Midterm Review_Spring 2012
Basic Concepts,Data management, and Symbology
- What is a projection? / What can be distorted by a projection?
- When do you use the define projection tool? / When do you use the project tool?
- How do you know the projection of a layer? andthe projection of the dataframe?
- What is the best file type for displaying the location of lakes in king county?
- What is the best file type for displaying temperature in king county?
- How do you calculate the total area of a raster?
- How do you calculate the total area of a vector?
- What is the cell size of the DEM?
- Create a map of only doug fir stands.
- How to emlinate some features from a layer itself?
- Show in graduated symbols the area/perimeter ratio of all soil types in pack forest.
Table Manipulation and Vector Analysis
- When you need to update the geometry (area, length, x-coordinate, etc.)? Which tool you need to use? How to use it?
- How to summarize a table?
- Color the culverts in a yellow to red color scheme based on their distance to the closest stream.
- How many stand features are there beyond 200 feet of roads, and the species is “DOUGLAS-FIR”?
- What are the total stand area (in acre) are there beyond 200 feet of roads, and the species is “DOUGLAS-FIR”?
- What is the area of all stand types within 800 feet of streams?
- Create a table of “the sum of area” of each stand type within 800 feet of streams.
- Create a map of area within 500 feet of a culvert and in douglas fir stands and show the result.What is the length of roads within the area above (within 500 feet of streams and in douglas fir stands)?
- Create a table with the total length of streams for each DNR type.
Raster Analysis
- What is the mean elevation beyond 1500 feet from streams?
- What is the area of regions within the pack forest boundary that are less than 1000 feet in elevation?
- Create a layer that is only the distance from streams that is between 100 and 1000 feet and within the pack forest boundary. Display only the area that fit in this condition (Hint: Set Null)
- Show elevation values that are only within 100 and 1000 feet of streams with Pack Forest Boundary.
- Reclassify DEM by Elevation <1000 (1), Elevation between 1000-1500 (2), Elevation>1500 (3).
- Use the Q21 buffered stream & Q25 reclassify layer, find the area of : Elevation >1500 and within 500feet from the stream.