Double Master’s degree from the University of Warsaw and the University of Constance!

The University of Warsawoffers in cooperation with the University of Constance (Germany)a double Master’s degree programin the highly recognizedfield of political sciences. The program, which lasts four semesters, is provided by two Central European research and higher learningcentersof recognized standing both at home and abroad. The objective of this course is for students to acquire the skills to analyze the mutual relationships between various power bodies in all the dimensions of a political systemin its broadest sense, with particular emphasis on issues related to political decision-making and conflict resolution mechanisms.

The program of study

  • consists of one academic year in Warsaw (studies within the Master’s Degree Studies in Political Science in English) and one inConstance;
  • is of an interdisciplinarycharacter, allowing students in the course of the political science program to simultaneously take on subjects in related areas;
  • combinesthe cognitive and practical aspect, thus improving the skill of research methods application;
  • by combining educational and research programs, providesexcellent groundwork for those who wish topursue doctoralstudies;
  • takes place in exceptional surroundings of both universities: the University of Constancesituated between LakeConstance and the Alps, in one of the most beautiful regions of Germany, and the University of Warsaw, located in the centre of the bustling with life capital of Poland.

The objectives of study

  • to gain expert knowledge while simultaneously acquiring the skill of independent scientific work and practical application of learned research methods;
  • next to gaining expertise and the methodological base necessary for working in public institutions, NGOs and private enterprises, to acquire the skills to make independent, in-depth analysis of political and socialbehavior;
  • Both during the course of study, and after their completion, students have access to a vast database providing offers of interesting hands-on experience opportunities.

Prof. Anna Sroka – Coordinator