December 8, 2006

Dear Community Member,

I am writing on behalf of the ______Board of Education to ask for your input regarding the ______School District. The Board is developing a plan for the district’s future and would like to use your thoughts and ideas regarding five aspects of the district (finance, facilities, curriculum, personnel, and students).

Please take a moment to read the enclosed survey and then write responses to some or all of the prompts. The survey is completely anonymous and no attempt will be made to identify the respondents.

You can return the completed survey to one of the schools or to the unit office. For “24-7” convenience, a box is located outside by the front doors of the unit office (100 N. Main). It is the district’s desire to have all of the surveys returned by December 30, 2006.

We are most grateful for the time spent completing the survey. Please know the Board values your insights and will give full consideration to your responses.




______School District

100 N. Main Street

______, IL Zip Code

Current Resident

______, IL Zip Code

______CUSD #2 Strategic Plan Survey


Please take a few moments to respond to one or more of the questions written below. Feel free to write on the back of the paper or attach other papers to the survey. The following list of words may help prompt your thinking. You can write about some of them or choose other topics not mentioned.

Elementary Junior High High School Vocational

Ag Testing Core Subjects Fine Arts

Scheduling Tracking Technology Textbooks

Teaching Materials Standards NCLB Goals

Parent Communication Athletics Community Service

Please check the one that best describes you:

_____ Parent of current student

_____ Community member


What are some strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and/or threats related to curriculum that you see in the district?

______CUSD #2 Strategic Plan Survey

Facilities and Finance

The following list of words may help prompt your thinking regarding facilities. You can write about some of them or choose other topics not mentioned.

Inside of buildings Outside of buildings Attractiveness

Athletic facilities Cleanliness Renovations

Spaciousness Safety Accessibility for disabled

The following list of words may help prompt your thinking regarding finance.

Salaries Grants Revenue

Taxes Expenses Budget


What are some strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and/or threats related to facilities and finance that you see in the district?

______CUSD #2 Strategic Plan Survey

Personnel and Students

The following list of words may help prompt your thinking about personnel. You can write about some of them or choose other topics not mentioned.

Faculty Administration Educational Support Personnel (e.g., aides)

Benefits Salaries Recognition

Work Schedule Staff Professional Development

The following list of words may help prompt your thinking about the students.

Truancy Recognition Graduation

Bullying Grades Extra-Curricular

Emotional needs Physical Needs


What are some strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and/or threats related to personnel and students that you see in the district?