microscope by its rich cytoplasmic content of cholesteryl ester droplets?
A. cells of the adrenal zona fasciculata
B. A cells of the endocrine pancreas
C. thyroid folliclar cells
D. neurohypophyseal
E. none of the above
20.Iodination of tyrosine residues during thyroid hormone synthesis occurs
A. during synthesis of tyrosyl-tRNA
B. co-translationally during translocation of thyroglobulin in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum
C. afer discharge of thyroglobulin into the follicular lumen
D. within the lysosome during thyroglobulin degradation
E. at the basolateral plasma membrane during release of T3 or T4
21.Which one of the following describes the relationship of thyroid follicuular and parafollicular cells?
A. parafollicular cells regulate thyroxine production in follicular cells
B. follicular cells regulate calcitonin production by parafollicular cells
C. parafolliclar cells produce the plasma carrier protein for thyroid hormone
D. parafollicular cells regulate iodine uptake by follicular cells
E. although closely juxtaposed, there is little or no direct functional interrelationship between the two cell types
22.Interruption in the function of the hypophyseal portal system would have which one of the following effects?
A. inhibition of ejection of milk from the mammary gland
B. suppression of ovulation
C. stimulation of thyrotropin (TSH) secretion
D. stimulation of epinephrine secretion by the adrenal medulla
E. suppression of bone resorption
23.The droplets that characteristically fill the cytoplasm of cells of the adrenal zona fasciculata contain
A. numerous low density lipoprotein receptors
B. lipofuscin
C. corticosteroid
D. cholesterol ester used for steroid synthesis
E. lysosomal hydrolases
24.Steroid hormone receptors are characterized by which of the following?
A. multiple transmembrane spanning domains
B. association with heterotrimeric G proteins
C. ability to translocate into the nucleus after binding their ligand
D. ability to activate Phospholipase C
E. ability to activate adenylyl clyclase
25.Endocrine signaling and synaptic signaling always share which one of the following characteristics
A. a specific class of cells releases a specific molecule by exocytosis
B. the receptors for the signaling molecule are on the cell surface
C. the signaling molecules are polypeptides
D. the signaling molecules are transported via the blood stream
E. the signaling molecules have transient (temporary) effects on their target cells.
26.Parathyroid chief cells respond to low serum calcium by
A. discharging stored calcium into the blood
B. synthesizing calcitonin
C. synthesizing vitamin D
D. seceting more parathyroid hormone
E. differentiating into oxyphil cells
27.Serotonin, like epinephrine, is a biogenic amine In enteroendorcrine cells that produce serotonin , most of the serotonin is found
A. associated with receptors in the nucleus
B. in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum
C. in secretion granules
D. free in the cytosol
E. bound to transporters in the plasma membrane
28.Adrenal cortical cells typically contain abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum. This reflects their specialization for
A. synthesis and export of phospholipids
B. secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
C. secretion of epinephrine (adrenalin)
D. production of steroid hormones
E. secretion of lipoproteins
29.The hypophyseal portal system functions as part of the communication pathway in which one of the following processes?
A. glucose stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic B cells
B. stimulation of vasopressin secretion from the neurohypophysis
C. stimulation of thyroxine secretion from thyroid follicular cells
D. release of catecholamines from adrenal medullary cells
E. secretion of parathyroid hormone
30.If you immunolabeled the pancreas with an antibody to insulin, which one of the following results would you obtain?
A. staining of the majority of cells in all islets
B. staining of only the most peripheral cells in all islets
C. staining of some islets but not others
D. staining of both islet and acinar cells
E. no staining because islet cells immediately secrete all the insulin they produce
31.In the anterior pituitary, gonadotropes
A. are directly contacted by processes of hypothalamic neurons that control their secretion
B. are the only cells that derive embryologically from the oral ectoderm
C. are distinguished from other pituitary cell types by not using exocytosis for release of hormone
D. can produce follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) or both FSH and LH
E. are one of the classes of acidophils
32.Which of the following cellular events occur(s) in response to insulin secretion?
A. increased degradation of glycogen in hepatocytes
B. increased uptake of glucose from the gut lumen by intestinal enterocytes
C. increased uptake of glucose by adipocytes and muscle fibers
D. increased gluconeogenesis
E. all of the above
33.Epinephrine secretion by adrenal medullary cells involves stimulation of
A. epinephrine synthesis and subsequent diffusion through the plasma membrane caused by corticosterone
B. exocytosis of epinephrine containing granules by corticosterone
C. exocytosis of epinephrine containing granules by acetylcholine
D. exocytosis of epinephrine containing granules by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
E. none of the above
34.Which of the following statements is true for calcitonin-secreting cells?
A. they secrete calcitonin in response to low serum calcium
B. they are located either in the walls of follicles or in the interstitium between follicles
C. they regulate thyroglobulin production in follicular cells
D. they contain abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum
E. cancers involving these cells are unknown
35.Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates which of the following processes in thyroid follicular cells?
A. uptake of iodide from the blood plasma
B. synthesis of thyroglobulin
C. iodination of thyroglobulin
D. endocytosis of thyroglobulin
E. all of the above
36.Patients with Graves' disease are hyperthyroid, mostly resulting from the production of circulating antibodies that structurally resemble TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone or thyrotropin) and can bind and activate the TSH receptor. Which one of the following likely characterizes their plasma levels of thyroxine (T4) and TSH?
A. high T4 and low TSH
B. high T4, and high TSH
C. low T4 and high TSH
D. low T4 and low TSH
37.Peptide hormones
A. are produced exclusively in specialized endocrine glands
B. are mostly secreted as inactive precursors and are activated by target tissues
C. can be stored in the same intracellular organelles as biogenic amines such as epinephrine
D. are cleared slowly from the circulation after secretion and thus remain effective for hours
E. translocate across the plasma membranes of target cells and bind to cytoplasmic receptors
38.Vasopressin but not ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)
A. requires enzymes located in mitochondria for its synthesis
B. is produced by processing of a high molecular weight hormone precursor
C. undergoes axonal transport before secretion
D. binds to a carrier protein in the blood plasma
E. stimulates steroid secretion by target cells
39.When cells of the adrenal zona glomerulosa are exposed to angiotensin II, the major secretory product they release
A. stimulates ACTH secretion from the anterior pituitary
B. stimulates glycogen breakdown in hepatocytes
C. stimulates sodium recovery by distal tubules of renal nephrons
D. inhibits water recovery by collecting tubules of renal nephrons
E. accelerates spermatogenesis
40.Iodinated thyroglobulin levels in the circulation are nearly always negligible because thyroglobulin
A. is efficiently filtered by the kidneys and excreted in urine
B. is rapidly phagocytosed by macrophages
C. undergoes efficient transcytosis in the liver and is excreted in bile
D. never leaves the lumen of the thyroid follicle
E. is mostly degraded in lysosomes of follicular cells
41.Which of the following is released from the axon terminals in the pars nervosa [posterior pituitary]?
A. Vasopressin
B. Corticotropin
C. Growth hormone releasing factor
D. Thyroxine [T4]
E. Estrogen
42.Releases glucagon in response to hypoglycemia
A. Pancreatic A [alpha] cells
B. Pars distalis [anterior pituitary]
C. Adrenal medulla
D. Adrenal cortex
E. Pancreatic B [beta] cells
43.In the islets of Langerhans
A. the alpha cells out-number the peripheral beta cells
B. the delta cells produce glucagon
C. the delta cells are destroyed in type I diabetes
D. the insulin producing beta cells are located in the core
E. there are extensive intercalated ducts
44.Vasopressin and oxytocin are synthesized in the
A. pars distalis
B. hypothalamus
C. pars nervosa
D. pars intermedia
E. infundibulum
45.In this diagram of the Adrenal, Layers A, B and C comprise the adrenal cortex; D is the adrenal medulla. The layer that is recognizable because of the very obvious cytoplasmic lipid droplets is:
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. All of the above
46.In this diagram of the Adrenal, Layers A, B and C comprise the adrenal cortex; D is the adrenal medulla. Biogenic amines are released by exocytosis from which layer(s)?
A. A only
B. B only
C. B and C only
D. C only
E. D only
47.Maintenance of the normally acidic pH of the vaginal lumen is important because the low pH inhibits the growth of undesirable microorganisms such as yeasts. This normally acidic pH is the result of
A. acid secretion by vaginal glands
B. recovery of bicarbonate by blood vessels in the lamina propria
C. the acidic nature of the carbohydrates in cervical mucus
D. exchange of H+ for K+ by the epithelial cells
E. bacterial metabolism of glycogen
48.All of the following statements about the syncytial trophoblast layer of placental villi are true EXCEPT
A. divides and differentiates into cytotrophoblast cells
B. secretes progesterone
C. is the source of urinary chorionic gonadotrphin (hCG)
D. mediates the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
E. is in direct contact with maternal blood

49.The mucosa of the uterine cervix is noted for its
A. unchanging histological and functional characteristics through the uterine cycle
B. ciliated and absorptive epithelial cells
C. mucus secretion
D. integrins that bind ligands on the trophoblast
E. responsiveness to luteinizing hormone (LGH)
50.All of the following statements about granulosa cells during the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle are true EXCEPT
A. secrete estrogen in response to stimulation by FSH
B. surround a primary oocyte
C. increase in number with time
D. give rise to cells of the theca interna
E. comprise the cumulus oophorus and corona radiata
51.Loss of a large portion of the uterine endometrium is initiated at the beginning of the menstrual phase of the uterine cycle by changes in
A. straight arterioles of the endometrium
B. coiled arterioles of the endometrium
C. helical endometrial gland cells
D. decidual cells of the stroma
E. contractility of myometrial cells

52.A non-lactating mammary gland cannot produce milk because the gland contains few or no
A. lobules
B. lactiferous sinuses
C. intralobular ducts
D. alveoli
E. fat cells
53.The cuboidal epithelial cell of alveoli in the mammary gland
A. synthesize and secrete steroid hormones
B. release proteins by exocytosis and lipid by an apocrine secretion mechanism
C. contract in response to oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland
D. synthesize immunoglobulin A (IgA)
54.Which of the following statements is true concerning the ovarian follicles of a normal 25-year woman at day 8 of a 28-day menstrual cycle
A. the majority are destined to degenerate
B. nearly all contain primary oocytes
C. they are a mixture of primordial, primary and secondary follicles
D. some secrete estrogen in response to FSH from the pituitary gland
E. all of the above
55.In the human placenta, maternal blood is in direct contact with
A. fetal capillary endothelium
B. fetal mesenchyme
C. basement membrane of fetal capillaries
D. syncytial trophoblast
E. none of the above - maternal blood does not directly contact fetal tissue
56.Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
A. is a steroid hormone
B. stimulates the ovarian corpus luteum
C. is synthesized and secreted by decidual cells
D. increases in concentration in the blood in the luteal phase of the normal menstrual cycle
E. is a component of fibrinoid

57.Structure in mammals that is responsible for the block to polyspermy and for preventing the cross fertilization between species
A. plasma membrane of oocyte
B. zona pellucida
C. granulosa cells
D. theca interna
E. theca externa
58.Synthesis of androgens occurs in the
A. oocyte
B. zona pellucida
C. granulosa cells
D. theca interna
E. theca externa
59.An ovary of a normal six-year-old person contains
A. hundreds of thousands of primary oocytes
B. follicles in varying stages of development (e.g., primordial, primary, secondary follicles)
C. primary occytes, secondary oocytes, and mature ova
D. corpora albicantia
E. no follicles
60.The theca interna of ovarian follicles
A. develops from connective tissue cells
B. participates in synthesis of the zona pellucida
C. produces fluid found in the follicular antrum
D. is discharged from the ovary at ovulation
E. converts androgens to estrogen
61.Fatty components are added to milk by
A. exocytosis of secretory granules
B. sloughing of fat-containing cells
C. apocrine secretion
D. transcytosis of lipoprotein complexes
E. the synthetic activity of enzymes in milk

62.The major source of ovarian progesterone in the second half of a normal menstrual cycle is a cell type that contains abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. In the first half of the cycle these cells had a different appearance and would have been recognized as
A. oocytes
B. theca interna
C. theca externa
D. granulosa cells
E. medullary fibroblasts
63.All of the following are characteristics of the uterine endometrium during the second half of the normal menstrual cycle EXCEPT
A. surface epithelium contains ciliated cells and secretory cells
B. the tissue is under the influence of progesterone
C. basalis and functionalis layers are present
D. glands are straight and contain many mitotic figures
E. lumina of glands contain secretions
64.Which of the following structures does NOT separate maternal blood from fetal blood in the human placenta?
A. endothelium of maternal vessels
B. syncytiotrophoblast
C. bsement membrane
D. endothelium of capillaries of chorionic villi
E. extracellular matrix of fetal mesenchyme
65.The process of ovarian follicular atresia
A. occurs in approximately one follicle each month
B. ceases at puberty
C. is initiated in a Graafian follicle after it undergoes ovulation
D. occurs in the majority of follicles
E. signifies the presence of an endocrinological abnormality
66.The main histological change that mammary glands undergo during pregnancy is an increase in the
A. number of fat cells
B. number of lobes
C. amount of intralobular connective tissue
D. number of alveoli
E. stratification of the epithelial cells of intralobular ducts and alveoli