Leadership Team Meeting
October 12th, 8:30-10AM
Riley County Health Department, 2nd Floor Board Room
2030 Tecumseh Road
Manhattan, KS
1. Welcome and introductions
- Attendance: Jared Tremblay, Jennifer Green, Stephanie Smith, Rial Carver, Julie Hettinger, Vickie James, Julia Lambert, Debbie Nuss, Shelley Schiller
2. CHIP Wrap up
- Wrap up
- Early November- We will take a baseline of where we are at that time.
- These are working drafts and can be changed! Looking to add a few more pieces to working draft.
- Quarterly reporting in an excel doc. Annual review and report.
- If you have edits to your implementation plans, send to Julie by November 10th
- Policies needed to achieve goals/objectives?
- What are the top 1-3 policies needed to further the work in the plans?
- Policies at local, state, or federal level.
- Could also be organizational policies
- How will we measure?
- Connie is going to take a stab at it and may be asking group for feedback. After she makes these additions we will send the plans back out to the team. Goal date is Oct. 27th.
- Community Feedback- what are ideas to get more feedback?
- Expand fair survey?
- Create an infographic for people to give feedback on (Jared has an intern who may be able to do this, over the next month)
- Hospital health assessment survey- which is based off of 2015 needs assessment. Did we get any input on that? No, but it is not finalized yet. We could ask to see it and add some of our survey questions to it.
- Update: Jennifer contacted Via Christi and the survey is identical to the 2014 community assessment survey but they removed the sections on transportation, housing, economic development, education and infrastructure.
3. Workgroup Updates/Needs- goal is to start building capacity in each of these groups
- Mental Health
- Took CHIP to this taskforce meeting two months ago, and the two things they focused most on so far are RCPD co-responders and mental health crisis stabilization center which they are trying to find location and funding for.
- They want to keep the group as it is, but if we need to add sub groups for specific work plans that is an option
- Looking for a co-chair (Robbin Cole is current chair)
- If anyone as co-chair recommendations, let us know
- Aaron Esterbrook may be interested, Debbie will introduce via email
- Nutrition
- Stakeholder meeting two weeks ago, about 60 people in attendance. Spent the afternoon educating on our food system, opening the door for conversation and support for a city/county appointed Food and Farm Council
- Launched Food and Farm survey- please spread the word and encourage others to take the survey to help us identify needs regarding food in our community!
- Link: flinthillswellness.org (on home page, lower right hand)
- Let us know if you have ideas for targeted implementation
- Printed surveys for health department waiting room and senior center, 40 copies to Common Table community meals
- Send out half sheets survey request and paper copy of survey
- Open meeting for potential new members
- October 30th at the library: 12 p.m.- 1p.m. OR 7 p.m.- 8 p.m.
- After jointly appointed city/county approval of Food and Farm Council, we will be taking applications for appointments
- Strategic planning after 1st of the year
- Transportation
- Co-chair and/or intern?
- Incorporate transportation meeting into the “Final Friday Rides”, trying to build advocacy in the community.
- Meeting this month Friday, October 27th at 7 p.m.
- Roadblock with liability and road project over by Manhattan Catholic School. Need insurance via 501c3 status organization
- Access and Coordination
- Check in with Vern and online directory -Julie
- At last meeting, consensus to pilot a Community Care Team approach to try and address individuals with high need accessing multiple services. Pawnee, Health Department, Konza Community Health Center, Via Christi (kind of), and school district is interested in this team.
- Master’s student will do administrative work on this
- Health Equity
- Brandon at Kansas Leadership Center currently
- Taskforce meeting on Monday
- Brandon is working to build health equity group of health champions, based on priority need they pick, different groups/organizations will be brought in.
- Tobacco and/or Childcare?
- Looking into possibilities but really need passionate chair and co-chair to take the lead.
- Interest to form a childcare taskforce to address issues with finding affordable childcare. Number of infant spots is also an issue.
- Send names to Julie if you know people that would be good for either group
4. Visioning for group
- Short term/intermediate goals
- Overall goal of coalition- provide support for work groups by connecting them with resources and building capacity. Provide an infrastructure for sharing information and coordinating efforts.
- Edit organization chart- take fiscal agent off, communication specialists move into overall coalition. 2 larger meetings per year to celebrate. Provide something in return? Training, ect?
- Build Capacity- find chairs/co-chairs. Recruit new members for each individual workgroup. Have periodic new membership meetings on a quarterly basis?
- Strengthen leadership team- redo bylaws? Chair, Chair-Elect, and Secretary for overall coalition
- Work group interns and overall coalition intern- currently writing descriptions for these and asking a year commitment.
- Partner agreements? Website updates.
- Long term goals
- Build capacity
- 501c3 status
- Would require a board- could be beneficial for holding the coalition accountable, setting priorities, and advocating/applying for funding.
- Allows us to take donations, apply as a non-profit for grants
5. Upcoming Meetings
- October 16th 11-12 at City- Health Equity
b. October 25- 10am Access and Coordination Workgroup – Health Department
c. October 30th- noon-1pm and 7pm-8pm Nutrition Workgroup Meetings - Library
d. November 9th- 8:30-10am FHWC general meeting. Review best practices for community engagement and leadership transformation grant. – Health Department
Who / Task / Action Needed / By WhenGroup / CHIP Wrap up- Connie will update the drafts with measures and send to the group by Oct. 27th. We also need 1-3 policy changes that need to happen to be successful (see notes above). / Oct. 27th-Connie Nov. 10th Group
Group / Complete the quarterly tracking in excel for a baseline / End of November
Debbie / Introduce Aaron Esterbrook to Julie via email.
Group / Spread the word about the Food Survey that can be taken on flinthillswellness.org / Next 6 weeks
Julie / Check in with Vern on Online Directory
Group / Send names of those interested in tobacco and childcare taskforce
Julie / Edit org chart/ bylaws?
Brandon/Julie / Work on descriptions for interns for over coalition and work groups