School Development Plan 2013-2014

School: Dr. Oakley School
Theory of Action:
If teachers develop their capacity to facilitate personalized learning through the implementation of Formative Assessment and student voice in programming for students,then student engagement, self-awareness, andself-advocacy will improve.
Goals / Strategies & Actions / Achievement & Instructional Measures / Performance Measure and Target
Students will developtheir understanding of themselves as a learner and Conditions for Success (what they need to be successful in school). / Achievement Action:
Students will use Iris to support and demonstrate their learning.
Explicit work with student goal setting (starting small) and using strategies – Modellingsetting achievable and attainable short term goals
Explicit work around self-advocacy tools, eg. learning styles, accommodations, communication with teachers, homework advocacy, etc. / Achievement measure:
PLC will examine Formative Assessment incorporating:
  • Tell Them From Me Survey
  • Pre and post tests to determine student growth.
  • Rubrics
  • Use of Adjustment Cycle to assess goals
  • Iris Student Learning Profile – samples of current learning, self-assessments, and reflection
  • Teacher Observations/Anecdotal Records
  • IPPs, Report Cards
  • Dr. Oakley Survey – January and June
  • Transition Meeting Documentation
  • Parent Feedback
/ Students (80% of them) will exhibit strong self-awareness and self-advocacy skills.
Teachers involved in the project develop their capacity to facilitate personalized learning through the use of Formative Assessment. / Instructional Strategy:
In PLCsteacherswill implement Iris as a tool to record and share information about student learning.
In PLCs teachers will use the “Guiding Principles of Assessment” (Responsive Instruction, Active Student Involvement, Meaningful Communication) as a framework to improve their practice and determine next best steps for personalized instruction. / Instructional Measure:
Qualitative data collected through teacher focus group analyzed with content analysis.
At least one attempted Iris upload per month. / 100% of teachers involved in the project will be able to articulate barriers, advantages, and disadvantages of the use of these strategies.

Updated on October 3, 2018