8th Grade Earth Science
Lesson Plans for October 31-November 4
Monday—Vocab chapter 5 due today
Objectives for Chapter Project
1. Apply the concepts learned in the chapter to a model of Earth’s interior.
2. Interpret data to make a model.
3. Design and make a model of Earth’s interior and features of the surface.
4. Communicate the features of the model in a presentation to the class.
Objectives for Section 1 Chapter 5
1. Explain how geologists learn about the Earth’s interior.
2. Identify characteristics of Earth’s crust, mantle and core.
Pg 124 Section 1 “Earth’s Interior”
I. Exploring Inside Earth
a. Evidence rock samples
b. Seismic waves
II. Journey to the Center of the Earth
a. Temperature
b. Pressure
III. Crust
IV. Mantle
a. Lithosphere
b. Asthenosphere
V. Core
a. Inner and outer core
Instructional method:
· Students will make a Know, learn, want to learn worksheet. They will fill in the column of Know. 10 minutes
· Group discussion on characteristics of Earth and students will draw and label in notes the characteristics of deep earth and surface earth. 25-30 minutes
Assignment—“Skills Activity” pg 129-due on “Tuesday
1. Explain how heat is transferred
2. Identify what causes convection currents inside the Earth.
3. Describe convection currents in the mantle.
Pg 132 Section 2 “Convection in the Mantle”
I. Types of Heat Transfer
a. Radiation
b. Conduction
c. Convection
Instructional method:
· Students will work with a study buddy and design an experiment to show the 3 types of heat transfer. 25-30 minutes
1. Student will recognize that constructive and destructive Earth processes can affect the evidence of Earth’s history.
2. Student will explain how earthquakes, volcanoes, sea-floor spreading and mountain building are evidence of the movement of crustal plates.
Instructional method:
· Discuss as a group constructive and destructive processes that change Earth’s features. 10 minutes
· Watch a video on plate tectonics and write 10 facts about plate tectonics. 25 minutes.
1. Explain Alfred Wagener’s hypothesis about the continents.
2. List evidence used by Wagener to support his hypothesis.
3. Explain why other scientists of Wegner’s time rejected his hypothesis.
Instructional method:
· Students will work independently on a puzzle of the continents and they will do a worksheet on Continental Drift. 40 minutes
Science Standards for Plate Tectonics
· Recognize that the Earth is composed of layers, and describe these properties of layers, including the lithosphere, mantle and core.
· Compare the distribution of ocean trenches, mid-ocean ridges and mountain ranges to volcanic and seismic activity.
· Recognize that major geological events, such as EQ, Volcanic eruptions and mountain building, results from slow movement of tectonic plates.
· Constructive and Destructive Forces
i. Explain how landforms result from the processes of crustal deformation, volcanic eruptions, weathering, erosion and deposition of sediment.