Making The Modern World Trimester 3
Review Sheet for the Final Exam
Part One: Identify
Directions: Write a brief paragraph for each of the following people terms or people. Be include the following:
· Identify the dates, location, and events associated with the term or person.
· Explain the historical significance of the term, or person.
Do not Google the terms. Use the info in the text and your notes.
Blitzkrieg, appeasement, collective security, nationalization, self-determination, gulag, general strike, corporate state, armistice, mandate, collectivization, war of attrition, conscription, viceroy, protectorate, realpolitik, mestizos, coup d’etat, laissez faire, proletariat, domestic system, industrial capitalism, Kulak, satyagraha, socialism
Winston Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek, Hirohito, Jawaharal Nehru, Kemal Ataturk, Theodore Herzel, Jomo Kenyatta, Leon Trotsky, David Lloyd George, Alexander Kerensky, Alfred von Shlieffen, Gavrilo Princip, Otto von Bismark, Emiliano Zapata, SunYat Sen, Cecil Rhodes, the Afrikaners, Camillo di Cavour, Simon Bolivar, Fabians, Adam Smith
Part Two: Short Essays
Directions: Write well developed paragraph for each of the following questions. Be sure to include specific facts and examples to support your responses.
1. How did the Industrial Revolution affect Great Britain’s social structure?
2. Why did business leaders during the 1800’s promote laissez faire economics?
3. What factors led to the rise and spread of socialism in the 1800’s?
4. How did the problems that Italy faced after unification differ from the problems faced by Germany?
5. How did science and industry aid the growth of the “new imperialism”?
6. How did imperialism affect people in Africa, Asia, and Latin America?
7. How were technological advances in weaponry most responsible for the military stalemate during much of WWI?
8. How did the Bolsheviks come to power in Russia?
9. Identify three artists who produced changes in literature, art, music, or architecture in the 1920’s. Describe the contribution each made.
10. Describe the influence of Gandhi on India’s struggle for independence?
11. What were Hitler’s objectives in Europe? What were Japan’s objectives in Asia?
Part Three: Essay
Directions: Write a well-developed essay (3-5 paragraphs) that answers the question below. In your essay, be sure to:
· Develop all aspects of the question
· Support your answers with relevant facts, examples, and details
· Include an introduction and a conclusion
What factors made WWII the most destructive war in the history of the world? Be sure to discuss the impact of technology, the racist policies of Nazi Germany and Japan, and the targeting of civilians by both sides.